Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Tuesday's Tip - Using Bureau of Land Management records

The US Department of the Interior maintains a very useful website called the Bureau of Land Management General Land Office records automation website. The GLO records contain more than five million Federal land title records issued from 1820 to the present, as well as survey plats and field notes dating to 1810.

One can search by state and county, and also by name and land description. This site has been incredibly helpful in my research, and it is a wonderful compliment to records found through other sources. The GLO records are also free.

Example - Henry Donham Lee Lambert's Oklahoma Land Patent
Here is an example of a search. I know my 3rd-great-grandfather Henry Donham Lee Lambert was in Oklahoma by 1892. In my GLO records search, I chose Oklahoma for the state and Oklahoma County. Then I entered Lambert for last name and hit the orange Search Patents button at the bottom.

This search returned three entries in Oklahoma County, Oklahoma with the last name Lambert: Henry D L Lambert, Robert A Lambert, and William J Lambert. I'll file the other two Lamberts away for later, as they may be related. By clicking the result for Henry, it shows the patent details. It was issued in the Guthrie, Oklahoma land office on 28 November 1900. I can open and download pdf image of the actual land patent (Blogger doesn't permit me to upload pdfs, so I had to convert the pdf to a jpg and cut it in half, see below):
This shows that Henry's land patent was 160 acres. Another interesting detail is the description of the land and its distance from "Indian Meridian in Oklahoma." Read more about the Indian Meridian on the Oklahoma Historical Society's Chronicles of Oklahoma, Volume 5, Number 3 from September 1927 by Alvin Rucker (see

Back to the Land Records site, if you click on the Related Documents tab, you can also see what other documents match the land description for the particular record.

I went back and ran a more general search for the whole state of Oklahoma with last name Lambert. There were three pages of hits, but in doing so, I confirmed there were no other land patents for Henry Donham Lee Lambert. I did find several for William L Lambert, son of Henry and younger brother of my 2nd-great-grandmother, Matilda Jane Lambert O'Brien.

I also looked at surrounding states to see if Henry had obtained other land patents as he and the family made their way west from Illinois. This did not turn up additional records for Henry, but I did find three land patents for Henry's father, Clayton Lambert, in Vigo County, Indiana on 1 October 1835. I'll have more on that later.

Monday, February 27, 2012

Mappy Monday - David Armstrong in Boone County, Indiana

This is a portion the map from Jefferson Township in Boone County, Indiana in 1878. The original is part of Ancestry's US Indexed County Land Ownership Maps, 1860-1918 (original microfilmed by the Library of Congress in Washington, DC).
My 3rd-great-grandfather David Armstrong owned land in the upper left corner of the map, on the border of Jefferson Township. He also owned the tile factory across the street from his land. In the 1880 US Census, David Armstrong employed a number of the neighboring men in the tile factory, including O.S. Booher (age 20), James Jones (age 25), William Daniels (age 15), and James McDuffie (age 34).
 Here is a modern view of Jefferson Township via Google Maps (ignore the placement of the A pin on the map, this pinpoints Jefferson Township only). By my comparison of the Google map to the 1878 map, David Armstrong's land should be at the intersection of W 400 N and N 1050 W. I switched to Satellite view, and the property matches up. It also looks like there is a house on the property that may have been David Armstrong's. For now, the land is still used for farming. Maybe I can get back to Wabash in the near future and stop by the old Armstrong homestead.

David's daughter, Sarah Ellen Armstrong, later married my 2nd-great-grandfather, Thomas Robert Jones, on 17 July 1887.

I will have more on David, and his wife Easter Vail, in a subsequent post.

Sunday, February 26, 2012

Writing Reminders for March

At the beginning of February I posted some writing reminders, and found it quite helpful. For such a short month, it's surprising to see that I am already up to 41 posts in February. I'm not sure if I'll keep that pace in March, as I'll be home 14 of 31 days. It does help that in many cases I am pulling from research that exists in Word format or my tree on Ancestry.

Here are some stories I am aiming to bring to the blog in March:
- My great-grandma Lois (Elizabeth Lois Whitley)
- Blanche Lamon O'Brien
- More on Thomas Jones (1778-1857), his wife, Nancy Tucker Jones in Jefferson County, TN
- Thornhills in Culpeper, Virginia
- March birthdays in my family (there are quite a few)
- The children of Joseph Thomas Jones & Mary Katherine Green
- The Whitley/Wheatley family of Culpeper, Virginia
- David Armstrong
- Easter Vail Armstrong
- California connections
- Friday Photos from locations I'll be in March (Florida, Costa Rica, California)
- Looking ahead to the 1940 US Census

Saturday, February 25, 2012

Boat Building Workshop at the Indiana State Museum

My Dad has been building wooden boats for a long time, and he's now teaching an eight week course at the Indiana State Museum in Downtown Indianapolis. The class is conducted on Saturdays from 9am-Noon through mid April. They use no power tools and work using traditional methods. Dad also covers Indiana's small boat building history. See

I am hoping the class gets covered in the Indianapolis Star or other local media. In the meantime I'll try to post pictures of their progress as he sends them to me.

In the summer, Dad's class will be offered at Eagle Creek Park. His website is located at

The O'Brien family on Dad's side has a history connected to boating, the White River and Broad Ripple in Indianapolis. I'll have more on that in March/April.

Sympathy Saturday - A Mother's Pension Denied

I have written previously about Elizabeth Thornhill Jones and her struggle for a widow's pension following the death of her husband, Robert Thomas Jones Sr., during his return from service in the Tennessee 5th Infantry during the Mexican War (see Part 1, Part 2). Elizabeth also lost her son, Robert Thomas Jones Jr., as his Company G was making their way down the Tennessee River in December 1847. Elizabeth filed a Mother's Pension application for Thomas Jr on 23 March 1869. Sadly for her, this application, like the one submitted for her husband, was denied without explanation on 19 April 1869.
The application correctly notes that Thomas Jr died at Muscle Shoals, Alabama from the flat boat the Company was on striking a tree that was projecting into the river. This matches the personal account written by Richard Mitchell Edwards. The pension application has the dates for the accident wrong, listing 15 October 1847 as the date for the accident instead of 15 December 1847.

The application includes an affidavit signed by John W. Bettis and Josiah E. Rankin, both of Jefferson County, Tennessee. They attest that they employed Thomas Jr. and paid his wages from January 1844 until he joined the army in 1847. According to their affidavit, "he contributed to her support by working on a farm and letting her have his wages which amounted some 10 or fifteen dollars per month, we know this fact from our having hired said Thomas Jones, and paid his monthly earning to his mother in corn, bacon, flour meal, clothing, house visits doctor bills and money. We know the above facts from our own knowledge having furnished said articles ourselves."

The doctor bills could have been associated with pregnancy. She had two children, Francis Marion Jones and Sarah Melissa Jones, between 1844 and 1846.

Other interesting aspects show that she was living in Panther Springs, Jefferson County, when the application was submitted in 1869. She also states that she was living on a one fourth acre lot owned by Samuel Hain, and the value of the property is "fifty dollars." She attests that "she neither owns nor has in use any other property, real, personal or mixed, from which a revenue can be derived. That she is poor, and has no source of income, save and except what little money she may be enabled to earn by her own exertions. That she is incapable of earning her own subsistence, by reason of her age and physical infirmity."

It is not clear from the file at the National Archives what reason was given for rejecting her mother's pension application. The application was filed her attorney, R.W. Walker of Washington City, Tennessee.
When this application was filed, Elizabeth was 62 years old. By the 1870 Census, she was living in the household of her daughter, Sarah Melissa Jones Daniel, and her husband William G. Daniel.

Seeing this makes me want to write for some posthumous acknowledgement that she should have received a mother's pension and widow's pension from the deaths of her husband and son from service in the Mexican War. At this point I am planning to contact the Descendants of Mexican War Veterans and at least make them aware of what I have found on Robert Thomas Jones Sr and Jr.

Another note, during the trip to the National Archives, I had a chance to look at the widow's pension application submitted by Caroline Jones for Thomas Jones (age 29). He was from Jackson County, Tennessee, and was not connected to our Jones family. He survived the flat boat accident at Muscle Shoals, Alabama and died in Mexico, leaving behind a child, Mary Emeline Jones, who was about 15 months old when Thomas Jones enlisted in the Army. I did not take copies of this file.

Friday, February 24, 2012

John Read Jr

I have previously posted on Samuel Read and John Read Sr. Between them both was my 6th-great-grandfather, John Read Jr. He was born in the area of northern Culpeper County, Virginia (when it was still part of Orange County, Virginia) in 1734, and died in Culpeper County on 21 September 1819.

John married Elizabeth Perkins on 20 October 1761 in Culpeper. She was the daughter of Griffin Perkins and Lucy Coleman. John and Elizabeth had at least the following eleven children:
1.     Winifred Read (b. 1756, Culpeper, VA), married Spillman
2.     Lucy Read (b. 1757, Culpeper, VA)
3.     Elizabeth Read – born 12 February 1760, died 4 January 1828
4.     Samuel Read [my 5th-great-grandfather] – born 1763, died before 8 February 1806 in Culpeper, Virginia
5.     Mary Read
6.     Griffin Read (1766-19 Aug 1843)
7.     Tabitha Read (1768)
8.     Rebecca Read (19 Feb 1771 – 19 Feb 1849)
9.     Theophilus Read (21 Feb 1775 in Culpeper, VA – 3 Oct 1821 in Warren County, Kentucky)
10.  Robert Coleman Read (1777)
      11. Ann Read (4 Apr 1779 – Apr 1849)  
  In November 1759, John Read Jr. paid off the debts of his son-in-law Stephen Jett. The Culpeper County record shows the following entry:
Pages 312-313. 12 Nov. 1759. Stephen Jett of Culpeper County to Messrs. John Latham, John Shakelford and William Robertson. As security to James Pendleton, late Sheriff, for my collection of all tobacco fees due and payable within the Parish of Saint Mark, also land and poll tax, as by my bond to Pendleton.
Levys, poll tax and sundry other accounts to the amount of near £3058 current money, also two Negroes Pompey and Sue, two horses, Merry Boy and Buck, bed household goods, &c
After Latham, Shakelford and Robertson have discharged all claims incombent on them as securities, the slaves, goods and chattels and the remainder (if any) be returned to my own use.
                                                            Stephen Jett
Wit: John Read Jr., John Favour Junr., Theophilus Read.
17 April 1760. This bill of sale by way of mortgage proved by John Read Jr.
            17 April 1760. Proved by John Favour Jr.

In December 1768, John Read leased 100 acres to Daniel Clerk in exchange for 500 pounds of tobacco per year.
            Pages 673-674. 6 Dec. 1768. John Read of Culpeper County to Daniel Clerk of same.
Lease of 100 acres whereon Daniel now lives, being part of the tract of land whereon John Read lives…a corner of Read and Huffman…near Willis’ old line… to Indian Run the dividing line of John Read and Hankerson Read…at the great rocks on the east side of the run…
For lives of Daniel Clerk and William and George his sons.
Yearly Rent on 25 December, 500 pounds of tobacco, the first rent due for 1770.
                                                            John Read
                                                            Daniel Clerk
Wit: James Pendleton, Catherine Pendleton, Oliver Clerk
18 May 1769. Acknowledged by the parties.
A deed entry in 1771 shows a division of slaves between John Read and Richard Philips.
Page 335. 21 March 1771. Articles of agreement between John Read of Culpeper County and Richard Phillips of Essex County who intermarried with Elizabeth and Tabitha Perkins’s [sic], daughters and cooheirs of Griffin Perkins, late of Essex, decd, concerning the division of sundry slaves which have become their joint property by the death of their mother.
John Read to have one Negroe man London, one woman Urilla and her oldest child Armstrong, paying to Richard £30 current money before 1 Octr. Next. Richard to have one Negroe man George and two Negroe girls Elizabeth and Sarah, daughters of Urilla, and receive from John Read £30.
                                                            John Read
                                                            Richard Philips
Wit: James Pendleton, Wineyfred (X) Shackelford, Hankinson Read. [No entry of proving or recording.]
John's wife Elizabeth Perkins Read died in 1780.

Revolutionary War Service
Like his son Samuel, John Read Jr served in Captain John Roberts' Company in Virginia. I am looking for more information on this. 

John Read and family appears in the 1810 US Census in Culpeper County, Virginia (age in brackets).

Read, Griffin (btw 27-45), 4 slaves
Read, Jas. (45+), 5 slaves
Read, Jno. (45+), 11 slaves
Read, Julanes, 1 slave
Read, Not
Read, Robt. C. (27-45)
Read, Theophilus (27-45), 8 slaves

Will of John Read Jr.
John Read Jr. died on 21 September 1819 in Culpeper County. His first will was written in 1814. The will was revoked and replaced by a second will probated on 19 June 1820.

Second Will of John Read, 19 June 1820, recorded in Culpeper Will Book "H", page 198 as follows:
IN THE NAME OF GOD AMEN. I, John Read, of Culpeper county, being of perfect mind and memory do hereby make my last will and testament in manner and form following that is to say:
First. To my daughter Winifred Spilman I give one old negro woman Uriller and also one woman Kate both of which women have been a considerable time in her possession all their increase.

2ndly. To my grand children viz: the children of my deceased son Samuel Read namely John, Elizabeth, William & Harris, I give one dollar each.

3rdly. To my daughter Elizabeth Corbin I give one hundred pounds Virginia currency.

4thly. To  my daughter Mary Huffman I give eighty pounds Virginia currency.

5thly. To my son Griffin Read I give the sole benefit of a bond I had on Bazil Gordon of Falmouth for the sum of one hundred and eleven pounds, nine shillings and four pence which bond has been delivered to my son Griffin.

6thly. To my daughter Tabitha Chowning I give one hundred pounds Virginia currency.

7thly. To my daughter Rebecca Freeman I give one hundred pounds Virginia currency.

8thly. To my son Theophilus Read I give one negro woman Hannah now in his possession.

9thly. To my son Robert Coleman Read I give the sum of fifty dollars which sum was loaned him in the year 1813.

10thly. To my daughter Ann Robson I lend the use and profits of all the tract or parcel of land on the east side of Indian Run whereon I now live except that part under lease whereon Mrs. Amy Clerk now lives, also one negro woman Winifred and all her increase which negroes are now in her possession (reserving to myself the use of one boy Edmund oldest child of the said woman during my life) which land and negroes as aforesaid are to be used and enjoyed by my said daughter Ann Robson during her natural life and after decease I give the said land and negroes to be equally divided among all her children.

11thly. My will and desire is that my land purchased of Robert Clerk on the west side of Indian Run containing fifty acres as soon as convenient after my decease together with all the rest and residue of my estate not heretofore bequeathed except the land under lease as before mentioned be sold by my executors hereinafter named and of the monies arising from such sales in the first place pay and satisfy all just debts and then the legacies hereinbefore mentioned and the residue of the monies so arising if any be equally divided among my three sons, Griffin Read, Theophilus Read and Robert Coleman Read and their heirs or legal representatives.

12thly. To my grandson William R. Robson, son of my daughter Ann Robson, I give the land under lease whereon Mrs. Amy Clerk now lives according to the boundaries of the said lease, the annual rents of the said land during the term of said lease to be received by his father and appropriated to the education of my said grandson William R. Robson until e shall arrive at the age of eighteen years at which time the said William R. Robson is to have the full possession of the said land with all of its appurtenances.

Lastly. I hereby constitute and appoint my friends Thomas Spillman, Martin Fishback and Benjamin Ferguson executors of this my last will and testament, and I do hereby utterly disallow, revoke, and disannul all and every wills and testaments heretofore by me made and ratifying and confirming this and no other to be my last will and testament.

In witness whereof I have hereunto st my hand and seal this twenty-first day of September in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and nineteen.

John Read (LS)
Signed, sealed, and declared as and for the last will & testament of John Read in the presence of Thomas Corbin, George W. Ward, Thomas Luckett.

Jas Pendleton and Exor Culpeper County Deed Book W, page 237

From the Culpeper County Marriage Book:
Additional Thoughts
A fascinating aspect for me has been to learn how many ancestors from both sides of my family tree I had in Culpeper (and nearby Fauquier County) in the 1700s. On my Dad's side, the Thornhills were in Culpeper at the same time as the Read and Wheatley families from my Mom's side (families that did not join until my great-grandfather Alvin Read married my great-grandmother Elizabeth Lois Whitley in Indianapolis on 8 February 1919).

I only learned about the Culpeper connection a few years ago. I now travel back to Culpeper for work several times per year, as the NAP of the Capital Region datacenter is located in the county, not too far from the land owned by the Read family over 200 years ago.  

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

The Home Place of John Read Sr

The Read family home was located near the town of Jeffersonton, Virginia in northern Culpeper County. The town of Jeffersonton was described in 1835 in Martin’s Gazetter of Virginia as

"on the Piedmont stage route from Washington to Milledgeville, Georgia. The town is built on one street and contains 43 dwelling houses, 1 Baptist house of worship, 1 Female association for the purpose of educating young men for the ministry, 1 elementary school with 50 scholars; also 3 mercantile stores, 3 taverns, 1 tanyard, 1 hat manufactory, 3 boot and shoe factories, 1 wagon maker, carriage maker, and 3 house carpenters. Population 300, of whom two are physicians."
According to Early Churches of Culpeper County, Virginia, by A.D. Thomas Jr., the Read family home in Jeffersonton hosted the Marquis de Lafayette and former President James Monroe in 1825.  The book includes a description from Captain Philip Slaughter, who accompanied General Lafayette from Culpeper to Jeffersonton:
At 6 o’clock A.M. Tuesday, August 23d, I had the carriage at the door, and I directed the cavalry to mount, and proceeding, we reached Jeffersonton (fifteen miles), on the Fauquier road, at 9 o’clock. The citizens of Jeffersonton, and of its vicinity, to the number of several hundred, being arranged in two ranks, General La Fayette and suite, attended by a handsome escort of cavalry, passes through them, to the portico of Mr. R. Bayse’s tavern, where they were received by the committee of arrangements, and a very appropriate address was delivered to the General by Colonel Samuel A. Storrow, to which the former responded, to the heart-felt gratification of the hearers. They next repaired to Mr. John Reed’s house, where a private room had been prepared for the accommodation; and after having rested a short time, they were conducted by the committee to a breakfast, which had been prepared for the occasion under a spacious and commodious arbor at the west end of Mr. Bayse’s tavern. After breakfast, they were again conducted to Mr. Reed’s, in whose portico, a large collection of ladies being assembled, the General and ex-President Monroe were introduced to them all individually, Colonel Daniel Ward announcing their names as they were presented. This being gone through, and the guests having taken a short respite, the gentlemen were arranged in a semi-circle, extending from Mr. Reed’s portico to Mr. Bayse’s tavern, and the General, passing along the line, gave each one a cordial and affectionate shake by the hand.
            The General then repaired to the private room, where they waited for the preparation of the escort, which being ready, the committee conducted them to their carriages. The parting ceremony between the committee and their guests being now most affectionately performed, and a considerable number of citizens on horseback attaching themselves to the rear, they all together moved off, while the remaining citizens gazed, with mingled emotions of sorrow and delight, on the carriage which bore away the friend of their liberty and the sustainer of their rights. At the Fauquier line, General Lafayette and suite were received by the marshalls, and an elegant escort of cavalry, sent from Warrenton for the purpose.

My 7th-great-grandfather was John Read Sr. (1699-1765). The earliest land record I have found to date for John Read Sr. is from 7 April 1730 in Spotsylvania County, Virginia:

Date 7 Apr 1730: 100 acres in St. George Parish, Spotsylvania County, in the Great Fork of the Rappahannock River.

Isaac Norman of St. Geo. Par., Spts. Co., to John Read of same par. and county. 3000lbs. tob. [tobacco], 100 a. [acres] in St. Geo. Par., Spts. Co., in Great Fork of Rappk. River - part of pat.[land patent] granted sd. Norman, June 30, 1726.

John Read Sr. married Winifred Faviour in 1734.

John Read Sr. died on 19 September 1765 in Culpeper, Virginia. The Will of John Read was dated 17 August 1765:
            Pages 402-05. Will of John Read, dated 17 Aug. 1765.
John Read of the County of Culpeper being sick and weak of body. I lend unto beloved wife Winefred during her natural life the following slaves to wit Tom and Jeny and after her decease from unto my beloved son Theophilus and Jenny unto my son John Read.
Unto my daughter Mary (now decd.) who was the wife of Joseph Norman one shilling current money.
Unto my beloved son John Read one Negro boy Peter in trust upon this special proviso that after the said slave arrives to the age of sixteen years my said son John shall allow and pay unto my daughter Winifred the wife of John Shakelford in nessary [?] clothing and apperel the sum of six pounds current money to be laid out the best advantage yearly and every year during both the lives of the said Winefred and Negro Peter aforesaid. Nevertheless if the said Winefred should out live her said husband then I give the said Negro Peter to her but if she should die before her husband I give the said Negro Peter to my said son John Read.
Unto my daughter Elizabeth the wife of Stephen Jett one gold ring.
Unto my beloved son John Read one Negro boy Cato. Also to my said John by [sic] great black walnut chest.
Unto my beloved son Hankenson the land whereon he now lives with all the stocks, tools thereon. Also the following slaves to wit Great Cato and Little Moll.
Unto my beloved son Theophilus Read one Negro man Adam, one Negro woman Hanah and one child Nann.
Unto the children of my daughter Ann (the wife of Hugh Freeman) to be equally divided between them at the death of my said daughter Ann one Negro girl Lilley, one feather bed and furniture and one cow and calf, the whole being now in the possession of said Hugh Freeman.
Unto my granddaughter Mary Norman one feather bed and furniture and cow and calf.
Unto my sons John and Hankerson my cart wheals and whip saw reserving to my wife the use of the wheels during hier life.
I lend the use of the plantation and lott whereon I now live with all the house hold furniture, stocks, and tools of all kinds (not before bequeathed) unto my beloved wife Winifred during her natural life and after her decd. to be equally divided between my two sons Theophilus and James.
In case anything should be recovered of William Eastham and others at the General Court concerning a debt my self and Mr. Jeff paid for Stephen Jett, I give my proportion to be equally divided between the children of Stephen Jett by my daughter Elizabeth.
I do appoint my beloved sons John Read and Hankerson Read exors.
Wit:                                                            John Read
James Pendleton
Humphray Sparcks
Peter Bowmer
19 Sept. 1765. Presented in Court by John Read and Hankerson Read exors. Proved by the oaths of James Pendleton, Humphry Sparks and Peter Bowmer.
Children of John Read Sr. and Winifred Favior were:
1.     John Read Jr. – born 1734
2.     Winifred Read – born 1736
3.     Elizabeth Read – born 1737
4.     Theophilus Read – born 1738
5.     Captain Hankerson Read – born 1739
6.     Ann Read – born 1741
7.     Mary Read – born 1742, died 1802
      8.    James Read – born 1744

On 18 April 1751, John Read Sr. leased 100 acres of land to William Lightfoot:
Pages 270-272. 18 April 1751. John Read and Winefred his wife of Culpeper County to William Lightfoot of Richmond County. For £69.17.6 current money. 100 acres, corner to Mr. Robert Green and Isaac Norman’s land…in the low grounds of Flat Run … line of a patent granted to Norman… part of a tract granted to Norman for 420 acres 30 June 1726 and sold by Norman to Read.
                                                                        John Read
                                                                        Winifred (M) Read
Wit: Francis Slaughter, Francis Slaughter Junr., R. Slaughter.
11 April 1751. Acknowledged by John Read and Winifred his wife.

The entry above indicates that John Read purchased land from Isaac Norman in the country before it was known as Culpeper County, when the territory was part of Spotsylvania County [see earlier entry from 1730].
Another entry shows John Read and sons John Read Jr. and Theophilus Read leasing land for tobacco in Culpeper County in November 1751.
Pages 375-77. 22 Nov. 1751. John Shakleford, planter, of Culpeper County, to John Read, planter, of same. Lease of 150 acres, part of a tract whereon Shakleford now lives…north side of south branch of the Little Fork … on a path side … on Indian Run … up the river …
For lives of John Read, John Read junr. and Theophilus Read. If either of the lives should cease before 1820 the survivors shall have power to enter another life during the term.
Annual rent, 530 pounds of tobacco on 15 December.
If John Read or tenant work thereon more than four tithables besides himself, to pay for every tithable beside the four and himself 100 pounds of tobacco additional rent.
                                                                        John Shakleford
                                                                        John Read
Wit: John Wetherall, Harbin Moore, Tho: Houison.
22 Nov. 1751. Acknowledged by John Shakleford and John Read.
John Read Sr. purchased 500 acres in St. Mark’s Parish, Culpeper County, Virginia from James Pendleton and his wife Elizabeth on 20 November 1755. According to the deed, the land was located
On the North Little Fork being part of 3000 acres purchased of John Willis Shakelford and Henry Hufman…on the So. side of Willis’s Run being a corner of Huffman’s land purchased of Pendleton … in or near Willis’s line… corner of Willis’s alias James Pendleton’s line… head of Dowdie’s Hog Branch … near a fork of the branch… on Indian Run … to the mouth of Willis’s Run …
                                                                        James Pendleton
                                                                        Elizabeth Pendleton
20 Nov. 1755. Acknowledged by the parties. Elizabeth was first privily examined.
On the land acquired from Pendleton, John Read built the home that stayed in family possession for over 217 years. The property was located northwest of Jeffersonton, Virginia in Culpeper County (near the border with Rappahannock County).
On 15 Nov 1759, John Read Sr. transferred 250 acres from his purchase from James Pendleton, to his son, John Read Jr.
Pages 238-239. 15 Nov. 1759. John Read Senr. Of Culpeper County to John Read jr. of same. For natural love and affection. 250 acres purchased of James Pendleton by John Read Senr. On the north side of the Indian Run where John Read jr. now lives.
                                                                        John Read
15 Nov. 1759. Acknowledged by John Read.
Also referencing the land of John Read, is a transfer from James Pendleton to his son James Pendleton Jr.  on 16 November 1759:
Pages 241-244. 16 Nov. 1759. James Pendleton of Culpeper County to James Pendleton jr. son of James Pendleton. For natural love and affection and for the better maintenance and preferment of James Pendleton jr. About 1200 acres in the north little fork of Rappahannock River…at John Read’s corner in or near John Shakelford’s alias Freeman’s line on the north side of Piney Mountain…said Robert Freeman’s line…near the north fork of Gourd Vine River opposite to Mr. Fargeson’s plantation…and all my lands on the north side of Freeman’s line…
Also all the lands below the branch that divides between the mansion house of James the Father an[d] the houses wherein the overseer of him the said father now lives and from the branch north to Freeman’s line, containing 300 acres.
Also 100 acres on the south side the river including Panter Low grounds adjoining the lands of Henry Pendleton.
                                                            J. Pendleton
16 Nov. 1759. Acknowledged by James Pendleton.

Update - 24 February 2012
After I posted this, I found the tree for a descendant of the Reads on The Read house still stands (located on Prosit Lane, off Highway 229/Rixeyville Road, just south of Jeffersonton, Virginia). Apparently there is a small cemetery on the grounds as well. I will definitely be checking this out on my next trip to Culpeper.


Samuel Read, 1763-1806

Here's another post on Culpeper ancestors on my Mom's Read side. The father of William Freeman Read was Samuel Read (my 5th-great-grandfather). He was born in Culpeper, Virginia in 1763, and was the son of John Read and Elizabeth Perkins. John Read was a wealthy landowner in Culpeper County. I will have more on John (and his own father John) in a future post.

Samuel married Juliann (also spelled Julanor and Julaner) Freeman in Culpeper. They had at least the following children:
1. John Read, born 1788
2. Elizabeth Read, born 1790
3. Samuel Read, born 1792, died 1818
4. William Freeman Read, born 3 February 1799, died 19 September 1865 in Barren County, Kentucky
5. Harris Read, born 22 Dec 1801, died in 1852

Revolutionary War Veteran?
I found a Samuel Read on under Captain John Roberts Company, Virginia dated 1 July 1779. He would have been 16 years old.  I am not certain at this time if this person is the same as my 5th-great-grandfather.

Culpeper County Tax & Land Records
I found several documents referencing Samuel Read in the Culpeper County Library. The Read family lived in the northern half of Culpeper County. There are many names here connecting the Reads to other land owners in Culpeper, such as Fitzhugh, Fishback, Freeman, Primm, Wigginton, Basye, Yancy and others.

From the Property Tax List of Culpeper County, Virginia 1783 ( "This list of property owners' and slaves' names was taken from list preserved in Archives Division, Virginia State Library, Richmond, by Mrs. Garland C. Norris, Property Tax List of Culpeper County, Virginia 1783 By Mrs. Garland C. Norris, Raleigh, N. C. - List of James Pendleton, Gent.:
Hankerson Read, John Read (Cato, Jerry, Jinney, Sarah, Mill, 16, Dinnah, George, Eve, Mines, Phillis, Milly, and Ruben) James Read (Bett, under 16) John Read, Samuel Read, Guffer [Griffin] Read, under 16, Tom exempt (Cato, Armstrong, Moll, Tilton, Judy, George, Refia)"

Samuel Read purchased a tract of land in Culpeper County in 1791 in a three-way transaction from Thomas & Ann Fitzhugh and James Primm:

            Pages 246-250. (On margin: Fitzhugh & Wife to Read)
            This indenture made the thirteenth day of December in the year one thousand seven hundred and ninety one between Thomas Fitzhugh of Stafford County, Gent., & Ann, his wife of one part, James Primm of said County of the second part & Samuel Read of Culpeper County of the third part; Witnesseth that Thomas Fitzhugh and Anne his Wife & James Primm in consideration of the sum of One hundred & forty six pounds five shillings to them paid by Samuel Read do by these presents bargain & sell unto Samuel Read his heirs a certain tract of land lying in County of Culpeper, being part of a large tract lately held by Thomas Fitzhugh & granted by patent to which parcel of land by a Survey thereof made by John Wigginton is bounded. Beginning at a red Oak & Spanish Oak corner to a Lott of land sold by Thomas Fitzhugh to Gerard Freeman in the line of said patent, thence South fifty five West ten poles to a  dead white Oak, corner to Crumm, now John Freeman, thence with his line North eighty four West two hundred & two poles to an Hickory, corner to Crumm, now Fishback & said Freeman, thence North eighteen & a half West ninety poles to a Box Oak, corner to Deatherage (now Fishback), near the Road, thence North forty three West forty poles at some marked trees said to be in Fishbacks line, thence with said line North thirteen East 14 poles to a large Hickory on the Road, corner to Fishback, thence North sixty & a half degrees West 175 poles to a Stake, corner to said Read, thence with his line North seventy seven East one hundred poles to two Hickorys & Spanish Oak saplins corner to said Read, Coones & Gerard Freeman, thence with hundred & Ninety five acres more or less & is the parcel of land lately in the occupation of John Whitesides & which the said Thomas Fitzhugh had agreed to sell & convey to James Primm & which the said Primm has since agreed to sell to Samuel Read & that a conveyance thereof should be made to him by Thomas Fitzhugh, together with all houses & hereditaments belonging; To have & to hold the parcel of land & premises unto Samuel Read his heirs; And Thomas Fitzhugh & Anne his Wife & their heirs & every person whatsoever except James Primm & that said James Primm & his heirs the land & premises unto Samuel Read & his heirs from the claim of every person shall warrant & forever defend by these presents. In Witness whereof the parties have hereunto set their hands & affixed their seals the day & year first written. Sealed & Delivered in the presence of
Andrew Buchanan,             Thomas Fitzhugh
Joseph Basye                        Anne Fitzhugh
Elijah Basye                        James Primm
This Deed being run of out date, I do hereby acknowledge this ninth day of October Seventeen Hundred & ninety two. Witness my hand & seal
Witness William Roberts            James Primm
George Doggett, Charles Yancy Junr
William Wigginton
This Deed being run out of date, I do hereby acknowledge it this fourth day of March on thousand seven hundred & ninety three. Witness my hand & seal
Sealed & Delivered in the presence of us
William Wigginton            Samuel Gordon            Thomas Fitzhugh
John Holland            Samuel Fergason

The Commonwealth of Virginia to Thomas Mountjoy, Henry Vowles & Alexr. Morson, Gentlemen, Justices of Stafford County, Greeting. Whereas (the Commission for the privy examination of Anne, the Wife of Thomas Fitzhugh); Witness John Jameson, Clerk of our said Court at the Courthouse the tenth day of May 1792 and in the 16th year of the Commonwealth
                                                                        John Jameson
Stafford County, Sct. Pursuant to the within Dedimus to us directed, we have examined Mrs. Anne Fitzhugh private & apart from her Husband, she relinquishes her right of Dower to said tract of land & is willing it should be committed to Record. Given under our hands & seals this 24th day of July 1792
                                                                        H. Vowles
                                                                        Alexr. Morson
At a Court held for Culpeper County the 15th day of April 1793
This Indenture of Bargain & Sale from Thomas Fitzhugh & Anne his Wife & James Primm to Samuel Read was partly proved by Oath of William Wigginton, one if the witnesses thereto & ordered to be Certifyed, And at a Court continued & held for the said County the 16th day of April 1793, This said indenture was fully proved as to Primm by the oaths of William Roberts & Charles Yancy Junr., witnesses thereto, & ordered to be recorded as to him; And at a Court held for said County the 15th day of July 1793, This said indenture was further proved as to Fitzhugh by the Oath of Samuel Gordon another witness thereto & ordered to be Certified; And at a Court held for said County the 16th day of September 1793, This said Indenture was fully proved as to Fitzhugh by the Oath of Samuel Fargeson, another of the witnesses thereto & ordered to be recorded as to him together with the Commission thereto annexed & Certificate thereon endorsed is also ordered to be recorded
                                                            Teste John Jameson, Cl Cur.
Pages 371-374. (On margin: Samuel Read to Charles Huffman)
This Indenture made the 6th day of Septr. 1793 Between Samuel Read and Julaner his Wife of County of Culpeper of one part & Charles Huffman of the same County of other part. Witnesseth that Samuel Read and Julaner his Wife in consideration of the sum of Fifty pounds current money of Virginia to them in hand paid by Charles Huffman, by these presents do bargain & sell unto Charles Huffman his heirs a certain tract of land situate in Parish of Saint Mark in County of Culpeper (being part of a larger tract that Samuel Read purchased of Thomas Fitzhugh Eqsr.), containing Twenty acres of land (more or less) and bounded, Beginning at a Stake corner in a line of the said Charles Huffman which the said Huffman purchased of Thomas Fitzhugh Esqr. And running thence North 77d East 82 poles to two small pines standing in the South side of a Road leading to Chesters Gap, thence with the said Road South 37d East 26 poles to three small pines standing on the same side of the Road thence South 9 ½ West 48 poles to a red & box Oaks in the said line of Huffman & from thence to the beginning; and all profits & emoluments to said land belonging; To have & to hold the tract of land together with all the appurtenances & premises unto Charles Huffman his heirs. In Witness whereof the said Samuel Read & Julaner his Wife have hereunto set their hands & sealed the day & year first above written
Signed Sealed & Delivered in presence of us
James Jett                                                Samuel Read
John Wigginton, Alexr. Gordon            Julaner Read
George Bowmer
Received this 7th day of September 1793 from the within names Charles Huffman, the sum of Fifty pounds current money of Virginia being the consideration within mentioned as witness my hand & seal
Teste James Jett                                    Samuel Read
The Commonwealth of Virginia to William McClanahan, John Wigginton & James Jett, Gentlemen, Greeting, Whereas (the Commission for the privy examination of Julaner, the wife of Samuel Read); Witness John Jameson Clerk of our said Court at the Courthouse the 7th day of September 1793, and in the 18th year of the Commonwealth
                                                            John Jameson
In Obedience to the within to us directed, we personally examined the within named Julaner separate and apart from her husband concerning her acknowledgement by the said Samuel & together with the Commission thereto annexed & Certificate thereon endorsed, are ordered to be recorded
                                                            Teste John Jameson, Cl Cur
Samuel's Estate
Samuel died sometime before 8 February 1806 in Culpeper, Virginia. According to Culpeper County Will Book E:

At a Court held for Culpeper County the 21st day of April 1806
            This Executors Account ordered to be recorded.
pp.131-132. Pursuant to an Order of Court to us Directed we have proceeded to value the slaves and personal Estate of Samuel Read decd., a True inventory whereof is hereunto annexed..(which inventory includes) .. one negro woman Dinah, Jemima; four cows, furniture, kitchen utensils, one Bible Testament, spelling books…
The within is a true Inventory of the personal Estate of Saml. Read decd. Given under our hands this Eighth day of February 1806.
John Spilman, Harman Button, Martin Fishback
At a Court held for Culpeper County the 21st day April 1806
This Inventory of the Estate of Samuel Read decd was returned into Court and ordered to be recorded.