At the beginning of March, I received a note through Ancestry from a DNA connection. I was in Puerto Rico at the time for meetings and not able to respond immediately, but I could tell he was a close connection as he was listed as a potential 2nd-3rd cousin. A few weeks later he sent me a reminder and I took a closer look. This connection only had four names on his tree, but one appeared to be of Spanish or Latino origin, so I assumed the connection might be on my Granny's side of the tree. He only knew his mother's name, but no knowledge of her family. After a bit of back and forth messages and some digging in Ancestry's records, I stumbled onto the connection. His grandmother and
my Granny were sisters.
I have covered the Campuzano family of my great-grandfather
Plutarco quite extensively on the blog. It was nice to connect with this cousin and provide him with an introduction to a side of the family that he never knew existed. The history on this side of the family is deep and rich, so it is great to be able to share that information.
In my AncestryDNA results, I have many matches for the region Northwest Mexico & the California Coast and Sonora and Southern Arizona. Quite a few have not connected a tree to their results, or even have a tree linked with many names, so it is difficult to see how I'm connected to this group of people. It was very nice for my cousin to reach out over Ancestry and ask how we were so closely connected. I wish others would do that. Maybe they have old photos or information that would help clear up gaps and holes on my side of the tree.