Saturday, September 14, 2024

Guided Instruction

I'm taking several new approaches to try and break down some family history mysteries. First, I have written research questions to describe exactly what I am trying to uncover. Next, I've sought expert help from a DNA coach to review my work and provide suggestions for tackling these research questions. Yesterday I spoke with a very helpful expert, and through the wonders of the Internet we were able to connect online for a DNA research coaching session.

I have some follow-up action items to review my groups of matches and then take the Pittsburgh O'Brien cluster and put them into a WATO tree to determine the likelihood of connection to my John O'Brien line. It is certainly a possibility that the Pittsburgh cluster is from a mystery first family of John O'Brien or descended from one of his sons or siblings, so I need to explore this further.

The other thing I'll be doing is joining Your DNA Guide's upcoming DNA Study Group. I'm looking forward to the collaboration and focused instruction into DNA research, and hoping to apply these skills in uncovering the research mysteries in my tree. There's more to follow on this, and there may be limits to what I can share on the blog. I should be able to write about the things that I find about my own family branches using these improved skills, but there might be a delay.

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