Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Running the Bases

This past Sunday I took the family to Nationals Park for the season-ending game between the National League-leading Nats and the Miami Marlins. With picture-perfect weather, great seats, a game-winning solo home run, and a historic no-hitter, everyone had a great time. The game ended 1-0, and afterward the kids were able to run the bases & high-five the Presidents.
Photo by Patrick Jones. Nats Park, 28 Sept 2014.
Photo by Patrick Jones. Nats Park from the field, post-game.
Photo by Patrick Jones. Kiddos running the bases.

Monday, September 29, 2014

Pension File for Thomas Thornhill

Continuing from Sunday's post on Thomas Thornhill, son of my 6th-great-grandfather Joseph Thornhill and brother of my 5th-great-grandfather Joseph Jr, this post covers the Revolutionary War pension of Thomas and the claim filed by his children. The following information comes from the Revolutionary War Pensions file on Fold3.com.

Source: Fold3.com
On 16 June 1828, Thomas Thornhill signed a declaration of his Revolutionary War pension claim. On the document, he states that he was of Broomfield Parish, Culpeper County, Virginia.

Thomas later settled in Woodville, Rappahannock County, which is located to the north west of Culpeper, on Route 522 south of Sperryville, Virginia. After the war he married Lucy Jones (so far I don't think she is related to my Jefferson County Jones line), and they had at least the following children:
- Joseph Thornhill
- William Thornhill
- Bryan Thornhill
- Thomas Thornhill Jr.
- Charles Thornhill
- Bleuford Thornhill
- Robert Thornhill
- Edmond Thornhill
- Elizabeth Thornhill
- Lucinda Thornhill

Lucy Jones Thornhill died in 1837, while Thomas passed in June 1839. The children of Thomas filed a claim to his Revolutionary War pension in August 1850, but this was rejected. William Slaughter, a neighbor and friend of the Thornhill family, supported the application of the Thornhill children with the declaration below.

The pension office responded on 6 September 1850, noting that Thomas Thornhill had received bounty land and a pension under the Act of 15 May 1828, and no further amounts were due to him.

Thomas is on my list of names to check on the next visit to the Culpeper Court, to see if there are any deeds or other records involving his brother Joseph or other Thornhill siblings.

Sunday, September 28, 2014

Thomas Thornhill, Virginia Soldier

With the start of the American Revolution in 1776, young Thomas Thornhill joined the Virginia Line of the Continental Army. He was around 16 or 17 years old, and first served as a private in Lee's Legion.

Lee's Legion was under the command of Henry "Lighthorse Harry" Lee, father of Confederate General Robert E. Lee. An ebook on Lee's Legion is available at https://archive.org/stream/LeesLegionRemembered/.

At some point after 1777, Thomas transitioned into Captain John Roberts' company. Thomas appears on the roll for Roberts' company in 1779.

Thomas Thornhill filed a pension application from his service in Revolutionary War. I will have a whole post on his pension application, which provides interesting information on the Thornhill family in Virginia.

Saturday, September 27, 2014

In the Continental Army

This week I've taken a closer look on the Thornhill side. In Thursday's post, I transcribed an indenture for my 5th-great-grandfather Joseph Thornhill who was apprenticed in 1796 as a minor to James Joyce, taylor of Culpeper, Virginia. Joseph was in the guardianship of Hugh McKellup because his mother Elizabeth had recently passed (I suspect 1795), and his father died following the Battle of Yorktown.

Joseph Thornhill Senior

Joseph Thornhill was born about 1742 in Culpeper, Virginia, to Bryant and Tamson Thornhill. I do not know much about Joseph's position in Culpeper, but his name does appear in the William Allason ledgers in the 1770s. With the onset of the American Revolution, Joseph joined the Continental Army, like his brothers William, John and Reuben (I will have more on their service in upcoming posts).

The Battle of Yorktown was the last major land battle in the American Revolution. We know Joseph Thornhill was there because his will was written at Yorktown on 11 October 1781, during the siege. A transcription of his will is below:

In the name of God Amen York County the 11 Day of October 1781 

I Joseph Thornhill being very sick and weak but of perfect mind and memory and calling to mind the uncertainty of this life do make this my last Will and Testament in manner of form followeth viz--Impr. 

First I bequeath my soul to God that gave it and as wishing such wordly things which it both pleased God to bless me with I give and bequeath in manner of form followeth--Item I give -------- to my loving wife Elizabeth Thornhill all and singular my Estate to raise my young children on during of her widowhood and in case she marrys its my desire that my Estate shall be taken out of her hands by my Executors to clothe best the can for my poor children and do appoint my son Thomas & please God he returns from the Southward Army & my loving Brother Reuben Thornhill and my Friend and Neighbor William Allen Executor of this my last Will and Testament revoking all other Will or Wills heretofore made by me and do acknowledge this to be my last Will & Testament Witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and fixed my seal the Day and year first above written.

Joseph Thornhill

Witness Reuben Zimmerman, John Foshee, John Fletcher
The will was proven in Culpeper County on 18 February 1782.

The siege of Yorktown ended on 19 October 1781 with the surrender of British General Cornwallis' army, just little more than a week after Joseph had made his will.

I have not yet been able to find Joseph in the Revolutionary War records, but I did find entries for his son Thomas, who joined the "Southward Army". Thomas appears in Lee's Legion in 1777, and later in Captain Roberts' company in 1779.

It's fascinating to see Thomas Thornhill served along side my 5th-great-grandfather Samuel Read, but these men come from opposite sides of my family tree. The Thornhill side is from my Dad's Jones side of the family, while the Reads are from my Mom's side of the tree. Although the Thornhills and Reads were relative neighbors in Culpeper County, these families wouldn't come together until my parents married in 1968 in Indiana.

I have more information on Thomas and Joseph's siblings during the Revolutionary War. More posts on this to follow.

Friday, September 26, 2014

Thornhill to Nalle, 1807

Following on yesterday's post on records from the Culpeper County Court, this is a transcription of a document entered in 1807 between my 5th-great-grandfather Joseph Thornhill and Martin Nalle (Culpeper Deed Book BB, page 490).

This Indenture made the 2nd day of March in the year of our Lord eighteen hundred and seven between Joseph Thornhill of Culpeper County and State of Virginia of the one part and Martin Nalle of the County and State aforesaid of the other part witnesseth that the said Joseph Thornhill in order to secure the payment of one hundred and two dollars fifty cents due the second of September used bearing interest from this date which sum is justly due Mary Thornhill of the aforesaid county and in consideration of the sum of one dollar in hand paid by the said Martin Nalle before the ensealing and delivery of these presents the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged he the said Joseph Thornhill hath granted bargained and sold by these presents doth grant bargain and sell unto the said Martin Nalle the house and lot which the said Thornhill purchased of Peter Gregory (8,45) lying and being in the town of Stevensburg on the south side of the Main Street arranging from East to West through the said town and the reversion and reversions remainder and remainders yearly and other rents species and profits thereof and to every part and parcel thereof, and also of the right title interest trust property claim and demand whatsoever both at law and equity of him the said Joseph Thornhill unto or out of the said house and lot.

To have and to hold the said property before mentioned to be hereby granted with their and every of their appertenances unto the said Martin Nalle his heirs executors, administrators and assigns forever, aperatrust, nevertheless that the said Martin Nalle shall as dower as conveniently he can after the payment of the aforesaid mention sum shall become due proceed to sell the house and lot for the best price that can be obtained after advertising the same at the Courthouse of the said County ten days or longer and out of the monies arising from such sale in the first place to pay all reasonable charges attending the sale and then other debts before mentioned and the balance of the money if any to the said Joseph Thornhill or to his executors.

As witness whereof the said Joseph Thornhill hath hereunto set his hand and seal the day and year first written.

Signed sealed and delivered} Joseph Thornhill, Martin Nalle

In the presence of Hugh McKellup, Reuben Zimmerman, James Joyce
At a Court held for Culpeper County the 21st of September 1807

This Indented deed of trust from Joseph Thornhill to Martin Nalle was proved by the oath of Hugh McKellup, Reuben Zimmerman and James Joyce witnesses thereto and ordered to be recorded.

Teste, John Jameson, Ct Cul

From a search online, it looks like this transaction may have been to Martin Nalle (1777-1835). Perhaps Mary Thornhill, Joseph's sister, was Martin's first wife, and this transaction was to provide a dower for Mary. I need to go back to the Culpeper Court to know more information, and will add this to the list of things to check when I go back.

I am estimating that by 1807, Joseph Thornhill was about 30 years old, and working as a taylor having learned the trade from James Joyce and business from close association with Hugh McKellup. The other witness, Reuben Zimmerman, was born in 1765 and died in 1842 in Stokes County, North Carolina.

Friday Photo - Art and Doors in Baku

Earlier in September I attended meetings in Baku, Azerbaijan. I have previously posted photos of Baku at night and photos from wandering the Old City. This next set shows art from the Maiden Tower International Art Festival and two interesting doors from the Old City.
Photo by Patrick Jones. Maiden Tower art, Baku.
Photo by Patrick Jones. Maiden Tower art, Baku.
Photo by Patrick Jones. Sidewalk painting by Alex Maksiov.
Photo by Patrick Jones. 9 Sept 2014, Baku, Azerbaijan.
Photo by Patrick Jones. 9 Sept 2014, Baku, Azerbaijan.
Photo by Patrick Jones. Door in Old Baku.
Photo by Patrick Jones. Door at Shirvanshah's Palace.

Thursday, September 25, 2014

Culpeper County Court Records

Earlier today I was in Culpeper, Virginia for work, and found some spare time to visit the Culpeper Court house to look at their land records for information on my Read, Wheatley and Thornhill lines. I was very impressed with their holdings - the grantor and grantee indexes for deeds, wills and marriage records are all easy to find on the second floor of the court in the Circuit Court Clerk's office. The staff was nice and friendly too. I was disappointed that I was not allowed to use a digital camera or the camera on my phone due to Virginia's law banning cell phones and cameras from court houses (but all the lawyers seemed to have no trouble bringing in a cell phone...).

On the positive side, I found a large number of records referencing my Read, Wheatley and Thornhill ancestors. Unfortunately I was not prepared to make a large number of copies on this visit. The court charges .$50 per page for photocopies. I can see this may be expensive to get copies of these records, although perhaps the Clerk of Court will grant an exception to the photo rule if I write a letter explaining my purpose for historical research and offer to pay a reasonable amount for not using their photocopy paper.

I can already see it will also be worth visiting the nearby Fauquier County Court in Warrenton, Virginia to look for further information on the Wheatley family. There is a limit to what can be found online and in local libraries. The County courts are often the only place for original land deeds, wills, probate records, and of course, court filings.

The trip wasn't a total loss, I learned some lessons for my next visit to Culpeper, and I was able to get a copy of two important records on my 5th-great-grandfather Joseph Thornhill, father of my 4th-great-grandmother Elizabeth Thornhill Jones. Back in January 2012, I wrote about Elizabeth and her family's journey from Culpeper to Jefferson County, Tennessee. At the time, I thought the family had arrived in Jefferson County sometime between 1810 and 1819. Based on these records, I think the family left Culpeper in 1815.

Indenture of Joseph Thornhill to James Joyce

Joseph Thornhill's father, also named Joseph, died in February 1782, leaving several young children. The Culpeper Court had a record in Deed Book S on the indenture of Joseph Thornhill, son of Joseph and Elizabeth Thornhill to a taylor named James Joyce. I have transcribed this record below:

"This Indenture made this _ day of _ anno domini one thousand seven hundred and ninety six, between Hugh McKellup of Stevensburg in the Parish of St. Marks, Guardian and next Friend of Joseph Thornhill son of Joseph and Elizabeth Thornhill late of Culpeper decd, of one part, and James Joyce taylor of Town, Parish and County aforesaid of the other part. Witnesseth that the said Hugh McKellup, as Guardian and Friend to the said Joseph Thornhill a minor under the age of Twenty one years, doth by these presents bind the said Joseph Thornhill to the said James Joyce to learn the art and mastery of a taylor for and during the full and term of six years to commence from date of these presents and the said Hugh McKellup doth promise for and on behalf of said Joseph Thornhill that he the said Joseph shall well and truly demean himself toward his said master in all things lawful and right, and the said James Joyce on his part doth agree and bind himself his heirs Exors to furnish the said Joseph Thornhill good and wholesome food and payment, lodging and washing, and to send the said Joseph to school until he acquires a tolerable knowledge of arithmetic, writing ye, and in every instance teach him well, and further he binds and obliges himself, his heirs ye, to learn the said Joseph Thornhill the taylor business in all its different parts and branches as far as he the said James Joyce is capable of, and lastly, to exonerate and set at liberty the said Joseph when the afore mentioned six years is fully compleat and ended. In witness whereof the parties to these presents have hereunto set their hands and affixed their seals the day ye above written.

Signed and acknowledged} Hugh McKellup {ss} James Joyce {ss}

In presence of...}

At a court held for Culpeper County the 15th day of February 1796

This indenture of apprenticeship from Hugh McKellup guardian for Joseph Thornhill to James Joyce was acknowledged by the said Hugh and ordered to be recorded.

Teste, John Jameson, CP, Cur"

Given the date of this document, and Joseph Thornhill Senior's death in 1782, I think Joseph Junior was born sometime between 1775 and 1781.

It looks like Hugh McKellup was a trustee of the Stevensburg Academy, which was formed in 1799 and located in Jeffersonton (home of the Read family). McKellup was also a merchant.

Deed Book bb, page 490 contained another record relating to Joseph Thornhill from 1807. I will transcribe this deed in a subsequent post. There was also another record in the Wills for Culpeper county dated 1815, which appears to show Joseph Thornhill paying off the estate of Hugh McKellup as part of ending his indentured status. I need to go back and copy this record, along with several other wills. There was also a transcription of the contents for the estate of Bryant Thornhill, Joseph's grandfather, from 1779.

Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Colonial Store Entries

A fascinating source of information on the lifestyle of colonial Virginia residents comes from merchant records. Scottish merchant William Allason (1731-1800) operated a store in Falmouth, King George County, Virginia from the late 1750s. He moved to Fauquier County in 1773, operating his mercantile business catering to the needs of land owners in the region. He kept detailed records of his transactions, and these ledgers survive today in the holdings of the Library of Virginia. For further information on Allason, see this 1976 newspaper article via Google's Newspaper Archive.
Source: Free Lance-Star 29 Jul 1976, Google Newspaper Search
My Wheatley and Thornhill ancestors appear in these records. For example, Joseph Wheatley, brother of my 7th-great-grandfather John Wheatley, appears as a debtor to Allason on 17 March 1769.
Source: Allason Papers, Ledger G
My 6th-great-grandfather Joseph Thornhill owed Allason or had an account with his store as well, from the ledger in 1767-1768:

I have wanted to visit the Library of Virginia in Richmond to see their collections, so now I have another reason to go in order to see the Allason records. This is a vast collection, so if you had ancestors who were land owners in Fauquier, Culpeper, Stafford, Spotsylvania or surrounding counties between 1750s-1800, it is possible their names may be in the Allason records.

Sunday, September 21, 2014

Opening Night 1916

According to a 1945 Indianapolis Times article, my great-grandfather Harry O'Brien played in the band for the opening night of the Circle Theatre on Monument Circle in Indianapolis on 30 August 1916. The venue is now home of the Indianapolis Symphony Orchestra, but in 1916 it was a movie house with a capacity of around 2700 people. Some photos from the opening of the theatre are below:
Indianapolis Star, Circle Theatre
Source: Indianapolis Star. 30 Aug 1916 Opening Night.
In August 2013, the Indianapolis Star contained an article describing the opening night on a warm August evening. "The doors opened one hour before the films began so patrons could browse the elegant décor. Opening night films featured 'Home,' starring Bessie Barriscale and 'Skirts,' with Fay Tincher. Ticket prices ranged from 10 cents to a quarter, depending on where you sat. Mezzanine floor seats cost 25 cents." 

An orchestra provided the soundtrack for the films. Harry O'Brien played clarinet in that orchestra, perhaps with my great-grandmother Blanche O'Brien in the audience.

Friday, September 19, 2014

Panorama of Nogales

The set below comes from the US Panorama Collection on Ancestry, showing Nogales on the Arizona and Mexico border in 1909.
Source: Ancestry. Nogales, 1909, Photo 1
Source: Ancestry. Nogales, 1909, Photo 2
Source: Ancestry. Nogales, 1909, Photo 3
My Campuzano, Diaz and Portillo ancestors (and their related families) often crossed the border at Nogales on their journeys to Tucson and Phoenix. With this month being Hispanic Heritage Month, I'll spend some time on the weekend looking for additional information on their lives in Sonora and Arizona.

Friday Photo - Scottish Parade

Well, the "No" result seems to have carried the day in Scotland's Independence referendum. My 5th-great-grandfather was John Og McIntosh, who left Scotland as part of Cornwallis' army during the American Revolution, and later stayed to become an American. I'll have more on John in a future post. For today's Friday Photo, I thought it would be fitting to post a picture from the Alexandria Scottish Parade in 2011.
Photo by L. Jones. 3 Dec 2011, Alexandria Scottish Parade.

Thursday, September 18, 2014

1945 Article on Harry O'Brien

In 1945 the Indianapolis Times published an article on my great-grandfather Harry O'Brien and his crystal mouthpiece business. Much of this was information I already had from other sources, but there were a few new nuggets of information in the piece. One in particular notes that Harry played at the Circle Theater when it first opened, which was August 1916. This provides another lead to chase.
Indianapolis Times, 24 October 1945

Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Notice for Blanche Lamon O'Brien

While traveling last week, I received another set of articles from researcher Denise Anderson-Decina in Indianapolis. Below is a copy of the death notice for my great-grandmother Blanche Lamon O'Brien. The first is from the 12 February 1976 Indianapolis News.
Indianapolis News, 12 Feb 1976
The notice mentions that Blanche was a former matron of the Millersville Order of the Eastern Star. The chapter secretary is currently checking their records to see what they may have on this. According to Wikipedia, the Worthy Matron is the presiding officer of the OES Chapter.
Indianapolis Star, 12 Feb 1976
Thanks again to Denise for locating these articles.

Monday, September 15, 2014

Hispanic Heritage Month Begins

National Hispanic Heritage Month begins today, 15 September 2014, and runs through 15 October 2014. A joint website from the Library of Congress, National Archives, National Endowment for the Humanities, National Gallery of Art, National Park Service, Smithsonian Institution, and the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum is available at http://hispanicheritagemonth.gov/, highlighting activities and collections "celebrating the histories, cultures and contributions of American citizens whose ancestors came from Spain, Mexico, the Caribbean, and Central and South America." I have previously marked this commemorative period with posts in 2012 and 2013.

Here's a picture of my Granny's Campuzano siblings in Tucson, Arizona from the early to mid-1930s.
Photo source: Patty Marple. Campuzano siblings, Tucson.
I'll also take this occasion to link to my my post from 31 May 2014 on Immigrant Heritage Month. I'm proud of my Hispanic heritage, and will celebrate my Mexican, Chilean, Spanish and Basque ancestors in a number of posts during this month. Hopefully I'll have some new finds to report from Citizenship and Immigration Services too.

Sunday, September 14, 2014

Baku at Night

Here's a second set of pictures of my past week in Baku, Azerbaijan. This follows from yesterday's post Wandering Old Baku. The city has a great energy at night. Many families were out walking along the Boulevard park, there are a wide variety of cafes and restaurants, ice cream and gelato stands, along with cheesy amusement rides that would be at home at any American county fair. There's also a mix of Middle Eastern spices in the air, and a diverse soundtrack of music in the park - I heard everything from typical Euro dance music to American and Arab rap, to Russian patriotic music to Azeri, Persian, Latin and Bollywood dance music, and Korean Gangnam Style.
Photo by Patrick Jones. Baku's Flame Towers along the Caspian Sea.
Photo by Patrick Jones. Flame Towers lit with the Azerbaijan flag.
Photo by Patrick Jones. Fountain, 8 Sept 2014.
Photo by Patrick Jones. Maiden Tower, 8 Sept 2014.
Photo by Patrick Jones. Mosque at Dusk, 10 Sept 2014.
Photo by Patrick Jones. Sunrise on the Caspian, 9 Sept 2014.

Lang's Brewery

Beer and brats. It's hard to get more German than that. My German immigrant ancestors who settled in Covington, Kentucky were involved in both the brewer and butcher trades. At the beginning of the month, I wrote about master butcher Sebastian Haiss and his creation of a butcher shop which was later taken over by his son Charles Hais. I also wrote about brewer Charles Lang, and how his household became a home for Mary Francis Oyler, the daughter of my 3rd-great-grandmother Marianna Haiss Oyler. This post will focus on Lewisburg Brewery, the business operated by Charles Lang.
Source: http://www.nkyviews.com/kenton/kenton755.htm
Charles Lang formed the Lewisburg Brewery with Frank Knoll in 1859, which they operated until selling to John Seiler in 1884. The book History of Kentucky and Kentuckians, Volume 2, has a description of the brewery and an interesting biography on Charles:

I had thought Mary Francis Oyler may have been living in the Lang household because Charles' wife Mary was a younger sister of Marianna Haiss Oyler. But according to the History of Kentucky and Kentuckians biography on Charles Lang, his wife was Mary Senf of Obersaulheim, Hesse-Darmstadt. Mary lived in their household as a servant, before marrying Joseph Lux in 1884.

It's great to see the image of the brewery and read about Lang's background. It looks like Mary Francis settled into a nice household after the death of her father Samuel Oyler, and into a close-knit German-American community in Covington.

Saturday, September 13, 2014

Wandering Old Baku

Earlier in the week I participated in two events in Baku, Azerbaijan. This was my first trip to this country and to the Caucasus region straddling Europe and Asia on the Caspian Sea. Our hotel was across from the massive Baku Boulevard (or Dənizkənarı Milli Park in Azeri), and a short 1.2 mile run to the landmark Maiden Tower and Old City of Baku (İçəri Şəhər). This is a collection of photos from a few wanderings through the Old City - once at sunrise following a run to the foot of the Maiden Tower, and later in the evenings.
Photo by Patrick Jones. Maiden Tower, Baku.
Photo by Patrick Jones. 9 Sept 2014. Old Baku with Flame Towers behind.

Architecturally Baku is a mix of new Dubai-style glitz, Soviet era buildings, Ottoman, Persian and older influences. The Old City is on the UNESCO World Heritage list.
Photo by Patrick Jones.
Photo by Patrick Jones. Mosque in Old Baku.
Photo by Patrick Jones. Next to Shirvanshah Palace with Flame Towers.
On our last evening in the city, a small group of colleagues and I went walking for a place to have local Azeri food. Along our walk, winding through the Old City, we saw a different side of life from the conference hotel. An example is the picture below, taken near dusk. One can see a young boy, probably close in age to my own son, riding his bicycle up the street while his sister, or a neighbor, watches. Once back at home I made the center of the picture larger. Pretty cool capture of life in the Old City.
Photo by Patrick Jones. In Old Baku.
Photo by Patrick Jones. A closer look at Old Baku.

I'll have more pictures over the weekend, showing a sunrise run along the Caspian Sea, Maiden Tower art festival paintings, and Baku at night.

Update on Cain Pension File

Back in May, I learned about Harl Cain, the brother of my second-great-grandmother Mary Alice Cain Read. I went looking for pension file for his service in the First Battery, US Field Artillery around the time of the Spanish-American War. The file was not at the National Archives in Washington DC, so I submitted a FOIA request to the Veterans Administration to request a copy of the file. Months went by and I hadn't heard anything. Until today's mail.

Here's the update from the National Archives at St. Louis dated 8 September 2014:

"This is in response to your request dated May 5, 2014, which you submitted to the VA to obtain copies of the XC/Pension file for Harl Cain. I regret the delay before the VA referred the request to us on September 3, 2014. The file you seek may be part of a collection of records currently being transferred from the NARA facility at Lee's Summit, MO, to the National Archives at St. Louis. The shipments are scheduled to continue until the middle of October 2014. As the various trucks arrive with additional records we will check for the record you want. If located, we will provide you with an invoice for the cost of copies. Upon receipt of payment a complete copy will be mailed to you at the address above. If it is determined that the file you seek is not part of this transfer we will notify you immediately.

I am sorry for the delay this causes you. You may contact our staff at [redacted] if you have any questions."

I don't mind the wait, and it is nice to see the request is working its way through the system. According to a 2011 article on the National Personnel Records Center in St. Louis, the center contains the files on a staggering "100 million individuals who served the country in the military or as a civilian." I can see why this may take a while.

I'll continue to wait, and hopefully the pension file is found. If I'm really lucky, the file will have a lead on the parents of Harl and Mary Alice.

Signs in the Kyiv Airport

Yesterday was a long day of travel from Baku, Azerbaijan back to DC. Four airports in over 24 hours, but a relatively smooth and delay-free return. Along the way, I transferred through Kyiv Boryspil International Airport (KBP), for my first stop in Ukraine. If I had more time I would have liked to see the city too.

While waiting for my connection, I took a few pictures. Here's two signs between the Duty Free shops, with messages in Ukrainian, Russian and English.
Photo by Patrick Jones. KBP, Ukraine.
Photo by Patrick Jones. KBP, 12 Sept 2014.