Monday, December 31, 2012

Mappy Monday - Wabash County, Illinois

The map below is of Wabash County, Illinois and its surrounding counties Edwards and Lawrence. This is taken from the Combined History of Edwards, Lawrence and Wabash Counties (1883).
Source: OpenLibrary
Wabash County features prominently in the family of Permelia Smith Lamon, my 3rd-great-grandmother. Her husband was David Detrick Lamon, who I wrote about in September. Permelia's parents were Asa Putnam Smith and Lucinda McIntosh. Both have fascinating backgrounds.

Lucinda's father, my 5th-great-grandfather, was John Og McIntosh (1753-1829). He was a Scottish soldier in Cornwallis' army during the Revolutionary War, who decided to stay in America and moved from Virginia to Kentucky before settling in Wabash County, Illinois. I'll have more on him in future posts, but this is my first confirmation of a Scottish connection on my side of the family.

Lucinda McIntosh Smith submitted a widow's pension for Asa's service in the War of 1812. I'll have more on that in a separate post, but if her information is accurate, Asa Putnam Smith was born in Nova Scotia, Canada in 1783. Lucinda McIntosh and Asa Putnam Smith were married in Mount Carmel, Wabash County, Illinois.

Saturday, December 29, 2012

Moonlight on the Potomac

The postcard below is from the New York Public Library's Digital Gallery, titled Moonlight on the Potomac, Maryland.
Source: New York Public Library Digital Gallery
The original is in the Stephen A. Schwarzman Building/Photography Collection, Miriam and Ira D. Wallach Division of Art, Prints and Photographs.

Hermosillo, Sonora, 1919

The photo below is from the Library of Congress collection, showing Hermosillo, capital of the state of Sonora, Mexico. Hermosillo was the home of my 2nd-great-grandmother, Teresa Diaz.
Source: Library of Congress,

Friday, December 28, 2012

Top Posts of 2012

In looking back at the blog over the course of the year, I'm very pleased with the new discoveries made on various lines. There's still much to be done to improve the storytelling aspect of the blog, but as an idea trigger and outlet, this really has been great. I've also made some nice connections over the year, and for that I am thankful too.

Some of my posts generated more views than others, and it's interesting for me to see the top posts for 2012. Thanks for reading.

1. Elizabeth Key Grinstead - This post was far and away the most read of the year, and continues to receive many views. Elizabeth's story is a great one.

2. Tech Tuesday - Information Standards in the Family History Space

3. Generations Project Ends Series 

4. AncestryDNA Results

5. Thomas Jones 1778-1857

6. Liga Protectora Latina

7. Friday Photo - Blanche's Geography Book

8. Tech Tuesday - Flipboard

9. Sympathy Saturday - A Mother's Pension Denied

10. The Parents of William Allman

Friday Photo - Santa Monica 1908

It's been a while since I've posted a Friday Photo. This is from the Library of Congress collection (source:, showing Santa Monica, California in 1908.
Source: Library of Congress,
I have posted a few of my own photos from Santa Monica on the blog, available on the links below:
- Surfer at Rest
- Footsteps
- Ocean Park, Santa Monica
- Four Years Ago This Week (Sept 2008)
- Santa Monica (series from 15 Mar 2010)
- Father's Day Photo
- California Connections
- Santa Monica Pier

Thursday, December 27, 2012

Those Places Thursday - A Corner of Hamblen County

In my continuing search on the Jones line, an area of focus is on the border of Hamblen and Jefferson Counties in Tennessee, around White Pine (Jefferson County) and Witts Foundry (Hamblen). Hamblen County was created in 1870 from Greene, Grainger and Jefferson Counties. Back in November, I emailed the Hamblen County, Tennessee Archives, and they recently sent back two deeds. My query was focused on two deeds involving my third-great-grandfather, Joseph Thomas Jones. The result included many more names that may of interest to researchers tracking families from this part of Tennessee.  - Rand McNally New Shippers' Railroad Map 1891
A year after appearing in the 1870 US Census (taken 1 August 1870) in Witts Foundry, Jefferson County, Tennessee, Joseph Jones and wife Mary Catherine sold land in Hamblen County, Tennessee in 1871. It took a while, but after comparing the 1870 Census with the names on the deed below it become apparent that Joseph and Mary Catherine had not moved to Hamblen County. The part of Witts Foundry in the 1870 census became part of Hamblen County later that year. So, their location in 1870 was on the same land as sold in 1871. It is also interesting to see Joseph & Mary Catherine's neighbors were Mary Catherine's uncle Benjamin F. Hickey and his wife (Joseph's cousin) Louisa P. Thornhill Hickey.

Deed Vol. 1, Page 150 - Joseph Jones to Joel Duncan, 15 August 1871

For and in consideration of the sum of seven hundred dollars to us in hand paid the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged we have this day and date below bargained and sold and do hereby bargain sell and convey unto Joel Dunkin a certain tract or parcel of land situated in the County of Hamblen State of Tennessee Civil District No 3 and adjoines lands with George McFarland, Benjamin Hickey and others.

Beginning at a stake on the line of John McFarland Jr. thence N 22 E 86 poles to a stake in Wm S. Hanson's line. Thence with the same West 34 poles to a black oak. Thence with Hanson's line N 88 poles to a white oak. Barton's corner. Thence with his line W 80 poles to his corner. Thence South with Barton's line 72 poles to his corner. Thence with Barton's line W 38 to his corner. Thence with Hickey's line S 76 W 8 poles to a hickory, Hickey corner. Thence with his line South 16 1/2 E 74 poles to a dogwood and Post Oak Hickey's corner Thence with his line South 57 W 40 poles to a stake McFarland's corner. Thence with his line E 130 poles to the beginning containing one hundred acres be the same more or less, and we warrant the title to said land against all persons whomsoever. Given under our hands this the 15th day of August 1871.

Joseph [X] Jones
Mary C. Jones

Attest A. G. Taylor
S. B. Smith

State of Tennessee}
Hamblen County} Personally appeared before me W. S. Reece Deputy Clerk of the County Court of said County, Joseph Jones, bargainor to the foregoing deed with whom I am personally acquainted and who acknowledged that he executed the same for the purposes therein expressed witness my hand at office this 15th day of August 1871.
W. S. Reece, DC
Received for registration at one o'clock P.M. Aug 15, 1871

And Mary C. Jones wife of Joseph Jones having also appeared before me privately and apart from her said husband and acknowledged that she executed the foregoing deed on her part freely voluntarily and understandingly without compulsion or constraint from her said husband and for the purposes therein expressed. Witness my hand at office this 15th day of August 1871.
W. S. Reece, DC of Hamblen County Court
The photo below is of a home near Morristown, Hamblen County. This is not of the Jones land, as far as I know, but is probably typical of a farm in the county at this time.
Library of Congress - Hamblen County, Tennessee
Deed Volume 2, pg 316-318
State of Tennessee}
Hamblen County}
Eliza Line wife of Madison Line, having personally appeared before me and having by virtue of the authority in me vested, been examined privately and apart from her said husband, and she having acknowledged the due execution of the deed by her freely, voluntarily and understandingly, without compulsion and constraint by her said husband and for the purposes therein contained, the same is therefore certified.
Witness my hand and seal, this 5 March 1878
W. A. Howell

State of Tennessee}
Hamblen County}
Personally appeared before me D.W.C. Davis, Clerk of the County Court, the within named Bargainer Madison Line & David Line with whom I am personally acquainted, and acknowledged that they executed the annexed instrument for the purpose therein contained. Witness my hand of office in Morristown this 5th day of March 1878

D.W.C. Davis, Clerk
Received for registration at 5 PM March 11, 1878
Samuel B. Noe
Deed Madison Line to Joseph Jones
Know all men by these presents that we have this day bargained and sold and do hereby transfer and convey to Joseph Jones his heirs and representatives for sum of one thousand dollars to us in hand paid a certain tract and parcel of land [?] and being in the county of Hamblen and State of Tennessee District No. 1 and bounded as follows.

Beginning on a rock W. A. Howell and Madison Line corner in J. W. Turners line thence west with W. A. Howells line to a post oak Howell and W. C. Looney corner. Thence westernally with Looneys line and Looney corner then with a conditional line between said Line and Looney to a rock Line and Looney corner. Thence Eastwardly with the Shelton line to a rock Line and Shelton corner. Thence southwardly with the Shelton line to a rock M. Line and Joseph Line corner. Thence Eastwardly with a conditional line between Madison Line and Joseph Line to a rock in a sink hole. Southwardly with a conditional line between said Madison Line and Joseph Line to a rock mean the corner of the lot know as the Watson lot. Thence a straight line eastwardly to James Hays and Line rock and painters corner. Thence eastwardly with Hays line to a rock John Kimbrough and Hampton Younger corner. Thence northwardly a straight line to a sink in the ground with painters J. M. Turners and John Kimbrough corner. Thence northwardly with Turners line to the beginning. To have and to hold the said tract a parcel of land to the said Joseph Jones his heirs and assigns forever.

We do covenant with the said Joseph Jones that we are lawfully seized of said land have a good right to convey it and that the same is unencumbered that we will warrant and forever defend the title to the said land against the claims of all forever whatsoever.

This the twelfth day of February one thousand eight hundred and seventy eight.

In witness whereof we have hereunto office on day and date before written.

Madison Line [Seal]
Eliza Line [Seal]
David C. Line [Seal]
Emma Line [Seal]
Joseph E. Line [Seal]
Martha A. Line [Seal]
Alfred M. Line [Seal]
Elizabeth Line [Seal]

W. A. Howell
E. C. Riggs

State of Tennessee}
Hamblen County}
Personally appeared before D.W.C. Davis Clerk of the County Court of said County, the within named Madison Line Joseph Line and Joseph Line the bargainor with whom I am personally acquainted, and who acknowledged that they executed the annexed instrument for the purposes therein contained.
Witness my hand at office this 5th day of March 1878
D.W.C. Davis, Clerk

The State of Tennessee}
Grayson County} Before me E. E. Miller J.P. and Grayson County Ex oficio notary public and for said county personally come Alfred M. Line and his wife acknowledged the signed and delivered the foregoing deed for the consideration and purposes therein stated.

Given my hand and notary seal on this the 21 day of February 1878
E. C. Miller J.P. and ex oficio notary public

State of Tennessee}
Hamblen County} W. A. Howell esq.
You are hereby authorized and empowered to take the examination of Mrs. Madison Line & Jos. E. Line privately and apart from her husband relative to the free execution of the annexed deed, and the same as taken to certify under your hand and seal. Given under my hand at office March 5, 1878.
D.W.C. Davis, Clerk

State of Tennessee}
Hamblen County} Eliza Line & Martha A. Line, wives of Madison Line & Jos. E. Line having personally appeared before me and having by virtue of the authority in me vested been examined privately and apart from her said husband, and she having acknowledged the due execution of the annexed deed by her freely, voluntarily and understandingly, without compulsion or constraint by her said husband, and for the purposes therein contained, the same is therefore certified.
Witness my hand and seal, this March 5, 1878.
W. A. Howell [Seal], J.P.
Received for registration at 5 PM, March 11, 1878.
Samuel B. Noe, Register
The next deed in the series at the bottom of page 318 was between Madison Line and John Kimbrough. This deed shows that Eliza Line was the wife of Madison Line, Martha A. Line was the wife of Joseph E. Line, Elizabeth Line was the wife of Alfred Line.

Of the many things interesting about this deed, is knowing the history between Madison & Eliza Line and Joseph Jones. As earlier referenced from Joseph's Civil War pension file, Madison Line was a witness to Joseph's shooting in 1864, and Eliza Line was a witness in the case file. It's worth seeing why all of the Lines needed to sign the deed with Joseph Jones (and afterward with John Kimbrough). Perhaps this land had been passed down to the Line family, and they all needed to relinquish their claims to the land.

One last connection, Samuel Noe, the register of the deed in 1878, was an ancestor of Joseph Jones' last wife, Pearl Cox.

Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Confirmation of a Burned County's Records

The following letter was found in the War of 1812 pension file of David Henry, signed on 8 April 1878. The letter confirmed that the marriage records for Sevier County, Tennessee were destroyed by fire on 24 March 1856. This might be useful information for others researching Sevier County.
Source: National Archives, War of 1812 pension file

Friday, December 21, 2012

Thursday, December 20, 2012

Not the End of the World

Tomorrow is 21 December 2012 but not the Mayan Apocalypse. I take this as an opportunity to share some from my own Mayan experience, from 2004 and 2009. In 2004, my wife and I rented a car in Merida, Yucatan and drove across the peninsula to Tulum, and up & down the coast. It was a great place, one of our best vacations. As it turns cold and blustery here in DC, I think a cup of Mayan hot chocolate will be calling our names tomorrow.
Patrick L Jones - Coba, Mexico, 2004
Patrick L Jones - Chichen Itza, Mexico, 2004
Patrick L Jones - Mexico City, 2009
Last week my sister and I saw Matisyahu at the 9:30 Club. The clip below isn't from that concert, but a few days earlier, a performance of Light. It's about making the most of our time while we have it. "Time will continue without you, so in the end, it's not about you, but, what would you do?...One tiny moment in time for life to shine, to burn away the darkness, you've got one tiny moment in time...I will be light..." So let's take tomorrow as a time to reflect, perhaps reset our thinking, but it's not the end of the world. We've got a short period of time here to make our mark. Let's make the best of it.

My Genealogical Christmas List

When I started this blog back in January, I had no idea the discoveries in my tree that this would help uncover. It's been a great year, and I look forward to the discoveries awaiting in 2013. I'll have a "year in review" post coming next week, but thought it might also be timely with the holidays to list my "genealogical Christmas" wish list.

1. Uncovering the parents of Mary Alice Cain. As I look through my tree, this is one of the biggest brick walls. My 2nd-great-grandmother, born in Barren County, Kentucky on 3 February 1878. She had 10 children, probably has many more grandchildren and great-great-grandchildren. I'm hoping there's someone who may stumble onto posts like my Valentines Day wedding one about Mary Alice Cain and Charlie Read with the missing link that takes back her side of the tree in new directions.

2. I hope to find out what happened to my 2nd-great-grandfather Manuel Portillo from Mexican records. My 2nd-great-grandmother Teresa Diaz was a widow when she and my great-grandmother Manuela Portillo arrived in the US in November 1922. I know the family was in Hermosillo and am concentrating my research in the records there. It would be great to have the same breakthrough on the Portillo side as I've had on the Vasquez line.

3. Verification on the Jones family line for arrival in Tennessee prior to 1796. I'm still hoping for an end-of-year breakthrough, but it's looking like I need some more puzzle pieces (probably from North Carolina Land Grants in Tennessee or War of 1812 records).

4. Read more about Rice Carter Ballard, brother of my 4th-great-grandmother Emily A. Heslopp Ballard Read. He was a slave trader who was in Alexandria, Virginia in the 1820s-1830s. It would be great to uncover a letter from Ballard to his sister or parents in the extensive papers on file at the Southern Historical Collection at the University of North Carolina.

5. Uncover more information on my Virginia lines. Many branches of the family connect back to Virginia. There's more to be done on the Read, Ballard, Freeman, Heslopp, Carter, Wheatley, Grinstead, Thornhill, Lee lines. Perhaps in 2013 I can get to the Library of Virginia in Richmond.

It's just a start. There are other brick walls to overcome and more deep reading that I hope to do (like Jefferson County, Tennessee during the Civil War), but most of all I'm looking forward to the surprises that result. I hope your genealogical Holidays are healthy, happy and rewarding.

Wednesday, December 19, 2012

A Mother's Pension Application

I've covered the story of Captain John Thornhill in several posts this year (Military Monday, From the Desk of the President, 1866). Last week at the National Archives I had the chance to see the mother's pension application of Mary Gass Thornhill, submitted based on the service of her son, John Thornhill, in the Civil War. Mary was the sister-in-law of Elizabeth Thornhill Jones, my 4th-great-grandmother.

Elizabeth's pension struggles were sad to read, but the file of Mary Gass Thornhill is equally frustrating and unfortunate. Her son John was murdered at the hand of fellow Union soldiers on 24 June 1865. Subsequent investigations and indictments lead the case to the US Supreme Court in 1870, ultimately to be sent back to the courts in Tennessee. There's no dispute that Captain Thornhill served in the 9th Tennessee Cavalry in the Union Army in 1863, but it appears that his superiors struck his name from the rolls (or at least, from the rolls that the Pension Office was reading) after a dispute over command.

Mary's application was submitted in January 1869, and witnessed by John and E.E. Gass. Her proof of dependence form was submitted in February 1869, witnessed by my third-great-grandfather, Joseph Jones. This was after the case had been in the press, and letters had been sent to superiors in the Army demanding punishment and court martial for the men involved.

Mary's claim was resubmitted in 1890, and included an affidavit from Margaret Bowers, who states she was present when John Thornhill was killed.
The Pension Office rejected the claim "on the grounds that the record of the War Department fail to show that your son rendered any service to the United States either as an enlisted man or as a commissioned officer."
That's appalling, and Thomas W. Thornhill thought so too, since he wrote back on the bottom of the letter in 1893 (see above). There are over 20 pages of documents related to Captain Thornhill in the Letters Received by the Office of the Adjutant General files on Fold3, along with his service record from 1863 (see below):
I don't understand how the Pension Office could find no record of Captain Thornhill in the 25+ years that they had the file.

It's interesting to see the file included a certification from the clerk of the Jefferson County Court that Joseph Thornhill and Mary Gass were married on 31 August 1830 in Jefferson County. I've previously noted that Thomas Jones appeared as a surety in the bond case of Mary Gass and Joseph Thornhill (see Mary gave birth to son Thomas W. Thornhill in March 1829, before she and Joseph Thornhill had married in 1830.
Thomas W. Thornhill later married Leah Warren Hart, sister of Joseph Thomas Jones' third wife, Martha Cordelia Hart. Thomas also pursued his mother's pension claim on her behalf in July 1891.
The claim was stamped "rejected" and "abandoned". As far as I can tell, Mary Gass Thornhill never received a pension or compensation in the case of her son. She passed away in Hamblen County, Tennessee on 17 June 1892.

Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Travel Tuesday - Doors of Tunis

Earlier in the month I attended meetings in Tunis, Tunisia. I had very little time to see anything, but we did have dinner in the Medina of Tunis, a UNESCO World Heritage site.
Patrick L Jones - Dec 2012, Tunis
Patrick L Jones - Dec 2012, Tunis
Behind the second door was a restaurant. Entering the door led by a guide with a candle-lit lantern, the restaurant was very old, with intricate tiles and carvings.
Patrick L Jones - Dec 2012, Tunis
Patrick L Jones - Dec 2012, Tunis
 I'll have to go back.

Sunday, December 16, 2012

Advent Calendar - First Snowman

The picture below shows our daughter's first snowman. It's pretty small. We moved to LA when she was 4 months old, and she didn't get "the joy" of experiencing snow & cold winter until visiting family in Indiana in 2009.
21 Dec 2009 - Indianapolis, Indiana

Friday, December 14, 2012

Baptism Record of Teresa Diaz

In May I wrote about the arrival of my great-grandmother Manuela Portillo and her mother, my 2nd-great-grandmother, Teresa Diaz, in the United States in November 1922. I've now located the baptism record for Teresa Diaz in the Mexico, Catholic Church records for Hermosillo, Sonora.
Source: FamilySearch, Mexico, Catholic Church Records - Hermosillo
This looks like she was baptized on 10 October 1867. It shows her father as Jesus Dias, but curiously her mother is listed as Trinidad Sigueiros. Previously I had her mother listed as Dolores Quijada. There's more research to do on this line. I am looking for the marriage record for Teresa Diaz and Manuel Portillo, as this may shed more light on the family.

Update 10 November 2014
Thanks to the research of a distant cousin who is also following the Campuzano line, I now know the record posted above was for a different Teresa Dias, not my 2nd-great-grandmother. My Teresa's baptism record is below, confirming her mother as Dolores Quijada. Teresa's birthdate was 4 February 1867, and she was baptized on 6 February 1867.
Source: FamilySearch, Sonora Catholic Church Records, Image 273.
It is still possible that these two Teresas were cousins. Other baptism records for Hermosillo show siblings of Teresa. Her father's name was Jose Jesus Diaz.

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Greene County Deed, 1797

Yesterday's mail brought an interesting deed record from the T. Elmer Cox Historical and Genealogical Library in Greeneville, Greene County, Tennessee. Below is a transcription:

This indenture made this eleventh day of November the year of our lord one thousand seven hundred and ninety seven [11 Nov 1797] between Martha Bullard, administrator of Joseph Bullard deceased of the county of Jefferson and State of Tennessee of the one part and Daniel Carter of the county of Greene and State aforesaid of the other part. Witnesseth that the above named Daniel Carter did purchase a bond of performance against Joseph Bullard deceased for the right of a tract of land containing one hundred and forty three acres which Samuel Jones had upon Joseph Bullard deceased and which Daniel Carter bought from the heirs of Samuel Jones deceased, Joseph Jones and Thomas Jones inconsequence of said bond and purchase.

Martha Bullard administrator of Joseph Bullard deceased for and inconsideration of the sum of fifty pounds to her in hand paid the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged and hereby fully satisfied hath and by these presents doth grant bargain alien and confirm unto the above named Daniel Carter his heirs and assigns forever a certain tract piece or parcel of land containing on hundred and forty three acres situate lying and being in the county of Greene on the north side of Lick Creek beginning on a stake at a marked gum thence east fifty two poles to a poplar thence north eighty degrees east sixty right poles along Joseph Bullard to a black walnut thence north twenty degrees east fifty eight poles along Daniel Carter's line to a plumb tree thence north six degrees east sixty six poles along said Carter's line to a sugar tree thence north forty three degrees east twenty poles along said Carter's line to a sugar tree thence north sixty four poles to a stake thence east one hundred and twenty poles to a stake thence south two hundred and ten poles to the beginning containing by estimation one hundred and forty three acres as above mentioned with all and singular the woods, waters, mines, minerals, hereditaments and appertenances thereunto belonging or in anywise appertaining also the reversions and reversions remainder and remainderments issues and profits thereof and all the estate right title and interest property claim and demand of her the said Martha Bullard administrator as aforesaid for herself and her heirs and from any other person or manner of persons laying any manner of right title or claim to the same will warrant and forever defend unto the above named Daniel Carter and his heirs forever. In testimony whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal the day and year above written.

Test signed sealed and delivered }

Martha Bullard {seal}

In presence of John Nashong, Joseph Carter (Witnesses)

Greene County Court November Sessions 1797
Then was the execution of the within deed being duly proven in open court let it be registered in the registers office. Attest Daniel Kennedy.
This deed was recorded the 22nd day of March 1798 by me Jas. Stinson.
According to the excellent book on Joseph Bullard located at (pdf copy of book), Joseph Bullard was born about 1732 and died in August 1788. The land referenced above was probably part of a 150 acre tract sold by Joseph Bullard to Samuel Jones in January 1784.

Now I need to see if I can find out more about Samuel Jones, who was in Greene County, Tennessee in 1784. I may have found my link to First Families of Tennessee on the Jones line.

Wordless Wednesday - Study the Past

By Patrick L Jones - National Archives, Washington DC

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Manuel and Mary Lamon

A benefit of working in an office within walking distance of the National Archives is that on occasion, a lunch break can result in opportunities for family history research. Yesterday I wrote about the War of 1812 pension index card for Manuel Lamon. Later in the day I was able to see the pension file. I hope this information is useful for others descended from Manuel Lamon and Mary Magdalene French Lamon.

Early Years, Marriage, Children
Manuel Lamon was the son of David Lamon and Catherine Strickler. He was born on 17 March 1789 in Washington County, Tennessee. Mary was born on 5 April 1789. At the age of 21, on 6 December 1810, Manuel married Mary Magdalene French in a private ceremony held in either Washington or Greene County, Tennessee (the pension file notes both locations as the place of marriage, Mary's statement says Greene County).

Other researchers have listed Mary's middle name as "Madoline", but it is listed as Magdelane and Magdalene throughout the file. She used the spelling Magdalene in the 3 April 1871 widow's application, so that's what I'll use here.

Manuel and Mary Magdalene had eleven children. Their names and birth dates are recorded in the pension file in Manuel's own handwriting, signed in 1844. I'm descended from David Detrick Lamon.

1. William Lewis Lamon, born 3 November 1811
2. Mary Magdelane Lamon, born 15 May 1813
3. Ann Elizabeth Lamon, born 18 December 1814
4. Catherine Lamon, born 4 October 1816, died 15 September 1818
5. David Detrick Lamon (spelled Dederick by Manuel), born 12 May 1818
6. Mary Ann Lamon, born 16 March 1820, died 4 October 1821
7. John Myers Lamon, born 30 January 1822
8. James Riley Lamon, born 24 March 1824, died 4 September 1856
9. Amy Sevier Lamon, born 4 March 1826, died 18 October 1903
10. Martin Marimon Lamon, born 12 January 1828, died 31 July 1866
11. Elbert Sevier Lamon, born 10 June 1831
It appears that Mary gave birth to Ann Elizabeth Lamon while Manuel was in the Militia, and they had 8 children after he returned from service.

War of 1812 Service
Manuel Lamon served in Captain Jonathan Waddle's Company of the Tennessee Militia, commanded by Samuel Bayless. Manuel states in 1850 that he was drafted at Jonesborough, Tennessee on 15 October 1814. Mary's 1871 pension application states that he joined in Greeneville, Tennessee. Manuel mustered into service on either 5 or 13 November 1814 from Knoxville (there are conflicting dates in the file). He was honorably discharged on 23 May 1815 at Jonesborough, Washington County, Tennessee. The file states that he was listed as "Emanuel Lamon", but he signed his name as Manuel Lamon. This also shows he served with his brother Joseph Lamon.
Source: War of 1812 Pension File, National Archives
Manuel received 80 acres of bounty land for his service from his initial application, and an additional 80 acres of bounty land in 1855.
Mary submitted a widow's pension application on 3 April 1871 from Leavenworth, Crawford County, Indiana. The application was witnessed by her son, John Myers Lamon, and John N. Baker. Mary was granted a pension of $8 per month on 17 November 1873, with the delay caused by some confusion over the spelling of Manuel's name according to the military, and a missing marriage confirmation. 

Final Resting Place
Manuel Lamon is buried in Ray's Chapel Cemetery - Langs Cemetery, White Cloud, Harrison County, Indiana.
According to the biography of son Elbert Sevier Lamon in the Biographical and Historical Memoirs of Adams, Clay, Hall and Hamilton Counties, Nebraska (1890), Manuel Lamon "was a man well known and highly esteemed for his many worthy qualities, and was for twelve consecutive years magistrate in this district [Harrison County, Indiana]."
Mary Magdalene French Lamon never remarried, and lived to the age of 91. She passed away on 7 March 1881 and is buried in Rays Chapel Cemetery - Langs Cemetery in White Cloud, Harrison County, Indiana.

Monday, December 10, 2012

Military Monday - War of 1812 Widow's Pension

In looking back over my information on the Lamon line, I found a card in the War of 1812 Pension Application Files Index for my fourth-great-grandfather, Manuel Lamon. A copy of the card is below.
Source: War of 1812 Pension Application Files Index
Manuel Lamon was the father of David Detrick Lamon, who I covered back in September. There are some intriguing bits on this card, and I will have to visit the National Archives on a break to learn more. First, the card lists his widow's name as Mary Magdalene Lamon. All other trees and information I've seen have listed her name as Mary Madoline [French] Lamon.

Second, the card lists Manuel's service as a private in Captain Jonathan Waddle's Company, Tennessee Militia. A quick search shows that this is the 4th Regiment of the East Tennessee Militia, containing men mostly from "Washington, Jefferson, Carter, Claiborne, Cocke, Grainger, Greene and Sullivan Counties." So it's highly possible that Manuel Lamon served with Thomas Jones of Jefferson County, potentially crossing paths with a side of my family that would not become linked until my grandparents were married in 1941.

The War of 1812 pension files are in the process of being digitized through, they're currently up to 6% complete with more files scanned every day. I could wait for the record to be digitized, but since the office is so close to the Archives, I can also go over lunch and hopefully see what is in that file.

One more thing - through Manuel Lamon's father David Lamon, I have confirmed the Lamon family arrival at least as early as August 1786 in Washington County, Tennessee. This makes them my second branch to qualify for First Families of Tennessee status.

Sunday, December 9, 2012

Advent Calendar - Seasons Greetings 1930

The photo above is of a holiday card by my great-grandfather Harry O'Brien, showing his music shop in Indianapolis.

Monday, December 3, 2012

Advent Calendar - Alma Oyler Jones

This is a photo of my great-grandmother, Alma Oyler Jones. I don't have the year on this photo. She was the daughter of Charles John Oyler and Agnes Lydia Allman, and married my great-grandfather Edgar Lawrence Jones in 1916.

Mappy Monday - Halifax, North Carolina

In yesterday's post on my early Tennessee ancestor, James Tucker, his Revolutionary War pension file mentioned his birth place as Halifax County, North Carolina in 1759. Halifax is a town located on the Roanoke River, not far from the northern border of the state with Virginia.

Below is a portion of the map from Thomas Jeffries' 1776 map of North and South Carolina, showing the area of Edgecombe and Halifax Counties.
Source: David Rumsey Map Collection

Sunday, December 2, 2012

One Path to Membership

As I continue to look through early East Tennessee records to clear up the puzzle of the arrival date for my Jones ancestors, one path to membership in the First Families of Tennessee heritage program is clear through the line of my 5th-great-grandmother, Nancy Tucker Jones. She married Thomas Jones on 30 June 1798 in Jefferson County, Tennessee, and it is through her father, my 6th-great-grandfather, James Tucker, that the early arrival requirement is satisfied. I am still working on the Jones side, but it is nice to know the second option is there for me and my fellow Jones researchers and distant cousins.

In Land Deeds of Jefferson County, Tennessee 1792-1814, there is an entry made 12 March 1796 (filed 13 July 1796) from Zachary Isbel of Sevier County to James Tucker of Jefferson County for 190 acres.

James Tucker founded Tuckertown in Jefferson County, and it eventually became the town of New Market.
Map Source: Jefferson County, Tennessee Families and History 1792-1996
According to his 1833 request for a Revolutionary War Pension, James Tucker was born on 18 May 1759 in Halifax County, North Carolina. In 1779, James became a substitute soldier for his father, Robert Tucker, in Randolph County, North Carolina. He said that he removed from Randolph County to Jefferson County, Tennessee, lived there one year, returned to Randolph County, lived there seven years, then returned again to Jefferson County and remained there about 29 years. He later moved from Jefferson County to Monroe County, Tennessee, where James lived his final years. I will post extracts from his pension request later in the month.

James Tucker died in November 1850 in Monroe County, Tennessee.

Church Record Sunday - Baptism of Vicente Campuzano

Below is an image from the Mexico, Catholic Church collection on FamilySearch, showing the baptism of my 2nd-great-grandfather, Vicente Campuzano, as performed by Bertolome Suastegui in Altar, Sonora on 26 June 1862. Father Suastegui would later witness Vicente's marriage to Maria Jesus Vasquez on 5 February 1890.
Source: FamilySearch, Mexico, Catholic Church Records
Vicente also later served as witness in the marriage of Guillermo Dias and Conrada Olacha in February 1889, signing the papers next to the signature of Father Suastegui.
Source: FamilySearch, Image 15 of 576
The Mexico, Catholic Church record collection is an outstanding archive (one that would be made immensely easier to use with a good index). This set covers parish records from 1550 to 1908 and nearly 16.6 million images. If you had family who came from Mexico, I highly recommend searching this set.

Saturday, December 1, 2012

Looking at Early Jefferson County Deeds

Building from yesterday's Progress Check on my First Families of Tennessee project, I've focused some attention on the deeds of early Jefferson County, Tennessee in the hopes of finding the connection between my Thomas Jones and a pre-December 1796 arrival in Tennessee. In February I included a reference to a Thomas Jones in Land Deeds of Jefferson County, Tennessee 1792-1814. Below is a copy of the actual deed from the Jefferson County Archives, made on 2 December 1800.
Source: Jefferson County Archives, Deed Bk F, Pp123-124
Thomas Jones entered into another deed with John Johnson on 27 September 1818 for fifty acres. On this deed, it notes that John Johnson had moved to Green County, Kentucky. The deed covered the gap of Bays Mountain and included water courses profits. Witnesses on the deed were J. and Thomas Coffee (or Caffee).

Margaret Barnes made a deed with Thomas Jones on 26 January 1807 (registered 6 October 1819) for 135 acres in Jefferson County.
Source: Jefferson County Archives, Deed Bk P, P 223-224
This deed was proven in Court in 1818. Note above that Isham Good and John Wright, original witnesses to the deed, were no longer living in Jefferson County at the time. There is a James Barnes who married Elizabeth Julias in Jefferson County, and one tree on Ancestry indicates his date of birth around 1761. I don't know who this Margaret Barnes was, or her connection to Thomas Jones.

Another deed between Hugh Henry and Thomas Jones was made 17 October 1833, for one hundred acres on Dumplin Creek in Jefferson County. This deed was registered 5 February 1834, and it covered land that was devised to Hugh Henry in the will of William Henry dated 15 September 1825. It is worth noting there is a marriage record for Hugh Henry to Elizabeth Jones in Jefferson County dated 20 September 1831, and Hugh Henry was listed next to Thomas Jones in the 1840 US Census in Jefferson County. It is very possible this Elizabeth Jones was the daughter of Thomas Jones.
There's a few more interesting early deeds to cover, and that will be in another post.