Monday, January 27, 2014

Military Monday - Pennsylvania Rifleman

The find of the marriage license for my 3rd-great-grandmother Sarah Brown and Henry Donham Lee Lambert inspired some additional digging into the background of her father, my 4th-great-grandfather, Christian Brown (see Land Deeds for Christian Brown from August 2013). Other research leads me to believe that Christian Brown and family came to Fayette County, Indiana from Lebanon County, Pennsylvania.

In looking on I found a War of 1812 service record for a Christian Brown, 1st Lieutenant in Colonel Thomas Humphreys' First Regiment, Pennsylvania Riflemen. I have a sense this is the service record card for my 4th-great-grandfather but there's more work to be done to confirm.

A Double Wedding Ceremony in 1852

I have written several posts on my third-great-grandfather Henry Donham Lee Lambert (see original post from 11 Feb 2012, the post on Henry's tombstone from Oct 2012, and the series from his probate file from March 2013). I knew Henry D.L. Lambert and Sarah Brown were married on 1 August 1852 in Fayette County, Indiana. I did not know until finding a copy of the marriage record that Henry was married on the same day that his brother, Aaron Lambert, married Amanda M. Lee.
Source: FamilySearch, Indiana Marriage Records, Image 139
Aaron and Henry's marriage licenses were issued on 26 July 1852 and filed on 16 September 1852. I am making an assumption that since their licenses were issued on the same day, the marriages occurred on the same day in Fayette County and were recorded on the same day a month later, that a double ceremony was performed to celebrate both marriages.

Sunday, January 26, 2014

About 20 Years Ago

Cleaning out basement files, I found a picture of me from my swimming days at Wabash College. This is around 20 years old, I'm guessing from January 1994 or 1995, back from Christmas training in Florida and prior to hitting taper for the championship meets in February. I had a lot more dark hair back then, and the shadow makes my head look fuzzier than it was.
Patrick Jones, Wabash Swimming

Schueler vs Freyling 1857

Below is a newspaper clipping from Evansville, Vanderburgh County, Indiana, as public notice of a case between John Schueler and Jacob Freyling in 1857. I believe Jacob was the brother of Stephen Freyling (see the Will of Stephen Freyling, from 9 Aug 2012).
John Schueler vs Jacob Freyling} Attachment.
Before Wm Kempf, Justice of the Peace, of Vanderburgh County, Indiana.

Notice is hereby given that on the affidavit of John Schueler, a writ of attachment has been issued against the said Jacob Freyling's good and chattels, on the 3rd day of January 1857; and that the same will stand for trial on the 22d day of January 1857, at 9 o'clock in the forenoon.
Will. Kempf, J.P.

I don't know the outcome of the case. 1857 was a big year for Schueler. In Hoosier Beer, it shows that John Schueler opened Union Brewery in Evansville in 1857 (see The brewery closed by 1866. I am not certain of the connection between Schueler and Freyling, but perhaps the Freyling was delivering beer for Schueler.

1860 US Census
In the 1860 Census in Evansville, Vanderburgh County, Indiana, Jacob Freyling and his wife Elizabeth [Weichel] appear in Pigeon Township. His profession is listed as driver, and his place of birth was listed as "E Hessia". Jacob was 37 in 1860, putting his birth date as about 1823.
Freyling appears in Evansville City Directories in 1863 & 1865 (spelled as Jacob Freiling). From other sources, it looks like he died in Evansville on 16 November 1878.

Friday, January 24, 2014

Friday Photo - Forbidden City #2

I posted a few photos from my Forbidden City walking tour back in April 2013. Here are two more:
Photo by Patrick Jones - Forbidden City, 6 Apr 2013
Photo by Patrick Jones - Forbidden City, 6 Apr 2013

Thursday, January 23, 2014

A Letter from the Governor, 1993

In cleaning the basement I ran across a letter received from Indiana Governor Evan Bayh in 1993, welcoming me to the Indiana Governor's Public Service Internship Program. I worked in the Indiana Secretary of State's Office that summer, and the summer of '94. Good times. I've come a long way since those days. I find it hard to believe that was 20 years ago.

Wednesday, January 22, 2014


I started this little blog two years ago on 22 January 2012. Since that time I've had 526 posts (!), made many new discoveries on the different branches of the family and received a number of encouraging comments from readers as well as distant cousins. Throughout the past two years I have been using this outlet as a way to share research and present my family history in an interesting way. I've learned quite a bit through this process that I didn't know before starting the blog.

Thanks for reading, I'm looking forward to another year of discoveries, stories and photos.

Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Fined $50 for the encouragement of gallantry

The article below comes from the 29 June 1893 edition of the Arizona Republican, referencing a bar fight between Antonio Campuzano and two persons named Pompa and Victoria. I am not certain this is the same Antonio Campuzano I have written about previously (see Sepia Saturday from 24 August 2012, Antonio Campuzano in the News from 15 April 2013, and A Barber in Tempe from 11 July 2012). If this was him, Antonio would have been 16 at the time.

Bohemian Club, Tucson

In 1942, my Granny, Lydia Campuzano, and her sister, Jessie Campuzano, appeared in the Tucson Daily Citizen as a member of the Bohemian Club. This apparently was an organization for young girls in Tucson, often hosted at the home of Connie Guerrero. My Granny is on the left in the photo below, perhaps they were heading out to go to the club.
Source: Patty Marple. Campuzano sisters, Tucson, Arizona
17 July 1942, Tucson Daily Citizen, via
3 January 1943, Tucson Daily Citizen

Sunday, January 19, 2014

A Letter from Citizenship and Immigration Services

Back in November I submitted a request through the US Citizenship and Immigration Services Genealogy Program to see if my great-grandfather Plutarco Vasquez Campuzano had submitted an Alien Case File, just as my great-grandmother Manuela Portillo had done. While I was in California this week for meetings, a letter arrived from the Genealogy Section of USCIS confirming that Plutarco had an Alien Case file (A-File). The documents are dated from 5 February 1962.

I have ordered a copy of the A-File using the file number provided by USCIS. The USCIS website is fairly easy to use. An A-file costs $35 to order, and you can pay online. I'll provide a further update once the file arrives. I am interested to see if Plutarco became a citizen or if he remained a permanent resident alien.

Saturday, January 18, 2014

Monday, January 13, 2014

From the Palisades, 1912 & 2014

The image below is from the Santa Monica Public Library Digital Collection, showing driving along the Palisades in 1912. I am in LA for meetings and had the opportunity to drive along the Pacific Coast Highway & the Palisades yesterday. I thought the old postcard matched up in an interesting way with my present day photo. The postcard shows what probably is the California Incline.
Source: Santa Monica Public Library digital collection
Photo by Patrick Jones, Santa Monica Beach, Jan 2014
 The incline is structurally deficient is due for replacement and reconstruction.

Saturday, January 11, 2014

Will of Daniel Wheatley

A package of copies from the Western Kentucky University Special Collections Library arrived yesterday containing copies from the Ruth Lawrence papers (pdf of the finding aid available here). This package included a transcription of the will of Daniel Wheatley, my 6th-great-grandfather. I have previously covered the transcription from the will of his son, Robert Wheatley (see my post from August 2012). Daniel Wheatley died in Warren County, Kentucky sometime between 27 June 1810 and the proving of the will in Warren County Court in November 1810.

The Will of Daniel Wheatley
Warren County, Kentucky, Book A, Page 177

In the name of God, Amen!

I Daniel Wheatley, of Warren County, and State of Kentucky, being weak in body but of sound and perfect mind and memory, considering the uncertainty of this mortal life, do make and publish this may last will and testament in manner and form following. That is to say first, I give to my beloved son, Robert Wheatley, one negro boy named Edmond which he is to have at his mother's death, or at her discretion. Also the lands I now live on if he can clear it out of the office and save it, I give to him at his mother's death. I also give to my daughter, Susannah Wheatley, one negro girl named Cidney. Also a feather bed and furniture.

I also give to my daughter Nancy, a negro boy named Armistead and one feather bed and furniture. And if either or both of the girls get married before their mother's death to have a cow and a calf apiece. And at their mother's death, the balance of my stock and household furniture to be equally divided between Susannah Wheatley and Nancy Wheatley.

I also desire that my wife, Mary, should keep the land I now live on, and the negro boy Edmond, till her death and then to be Robert's. I have also given my daughter Elizabeth Marr a negro girl named Milley. I have also given to Sarah Bigley a negro girl named Hanah. I have also given to my daughter, Polly Butler, a negro boy named Henry. It is my desire that if Robert should lose the land and not get a right for it, the balance of my stock and household furniture to be equally divided between him and the two girls, except the two beds that I have given the two girls.

I also appoint my son, Robert Wheatley, James Dodd, and John Duff executors of this my last will and testament hereby revoking all former wills by me made. In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal the twenty seventh day of June, One Thousand Eight Hundred and Ten.

Signed, sealed and published, and declared by the above named Daniel Wheatley to be his last will and testament in the presents of us who have hereunto subscribed our names as witnesses in the presents of the testator.

Signed Daniel Wheatley {seal}

James Dodd
John Duff
John Beckham

Warren County, November County Court, 1810, the last will and testament of Daniel Wheatley, deceased, was proven by the oath of James Dodd and John Duff, and John Beckham, three subscribing witnesses thereto, and ordered to be recorded.

Attest: John A. Hobson, CWCC.

Some Observations on the Will
Daniel Wheatley and John Duff came to Warren County from Fauquier County, Virginia. John Duff married Daniel's sister, Mary Wheatley. Daniel's son Robert, my 5th-great-grandfather, married John Duff's daughter, Cassie Duff, as his second wife. 

Daniel Wheatley had slaves, listing Edmond, Cidney, Armistead, Milley, Hanah and Henry in his will.

More to follow. 

Friday, January 10, 2014

Friday Photo - Libertad

Simple stencil, powerful message. The photo below was taken during a visit to Old San Juan, Puerto Rico in May 2004.
Photo by Patrick Jones - Old San Juan, PR, 30 May 2004

Using city guides to help fill in gaps

I've written about my great-grandmother Blanche Lamon O'Brien in previous posts, describing her life, posting a photo from her later years, and her elementary school geography book. I know she grew up in the small community of Ft. Branch, Gibson County, Indiana, and married my great-grandfather, Harry Edward O'Brien, in Indianapolis, Indiana in February 1912 at the age of 24. Before her marriage I don't know much about what Blanche did, or how she got to Indianapolis. I have a bit more information now after finding Blanche in the US City Directories, between 1907-1911, in Evansville, Indiana.
Source: US City Directories, Evansville, Indiana, 1907
In 1907, Blanche would have been 20 years old. She appears with her brother, James Herman Lamon, in the City Directory. She was working as a stenographer at 1 Lower Water Street, while living at 1046 Upper 2nd Street, a short walk away from Water Street. Blanche would have been working in an office, turning dictation into shorthand.

By 1908, Blanche had moved back home to Fort Branch, while still working at 1 Lower Water Street.
In 1909, Blanche had moved employment to 331 Main Street in Evansville, while still living at home in Fort Branch.
Blanche does not appear in the 1910 City Directory in Evansville, but by 1911, she had returned to living in the city (at 202 3rd Avenue), this time with her younger brother George Lamon. She was also working at Bankers National Bank.
Their address in 1911 probably looked much like the block in the photo below (via Google Streetview, 200 block of N 3rd Avenue in Evansville):
Source: Google Streetview
In the 1912 City Directory, it shows Blanche as having returned to living in Fort Branch, but still working as a stenographer at Bankers' National Bank. Since she married Harry O'Brien in February 1912, I'm wondering how & where they met.
An advertisement for Bankers' National Bank from the 1912 City Directory is below:

By 1913, Harry O'Brien appears in the City Directory for Indianapolis, as a musician, living at 715 E. 17th Street. Blanche does not appear in the Evansville City Directory in 1913.

Friday, January 3, 2014

Friday Photo - Thinking of Somewhere Warmer

On this blustery snow day here in DC, today's Friday Photo and first post of 2014 is from Nusa Dua beach in Bali. Oh to be back there on a day like today.
Photo by Patrick Jones - Nusa Dua, Bali, 25 Oct 2013