Wednesday, July 31, 2024

After Many Years


Buffalo Courier Express, 6 Mar 1899.

In September, I shared an 1899 news clipping on the reunion between Agnes Atherton O'Brien Gillette and her father John O'Brien. Above is another article, appearing in the Buffalo (New York) Courier Express, which has a slightly different telling of their meeting, and mentioning a few points that did not make it into the Shelby County News-Gazette article. This answers a question I had back then, wondering if she reconnected with her brother John and his family.

My great-grandfather Harry O'Brien would have been about 14 then, and likely met Agnes during her visit with the family in Shelbyville.

Another version of this reunion appeared in the Chicago Inter Ocean on 5 March 1899.

Inter Ocean. 5 Mar 1899.

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