Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Plutarco Vasquez Campuzano

My great-grandfather Plutarco Vasquez Campuzano (also called "Pete"), was born on 18 April 1900 in Altar, Sonora, Mexico. Plutarco was the son of Vicente Plutarco Campuzano and Maria Jesus Vasquez. He was a painter - initially of houses, later art work and figurines.

Plutarco married my great-grandmother Manuela Portillo on 1 December 1923 in Tucson, Arizona (see their wedding photo).

I previously posted about Plutarco and Manuela's 1929 visit to Nogales, their Barrio Viejo neighborhood in Tucson, and the family in the 1930 and 1940 US Census.

Plutarco first came to the US in 1910 with his father Vicente Campuzano. He obtained permanent resident status on 10 January 1929. We're very fortunate to have these records, as they help fill in the gap between his arrival in Arizona and the years between the 1930 & 1940 US Census.

A copy of Plutarco's resident alien border crossing identification card from 14 October 1945 is below:
From the US-Mexico Border Crossing records, it appears that Plutarco regularly traveled back and forth between Tucson and family in Nogales, Altar and Pitiquito, Sonora. There are crossings referenced on 9 August 1934, 2 October 1937, 2 January 1938, 20 February 1939, 21 January 1940, 3 February 1940, 21 February 1942, 29 August 1942, 28 February 1943, 14 October 1943, 4 April 1944.
His replacement resident alien border crossing card was issued on 19 March 1946:
Another card was issued to him on 4 July 1946 at Nogales, Arizona, following his crossing on 10 June 1946 to Mexico. Another crossing occurred on 30 October 1946 to Mexico, returning on 3 November 1946 at Nogales, Arizona.

Plutarco and Manuela regularly appear in the Tucson City Directory. A page from 1936 shows them at 1321 E. 11th Avenue in Tucson.

This picture is of me and my sister with Plutarco from about 1983 (such a bad picture of me, but the only one I have of me & my sis with him).
About 1983 in Tucson - Photo source Patty Marple
Plutarco Vasquez Campuzano died on 7 September 1996 in Tucson, Arizona, at the age of 96 years old.

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Sunday, May 27, 2012

Brick Wall on the Oyler-Hise line

It is not surprising in genealogy research to run into brick walls. My third-great-grandmother Mary Ann Hise (also spelled Haise or Hais) is one example. Mary Ann was born on 24 November 1827 in Germany. So far, we have not been able to identify when Mary Ann arrived in the US.
Photo by Patrick L Jones - Georgetown, 2004
Mary Ann married Samuel Oyler in Dearborn County, Indiana on Christmas 1850. A copy of their marriage record is below:
Mary Ann and Samuel had the following children:
1. Sophia Oyler, born 8 February 1853, died 13 November 1915 in Jackson County, Illinois
2. Elenora (Ellen) Oyler, born 24 August 1854, died 20 December 1923 in Portsmouth, Scioto County, Ohio
3. Charles John Oyler, born 9 December 1856, died 1 January 1921 in Thorntown, Boone County, Indiana (my 2nd-great-grandfather)
4. Benjamin Franklin Oyler, born 29 April 1859, died 4 December 1930 in Butler County, Ohio
5. Frances Fannie Oyler, born 7 July 1861, died 12 May 1941 in Covington, Kenton County, Kentucky [Note - her death certificate states that she was born in Washington County, Indiana, and that her mother's name was Mary Hais, and her father's name was John Oyler].
6. Samuel Oyler Jr, died in York, Lewis & Clark County, Montana

I've already noted in an earlier post on her son Charles John Oyler, that Mary Ann was living in the household of her father-in-law George Oyler in the 1870 US Census. This is after young Charles had been sent to Tippecanoe County, Indiana to live with his aunt and uncle following the death of his father Samuel Oyler.

Mary Ann Hise Oyler died on 15 April 1872, while she was in Chillicothe, Ross County, Ohio for her daughter Elenora (Ellen) Oyler's wedding to Johan Schiffer. A copy of her obituary is below:
 [Note - thanks go to cousin and fellow Oyler/Hise researcher Susan Heuchert for this information].

Happy Birthdays

Today marks a special day in the family as it is the 83rd birthday for my wife's grandmother, Marilyn Halter Freyling, and the 3rd birthday for my own little guy, Silas Patrick Jones. Happy Birthday to both.

Saturday, May 26, 2012

500 Carnival Ball, 29 May 1962

This is a photo of my Gumpy, Keith D Jones, with my Nana, Betty Jeanne [Reynolds] Jones, taken at the Indy 500 Carnival Ball 50 years ago this weekend on 29 May 1962.
Gumpy's holding strong, and will be 92 later this year. Nana passed in 2008. Lots more posts on these two in the coming months.

Friday, May 25, 2012

Awaiting Results from AncestryDNA

In December 2008, I took the Y-DNA and mtDNA tests through I'm now awaiting the results of the latest AncestryDNA test.

The 2008 Y-DNA test traced my Jones line, and the results placed me squarely in the haplogroup R1b. This was not a surprise. I've traced the Jones line to late 1700s North Carolina, and I am very interested to know how far those Jones roots go in America.

I also know from my mtDNA test that my maternal roots showed haplogroup A, which reflects indigenous North American ancestry. At this point I've been able to follow the women on my Mom's side, from Reid (Read), to Campuzano, Portillo, Diaz, and Quijada surnames in Sonora, Mexico. Far enough back, either through Spanish (or Basque) colonists in Northern Mexico, there was mixing with the local native population and this is reflected in my DNA. I am fascinated to know if the new test will help provide more clues on when my Spanish (or other European) ancestors came to Mexico, and connect me with others who share similar family lines.

I have been very lucky to be able to trace many of the lines on both my parent's sides of the family quite far, but I do have some brick walls. My 2nd-great-grandmother Mary Alice Cain Read on my Mom's Read side is probably my #1 brick wall, followed by 3rd-great-grandmother Mary Ann Hise/Haase Oyler on my Dad's side. I am hopeful that this DNA test will shed some light on these lines.

The season finale of Henry Louis Gates Jr's Finding Your Roots featured three guests with Hispanic ancestry. This interested me given the long Mexican heritage on my Granny's Campuzano, Portillo and Diaz lines. Gates ended the series with this quote, "In the end, we are all the product of this history, and we should do all we can to seek it out, and pass it down." I am certainly doing that now.

Friday Photo - Brussels

Brussels, Belgium - 22 June 2010
26 June 2010

Thursday, May 24, 2012

Generations Project Ends Series

First Who Do You Think You Are was cancelled by NBC, now BYUtv's The Generations Project is ending its run at 38 episodes. On Tuesday the program announced on their Facebook page that the series had completed its final season earlier this year, thanking fans for their support. The program was unique in featuring non-celebrities as they explored their family history to help learn or overcome a current issue.

Season three adopted a shorter format from the first two seasons featuring interviews mixed with video of the guests' "search for their Why". The episodes will remain on BYUtv's website and iPad app (at least for some time). It's another loss for family history tv this season. The concept was good, and hopefully this type of programming won't be completely lost among the hundreds of channels out there.

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Not So Wordless Wednesday - Kentucky Family

The photo above is from a larger album my parents received after my great-grandmother, Elizabeth Lois Whitley, died in 1988. The photo is not labeled on the back. Given the location in the album with other photos, I speculate whether this is a picture of her mother, my 2nd-great-grandmother, Elizabeth Hayden Matthews (1869-1915).

Elizabeth Matthews was born in Glasgow, Barren County, Kentucky. She and Thomas Whitley had 12 children. I'll have much more on this family in future posts.

Visit to Culpeper

On my way back from Culpeper yesterday I stopped by the small Read grave site, located in Jeffersonton, Virginia. I also stopped by the Culpeper History Museum on the drive out of town, which let me take a photo of the map below showing the area of Jeffersonton. In the middle of the map, where Jeffersonton Road (State Route 621) and Springs Road (State Route 802) come together, shows "J. Read". The Read graves are on the map in the green box just below the mark for Jeffersonton High School, and the graves are still there, on a hill located next to a house on Ridgeview Court, off Springs Road.
Photo from a larger map at the Culpeper History Museum
The original Read house dating from the 1750s is located about a mile or so south of Jeffersonton, on a private road off Highway 229/Rixeyville Road. I called in advance, and the owners were not up for a visit on short notice. I am hoping a letter via postal mail with an explanation and the history of the property will resolve any concerns. From Google maps and other photos Read descendants have posted on Ancestry, it looks like a beautiful property.

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Travel Tuesday - Taxi Driver

My great-grandfather Plutarco Campuzano had a brother, Vicente Campuzano (named after his father, my 2nd-great-grandfather Vicente Plutarco Campuzano). Vicente Jr crossed the border between Arizona and Sonora on 27 September 1950. The border crossing entry shows that he was a taxi driver at the time.
This record is very helpful for a number of reasons. Besides the inclusion of a photo for Vicente Jr and his signature, it lists his mother was Jesus Vasquez. On other records she is listed as Maria Jesus Vasquez. There are more crossing records for Vicente Jr, which is helpful in piecing together the dates for when Vicente Sr was in Arizona.

Monday, May 21, 2012

A Look Back on the O'Brien Family

In previous posts on the O'Brien line from my Dad's side of the family I have covered:
- My 3rd-great-grandfather John O'Brien
- My 2nd-great-grandfather John J. O'Brien
- My great-grandfather Harry O'Brien
- John J. O'Brien's wife, my 2nd-great-grandmother, Matilda Jane Lambert
- Harry O'Brien's wife, my great-grandmother, Blanche Lamon

I have upcoming posts on the children of Harry and Blanche O'Brien, my grandmother Blanche Allene O'Brien, and her brothers Harry Jr. and Lowell O'Brien. Below are some pictures provided to me by cousin Mike O'Brien:
Harry Jr & Blanche O'Brien
The photo above of my grandmother and her brother was labeled "DC on a Shriners Night." Harry Sr. often traveled the country playing clarinet in bands. The photo is undated, probably early 1920s.
Harry Sr & Jr
Harry Sr & Jr making clarinets & mouthpieces

Sunday, May 20, 2012

Internet History in Culpeper

On my Mom's side, our Read and Whitley/Wheatley ancestors date back to the early 1700s in Culpeper County (and earlier when the land was part of Orange and Spotsylvania Counties), Virginia. The Reads lived in the Culpeper area for over 200 years. On my Jones side of the family, our Thornhill ancestors also lived in the Culpeper area from the mid 1700s before departing for Jefferson County, Tennessee. My Read line left nearby Fauquier County in 1847 for Barren County, Kentucky. The Whitley line departed earlier from Virginia for the same area in Kentucky, neighboring Warren County.

200 years later, I travel to Culpeper on a periodic basis for work, so this provides a rare confluence for my Internet life with my family history.

In June 2010, the first key ceremony for Domain Name System Security Extensions (DNSSEC) for the root zone was conducted outside Culpeper, Virginia. I now have my signature on the first KSK for the root zone that was generated from that ceremony, along side many Internet pioneers (my scribble appears just above the Washington DC address in the bottom middle of the page). I consider it an honor and I've been very fortunate to be able to work with these experts & play a small role in helping the Internet's system of unique identifiers become more secure for everyone.

We'll do the ceremony once again on Tuesday, with live streaming. See For a short 6 minute video on the KSK Ceremony from 16 June 2010, see above.

Saturday, May 19, 2012

Read House

John Read's House, photo source Tony Sloan on Ancestry
The photo above is an undated shot of the house of John Read Sr, my 6th great-grandfather. The house is north of Culpeper, Virginia. I'm looking forward to stopping by after working in Culpeper this Tuesday.

See the link for a previous post on the Home Place of John Read Sr.

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

A Note on my Granny

In writing about the Campuzano family this month I had failed to notice how quickly time passes. Two years ago my Granny, Lydia Campuzano Reid, passed away. She lived a long, adventure-filled life. She was the second child of Plutarco Campuzano and Manuela Portillo, born on 28 April 1926, part of the first generation from the Campuzano family born in the United States.
Lydia, about 1942 (16)
In 2008, my Granny told me the story of how she spent a month visiting her aunt Isabel Portillo Cruz in Los Angeles in 1941 or 1942. She said she saw a young Frank Sinatra play at the Palladium (the Hollywood Palladium on Sunset Boulevard). I did some research, and in 1941 Sinatra was still with the Tommy Dorsey Orchestra but he went solo in 1942. Either way, it's a great story. In March I posted a photo of my Granny with her cousin Armando Cruz at Long Beach.
Lydia and Leo in 1945
Lydia married Leo Morris Reid on 18 September 1945 in Lincoln, Nebraska. Grandpa Leo was stationed at Davis-Monthan Air Force Base in Tucson when they met. They moved to Indianapolis, Indiana and had three daughters - my Mom, my Aunt Patty, and my Aunt Linda. Leo had a son Wayne Reid, from his previous marriage which had broken up before he entered service in the Air Force.
Lydia and Leo, late 1970s/early 1980s
My Granny set a great example for me and so many others. Below is a copy of the memorial flyer from her funeral two years ago:
My Granny with me, about 1976
My Granny with me, Thanksgiving 2005

Monday, May 14, 2012

WDYTYA Cancelled

It was a bit disappointing but not surprising to see NBC not pick up Who Do You Think You Are for a fourth season (see the press release and accompanying stock hit on The program has been a great ad-buy for Ancestry for three US seasons, and it has been a positive source of quality tv for the viewers who have found and stuck with the show. Season 3 has been pretty good, arguably better than Season 2, and I was looking forward to another season.

I'd love to see this show get picked up by another network, and it doesn't necessarily need to be a legacy network like ABC, CBS or FOX. In fact, the show might be a better fit for a network like National Geographic. In the age of DVRs and online viewing, the program should not have to rely on "live" viewers for sustainability. Maybe live viewers & ratings are a necessity for networks like NBC, but WDYTYA could be perfectly viable as an online program with the right advertising and support (hey Google YouTube!). There's probably no shortage of celebrities for the program either. We'd all benefit fit the program could find a new home.

There are certainly smart people associated with the program, given the various international versions. Here's my free idea - the producers could partner with Facebook & show the program strictly online. Who needs a TV network when you can run advertising and feature the program in front of over a billion eyes online?

Friday, May 11, 2012

Manuela's Arrival

This month I have been highlighting my Granny's family, their arrival in the US and roots in Sonora, Mexico. Yesterday's post included the family's July 1929 visit to Nogales, which referenced Manuela's original arrival in the US on 28 November 1922. Last month I also featured the family from the 1940 US Census, with a copy of Manuela and Plutarco's wedding photo from 1923.

The original border crossing record from 28 November 1922 is a fantastic find. It shows that Manuela and her mother, Teresa Diaz de Portillo, had been living in Nogales, Mexico (very likely with Teresa's sister Maria Diaz de Mirazo) before they came to Tucson. It also shows their intended stay in the US was for 2 months, and that they were going to visit their cousin, Cleotilde de Montano. They crossed the border on foot, with only $20.
I am not certain of the family connection between Cleotilde and Teresa, but I have found Cleotilde's death record on the Arizona Department of Health's genealogy search site. She was born in Chihuahua, Mexico in 1866 as Cleotilde Lopez, and she died in Tucson on 7 May 1946. Another interesting bit of history is they wrote down Cleotilde's address as 25 Corral Street in Tucson. From the 1922 Tucson City Directory, her address was actually 52 W. Corral Street, and that she worked at the Tucson Steam Laundry. Perhaps she was connected through the Portillo side of the family.

The record lists Manuela as single at the time of the visit. We do know that Manuela and Plutarco Campuzano were married on 1 December 1923, so it is likely they met in Tucson, in Barrio Viejo after her arrival in the US.

Manuela was born on 31 May 1905 in Hermosillo, Sonora. Her father was Manuel Portillo. I don't know very much about him. Manuela's mother Teresa was widowed by 1922 when they crossed into the US.

Teresa's record was filed along with Manuela's, on 28 November 1922. Her signature on the bottom of the manifest shows a flourish of old Mexico in her hand.
Teresa Diaz was born in early 1867 in Hermosillo, Sonora. She was the daughter of Jesus Dias and Maria de los Delores Quijada, and baptized at the Catedral de la Asuncion in Hermosillo on 6 February 1867.

According to the Tucson City Directory, by 1923, Teresa was living at 171 N. Court Street in Tucson. Plutarco Campuzano does not show up in the City Directory until 1927, so it is likely that Manuela and Plutarco lived with Teresa Diaz de Portillo from 1923-1927. Teresa continued living with the Campuzanos until her death in 1940.

I am still amazed by the find of the supplemental questions answered by Teresa in the 1940 Census. Married by 1887, 10 children over her lifetime. I have already found a few of Manuela's siblings in the Border Crossing records, and have a few more stories of interest to share coming up.

Friday Photo - A Conversation

This is an undated photo, but I believe the formidible woman with both hands on her hips is my great-grandmother, Manuela Portillo de Campuzano. The photo comes from a collection scanned by my Aunt Patty after my Granny died. This could be 1940s or earlier.

Update: By request, I have tried to enhance the photo to get a closer view of the women. My Granny and her sisters were a very pretty bunch, as some upcoming photos will show. My great-grandmother Manuela had her hands full with 9 children (5 girls, 4 boys)!

Thursday, May 10, 2012

1929 Visit to Nogales

My Granny, Lydia Campuzano, her parents, Plutarco Campuzano and Manuela Portillo de Campuzano, and siblings Maria Jesus and Berta, visited my great-grandmother Manuela's Aunt Maria Diaz de Mirazo in Nogales, Sonora for three days in July 1929. We know this from the Border Crossings: Mexico to US 1895-1957 database.
This is a great record for a number of reasons. The record shows that Manuela's first visit to the US was on 28 November 1922, and that she was born in Hermosillo, Sonora. I later found the crossing record from November 1922 and I will have a separate posting on it.

The record provides the start date of their visit to Nogales as 9 July 1929, return on 12 July 1929, and shows their departure contact. This was a big find, because before this record I did not know the name of Manuela's Aunt Maria. I was able to find several references to Maria Diaz de Mirazo and her children (and their children) in the Border Crossing database, and this has been immensely useful in getting a better understanding of the Diaz side of the family in Sonora.

I showed my Granny a copy of the record before she passed in 2010. She recalled visiting her cousins in Nogales on several occasions. She noted that some of them competed as beauty queens.

A couple more interesting things about this record. My great-grandmother was 5'3'' (5'2" on other records). My Granny wasn't real tall either, and my Mom inherited her height. I think we found the source for short gene on my Mom's side of the family.

At the time of this visit, my Granny's brother Manuel (Manny) Campuzano would have been about a year and half old. I suspect he stayed behind in Tucson with his grandmother Teresa Diaz (my 2nd-great-grandmother).

The back side of the card shows Manuela's signature as Manuela Portillo.

One thing I don't understand is at the top of the manifest card it states the port of entry is Sasabe. This is at best a 2.5 hour drive from Nogales, and in 1929 was probably well over 3 hours. Nogales is on the border, so I wonder why they didn't cross there. Was the border closed? A small mystery.

Samuel Oyler Arrives in America

Later this month will mark 184 years since the Oyler family arrived in the United States. On 26 May 1828, my 3rd-great-grandfather Samuel Oyler landed at the Port of New York on the Schooner Fame. The ship had sailed from Rye, England.

According to the ship's passenger list, Samuel was 6 years old. He was accompanied by my 4th-great-grandparents, George Oyler (age 31), Sarah Oyler (age 34), and brothers George (12), William (10), Daniel (8), Alfred (4) and George's brother John Oyler with wife Elizabeth.
The Oylers were from Hawkhurst in Kent, England. We know from other records and George Oyler's obituary that the Fame departed Rye on 6 April 1828. George Oyler actually crossed back & forth between the US and England 5 times during his lifetime, as he maintained close ties with family back in England even after they moved to the US.

The Oyler family later settled in Hamilton and Butler Counties in Ohio.

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

From the Land of the Fire Ants

I am still digging up information on my Granny's Campuzano line, but thanks to the Mexico Baptisms, 1560-1950 database on FamilySearch, I have found the names of my third-great-grandparents and fourth-great-grandparents in Sonora.

Yesterday I posted about Vicente Plutarco Campuzano. He was baptized at Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe in​ Altar,​ Sonora on 26 June 1862 as Jose Visente Campusano. According to the record, his father was also named Visente Campusano. Additional baptism records around this time for my 2nd-great-grandfather's siblings show alternate spellings for Vicente, and include his wife, Maria Concepcion Amado.

The elder Vicente Antonio Campusano (also spelled Campiosano) was baptized at the Nuestra Señora de la Asunción Arizpe in Sonora.

Arizpe means "land of the fire ants" in the local Opata language. The town was founded as a mission in 1646. In 1775, Arizpe was the launching point for the expedition of Juan Bautista de Anza, who explored and opened the routes to California. At one time Arizpe was the capital of Sonora before it was moved to Hermosillo. I posted a map of the Rio Sonora which shows Arizpe north of Hermosillo, along the river.

Further back, there is a record for Vicente Antonio Campiosano, baptized on 13 June 1810 at Nuestra Señora de la Asunción Arizpe. His parents were listed as Juan Campiosano and Maria Dolores Yldefonsa Moreno. In the 1851 Primeria Alta census, there is a Visente Campesino in Altar, age 42 years old, his occupation is listed as zapatero, which means shoemaker.

There's more to post on this family, and related families in northern Sonora.

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Vicente Plutarco Campuzano

My second-great-grandfather on my Granny's Campuzano line was Vicente Plutarco Campuzano. He was born on 10 May 1862 in Pitiquito, Sonora, Mexico, a small town between Caborca and Altar in the northern part of Sonora. We owe quite a debt to the Border Crossings, Mexico to US 1895-1957 database for our understanding of the connections between Vicente and other members of the Campuzano family on both sides of the border.

Pitiquito is home to the San Diego de Pitiquito Mission, which was built between the 1760s and 1780.
Vicente's first wife (my second-great-grandmother) was Maria Jesus Vasquez. Unfortunately, I don't know much more about her. Vicente and Maria had at least five children:
1. Jesus Campuzano, born 28 February 1890 in Altar.
2. Vicente Campuzano Jr, born 20 April 1894 in Pitiquito. He married Celia Pompa. I'll have more on Vicente Jr in a subsequent post.
3. Plutarco Vasquez Campuzano (my great-grandfather), born 18 April 1900 in Pitiquito.
4. Maria Jesus Campuzano, born 22 April 1901 in Altar. She married Francisco Grijalva.
5. Concepcion "Concha" Campuzano, born 10 April 1904 in Pitiquito. She married Rosario Samuel Ippolito in Arizona.

Between 1913-1916, Vicente lived in Phoenix, Tempe and Tucson, Arizona. What I don't know right now is if this was with Maria Jesus Vasquez de Campuzano, on his own, or with other members of the family. According to the US City Directories Database, Vicente's address in 1915 was at West 8th Street, Normal (Tempe). This was very close to Arizona State University.

Vicente's son Jesus was living in Tucson in 1917. His World War I draft card from 5 June 1917 states that he was living with his mother, was single, and working as a blacksmith for "A. Vasquez". In the 1917 City Directory for Tucson is a blacksmith, A. Vasquez and Son, located at 307 W. Congress in Tucson. A few pages into the directory it shows this to be Adolfo and Roul H Vasquez, and that their residence address was 438 E. 6th Street, and that Adolfo's wife's name was Amelia. There's more work to be done with this information and I am hoping it leads to an explanation of what happened to Vicente's first wife.

Vicente later married Beatris Palacios, I suspect some time between 1917-1920. A photo of a painting of Vicente and Beatris first wife Maria Jesus Vasquez is below:
Photo by Patty Marple - Vicente and Maria Jesus
Vicente and Beatris had two sons. Jesus Maria Campuzano, born in 1917, and Manuel Campuzano, who was born in 1919.
Vicente appears in the 1930 Mexico National Census (taken on 15 May 1930) in Altar, Sonora at the age of 67. The family was living on Calle Zaragosa. Vicente's occupation is listed as "Carrosero", which translates to "carriage maker" or car body maker, which is curious given that he appears as a butcher in border crossing records about the same time.
Border Crossing Records
On 18 February 1918, Vicente crossed the border at Nogales. We have a fantastic record of this crossing. It shows he had arrived on foot, and was born in Pitiquito. It lists his height (5'10''), complexion, gray hair, and brown eyes. His occupation is listed as merchant, and he could read and write. He was carrying quite a large amount of money for the time, $300 (actually, that's a lot of cash to carry today...)
He was on his way to visit his sister, Librada Campuzano in Tucson, Arizona, but the purpose of the visit is listed as business. The length of the visit was to be 15 days. The record also shows that he had been to the US previously, in 1916.

On 29 June 1929, Vicente crossed the border at Sasabe, with son Manuel Campuzano. They were on their way to visit Vicente's son Jesus Campuzano, who is listed as living at 210 Convento (Convent) Street in Tucson. Today this is approximately the location of the Museum of Contemporary Art, the part of Barrio Viejo torn down for the Convention Center in 1970.

Vicente's occupation in June 1929 is butcher, but this 5 day trip was for pleasure. His departure contact is listed as Beatris Palacio de Campuzano, in Altar, Sonora.

This record is also great, because it shows that Vicente lived in the US from 1913 to 1916, in Phoenix, Tempe and Tucson.

On 28 October 1933, Vicente crossed the border at Sasabe with son Plutarco for a 2 month visit to Tucson.
Vicente crossed the border again on 21 February 1940 at Nogales for a visit to daughter Maria Jesus Campuzano de Grijalva and family. It is very faint, but this record includes his signature:

Update 23 Nov 2012
Vicente's death record was located in the Sonora Civil Registration 1861-1995 files. Vicente passed away on 31 October 1940 in Altar, Sonora.

Updated 8 February 2016 - Corrected the citation on the painting above to correctly identify Maria Jesus Vasquez.