Tuesday, March 4, 2025

The day before

Today I'm doing my last checks of what I need to pack, and another look at the sessions for RootsTech. It's going to be a quick time on the ground, but I'm also meeting up in person with one of Allison's cousins. It should be a great couple of days. Then I'm off to the Pacific Northwest for my own event.

A few other things:

Last week I wrote about pending queries. The University of Edinburgh Archives confirmed they do have documents showing John McIntosh was a medical student in 1775 and 1776. They also said I can view those in person when I'm in Edinburgh in June. That's super cool. I'll definitely have more to share once I take that trip.

Yesterday the UCLA Special Collections team sent me a digital file from the Sephardic Temple Tifereth Israel records mentioning the Amado family. There's a lot here and this deserves its own post. There will be more to share as I look into this, and other DNA connections on the Amado side. UCLA has created a website with additional information on Sephardic Los Angeles. I'm also sharing this link to the Sephardic Genealogical Society, partly for future reference as I track the Amado line back to Portugal and Spain.

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