Wednesday, February 19, 2025

Speeding up

If January felt like three months, February feels like it is sailing by. The counter on the Rootstech website says that it begins in 14 days. With limited time on the ground, I need to prioritize which sessions I'll try to see in person and which can be viewed online later.

For research progress this month, I've been able to find a common ancestor with Allison in our 8th-great-grandfather Philip Truax. There's more to do in revisiting the Havens family in Monmouth County, New Jersey. I also found some surprise journeys by extended members of the Halter family to Algeria and Brazil.

On Ancestry, I'm now at 76,936 matches, while my Dad's results now show 50,015, and my Mom's are at 61,302. Since December, my Dad's matches have grown by almost 1,000. Most of these are really small and likely very distant, but I'm hoping for just a few that might help on my O'Brien and Bridget research questions.

Another new feature this month deserves a separate post. MyHeritage has added "Ancient Origins" to go along with its Ethnicity Estimate. I'll have more on that soon.

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