Sunday, July 31, 2016

Correcting errors and following the Pollock line

While checking my tree on Ancestry I noticed an error for the parents of my 3rd-great-grandmother, Emily Rachel Davis. For some reason, the tree had reverted to an earlier error which listed different parents instead of the correct Azariah Davis and Jane Conner. I fixed this by making the correct parents set as preferred and deleting out the parents listed in error. Then I went the next level up in the tree and had another look at Azariah's parents, Henry Davis and Rachel Pollock. For Rachel, I have her father as Samuel Pollock and mother listed as Jane. From here I pick up on the Pollock line.

Rachel's brother, Abraham Pollock, was born in 1787 in Pennsylvania. Abraham served in the Ohio Militia during the War of 1812, attaining at least the rank of Sergeant in Col. Miles Stephenson's 2nd Regiment. According to Lorle Porter's book, A People Set Apart: Scotch-Irish in Eastern Ohio (found via Google Search), Abraham was a sergeant in Joseph King McCune's company. This company served between 12 February and 12 August 1813. I have not yet gone to the National Archives to see a copy of Abraham's service record, but I may do that later this summer.

After the War of 1812, Abraham married Jane Bigger, and appears in the 1820, 1830 and 1840 US Census in Muskingum County, Ohio. Abraham patented 157 acres of land in Muskingum County in 1820. A short reference to Abraham appears in the Biographical and Historical Memoirs of Muskingum County:

Pollock was later elected to the Ohio House of Representatives, serving for Muskingum County in 1839 and 1840. He appears in the Huron Reflector on 25 February 1840, quoted as arguing on behalf of William Henry Harrison, who was running for President in 1840.
Huron Reflector (Ohio), 25 Feb 1840.
Abraham died in Muskingum County sometime before May 1842.

As the calendar shifts to August

Tomorrow marks the start of another month, and our summer is picking up speed as we head into the the last few weeks of camps and vacations. I am now three weeks away from the Reykjavik Marathon and the calendar shift also marks the start of an extended taper for the big run.
Joaquin Sorolla y Bastida, 1905. Under the Awning, on the beach at Zarauz.
After returning from Iceland we have some plans for a family trip to the beach. Family history research is a bit slow. In the meantime I am taking this as an opportunity to revisit a few branches of my tree and correct some errors. New posts to follow on these corrections.

Saturday, July 30, 2016

The Small Details

In June I posted a photo of the World War I draft card for Jesus Felix Campuzano. At the time I overlooked a small detail, listing Jesus as a blacksmith working for "A. Vasquez". What are the odds that this was Adolfo Vasquez?

Separately, back in July 2012, I wrote about Isabel Portillo, sister of my great-grandmother Manuela Portillo, and Isabel's husband Vicente Cruz. Their marriage certificate is found in Ancestry's Arizona, County Marriage Records from 12 October 1925. The certificate lists Alberto M. Amado and Sara Amado as witnesses. This makes me wonder if these two are connected to my 3rd-great-grandmother Maria Concepcion Amado.
Ancestry, Arizona County Marriage records.
Alberto Amado married Sara Molina in Tubutama, Sonora on 19 September 1901. He was the son of Manuel Amado and Ismaela Ferrer. These two appear in the 1900 US Census in Tucson. Another search revealed a news clipping from the Tucson Daily Citizen dated 15 March 1961 with a picture of the Amado family.
Tucson Daily Citizen, 15 Mar 1961
At this point I do not know yet if this Amado family connects to my own. Manuel and Ismaela appear in the 1870 US Census in Tucson and it looks like they were married in Altar, Sonora on 4 July 1859. I have not yet been able to find a record showing Manuel Amado's parents, but if they were Jesus Amado and Antonio Velez, then Manuel would be a younger brother of my 3rd-great-grandmother Maria Concepcion Amado. I can't confirm this though. For now I'm going to leave this here in case others researching this family stumble on the page, and other records become available that might identify more information on the Amado family in Sonora.

Friday, July 29, 2016

Art in Montevideo, Part 2

Photo by Patrick Jones. Mural by Carlos Paez Vilaro, Montevideo, UY.
While running through the Barrio Sur neighborhood of Montevideo on Wednesday morning, I stumbled on a mural by Uruguayan artist Carlos Paez Vilaro (1923-2014). Sometimes the running path takes me exactly where I need to go.
Photo by Patrick Jones. Mural on La Rambla, 27 Jul 2016.
Photo by Patrick Jones. Montevideo, Barrio Sur.
Photo by Patrick Jones. Montevideo, 27 Jul 2016.
Photo by Patrick Jones. Montevideo, 27 Jul 2016.
Photo by Patrick Jones. Montevideo, near La Rambla.
Photo by Patrick Jones. Detailed tag near La Rambla. 27 Jul 2016.
Photo by Patrick Jones. Barrio Sur, Montevideo.

Art in Montevideo, Part 1

Photo by Patrick Jones. Recreation of mural by Manuel Pailos.
While in Montevideo last Sunday I had an opportunity to walk around the area of Barrio Sur, Centro and Cuidad Vieja. On this walk I spotted quite a bit of street art, some of it low quality tags, but there were a few gems I managed to capture too. The photo above shows a recreation of a mural by Manuel Pailos (1914-2004), an artist who was part of the Joaquin Torres-Garcia art school in Montevideo. I did not have time to visit the Museo Torres-Garcia, that will have to go on the list for a future trip.

Photo by Patrick Jones. Mural by David De La Mano, Montevideo, UY.
I almost missed the small mural above, made by Spanish artist David De La Mano. He has several other larger pieces in Montevideo, which I missed due to lack of time and poor planning. I went out for a short walk from our hotel primarily to find the historic Mercado del Puerto, the old market in Cuidad Vieja which is home to some of the best grilled food in the city. Our group had a fantastic lunch of assorted meats at El Palenque.

Photo by Patrick Jones. Mural on La Rambla, Montevideo, UY.
Photo by Patrick Jones. Montevideo, 24 Jul 2016.
Photo by Patrick Jones. Painting by Carlos Seveso, Montevideo, UY.
Photo by Patrick Jones. Mural in Cuidad Vieja, Montevideo.

Thursday, July 28, 2016

Back from the Southern Hemisphere

Photo by Patrick Jones. Montevideo, Uruguay. 24 Jul 2016.
I've been in Montevideo, Uruguay for a conference, with connections in Miami on both ends of the trip. I returned home today with another large set of photos from a street art layover at Wynwood Walls last Saturday and photos from roaming around Montevideo on Sunday and yesterday. Unlike the record setting heat in the DC area, Montevideo is currently experiencing winter. This was quite a change from the DC swelter.
Photo by Patrick Jones. Artist at work, Montevideo.
Photo by Patrick Jones. Small market in old Montevideo.
I will have some assorted street art sets from Miami and Montevideo, before returning to family history posts for the weekend.

Friday, July 22, 2016

Friday Photo - Vietnam Veterans Memorial

Photo by Patrick Jones. Vietnam Veterans Memorial, Washington DC. 16 Jul 2016.

Thursday, July 21, 2016

Off to war

Evansville Pres, 4 Sep 1917
When the US entered World War I, Edward John Rech was part of a group of men from Vanderburgh County, Indiana whose draft numbers were called up early when neighboring counties were not able or ready to supply their selected men. Edward was the oldest son of William Jacob Rech and Catherine Elizabeth Freyling, and he worked as a photographer in his father's shop. He had only signed his draft card on 31 May 1917, and was already ordered to report for duty according to the news article published on 4 September 1917.
WWI Draft Card, via Ancestry
Edward must have distinguished himself as a leader, as he was named a corporal during training at Camp Taylor as part of the 335th Infantry.
Evansville Press, 22 Sep 1917.
By November 1917, Edward had been made a sergeant.
Evansville Press, 20 Nov 1917.
The 335th regiment made quick progress in training. Edward was part of several hundred men selected in December 1917 to go to Fort Hancock in San Antonio, Texas in preparation to be sent to France.
Evansville Press, 20 Dec 1917.
Rech's photography skills were put to the use, and he was made an airplane photographer once assigned to service in San Antonio.
Evansville Press, 22 Feb 1918.
Evansville Press, 16 Mar 1918.
This ends the series of newspaper articles mentioning Edward Rech's service during World War I. I can't tell whether he was sent to Europe. He was officially released from the Army on 26 January 1919. Direct descendants of Edward Rech will want to request a copy of his Department of Veterans Affairs BIRLS Death File.

After the war, Edward returned to Evansville and appears regularly in news clippings for his participation in musical and athletic events. He later took over operation of the family photography studio from his father William, and attained leadership positions in the Indiana Association of Photographers. Edward was named President of the Indiana Association of Photographers in 1943.

Edward John Rech died in Evansville, Indiana on 28 November 1977.

Wednesday, July 20, 2016

William and Catherine

My wife's Rech-Freyling side of the tree has another connection between the two families. William Jacob Rech, brother of Karolina "Carrie" Rech Freyling, married Catherine Elizabeth Freyling, sister of Stephen Freyling. William Jacob was born on 24 April 1861 in Scott Township, Vanderburgh County, Indiana. He started out as a farmer, working on the land of his father Nikolaus Rech and later helping his mother Susanna Euler Rech. After she passed, William Jacob became a photographer, and owned his own photography studio in Evansville, Indiana.
1898 City Directory for Evansville, Indiana
William Jacob and Catherine appear in the 1900, 1910 and 1920 US Census in Evansville. They had at least the following children:
- Edward John Rech, 1894-1977
- Selma Rose Rech, 1896-1978
- Clarence Frederick Rech, 1901-1979
1900 US Census, Evansville, Indiana.
1910 US Census, Evansville, Indiana.
1920 US Census, Evansville, Indiana.
William Jacob's photography work must have been highly regarded. In 1913, William Jacob received an award for making the best flashlight negative.
Wilson's Photography Magazine, 1913.
Edward John Rech joined the family business, and I will have some additional information on him from area newspapers. He served as a photographer in World War I. Edward took over the business after William Jacob died on 16 March 1930.

Catherine Elizabeth Freyling Rech died on 7 January 1960 in Evansville, Indiana.

Tuesday, July 19, 2016

Another family goes to California

The pull to go west has popped up several times on both sides of our family tree, from my early Californian residents, my own journey to LA, to my wife's Freyling side of the family. Back in March 2012 I hinted at how her 2nd-great-grandmother Carrie Rech Freyling moved with her daughters from Evansville, Indiana to Los Angeles, but I never returned to their story.
1940 US Census. Los Angeles, CA.
1942 US City Directory, Los Angeles
Sometime after 1935, Carrie Freyling and her daughters Marie Elizabeth, Kathryn Susan and Emma Carolyn moved to Los Angeles. It looks like Kathryn may have moved west first, she appears in a Los Angeles City Directory in 1932, and by 1936, sister Emma Carolyn was living with her. They appear in the 1940 US Census, as shown above, living at 1243 4th Avenue, not too far from Downtown LA. Marie appears working as a secretary, while Kathryn and Emma Carolyn were working as stenographers. They were living at the same address in the 1942 City Directory.

The Freylings also appear in the 1940 California Voter Registrations database. The 1950 California Voter Registrations database included their mother Carrie with daughters Marie and Emma Carolyn. All were registered as Democrats.
1940 California Voter Registrations
Emma Carolyn Freyling remained in Los Angeles, living and working on the Westside of LA in Westwood and later in Santa Monica. In the 1958 Los Angeles City Directory, she appears as an office secretary working for the Veterans Administration and living at 2930 Colorado Avenue in Santa Monica. It is kind of amazing that 48 years later my wife and I moved our family to Santa Monica and we weren't too far away from this address. This former trailer park is now has an upscale development under construction called Millennium Santa Monica. Emma Carolyn died on 27 June 1975.

Marie Elizabeth Freyling later moved to San Francisco. She died there on 15 April 1985. Her sister Kathryn Susan Freyling also moved to San Francisco, after marrying husband William H. Murphree in Los Angeles in 1949. Kathryn Susan Freyling died on 12 July 1985.

Unfortunately I have not run across news articles that might shed some light on why they chose to move from Indiana for California. I may have some more information on this later in the summer.

Sunday, July 17, 2016

Freyling Family of Warrick County

In examining the Freyling family in Warrick County, Indiana, I am first going to look back again at the family of Stephen Freyling, my wife's 3rd-great-grandfather. He was born around Darmstadt, Hesse, Germany on 9 November 1828. I am not certain on his arrival date in the US, but he married Katharina Wagner in Vanderburgh County, Indiana on 31 October 1852. Stephen and Katharina settled in neighboring Warrick County, Indiana. In the 1880 US Indexed County Land Ownership map for Warrick County, Stephen Freyling's land (misspelled as Frieling) appears between the Welte Post Office and Millersburgh in Campbell Township.
US Indexed Land Ownership map, Campbell Township, 1880

Stephen and Katharina appear in the 1860 US Census in Campbell Township, Warrick County, Indiana.
By the 1870 US Census, Stephen appears as a blacksmith, with Katharina and children.

Stephen and Katharina had at least the following children:
- Anna M. Freyling, 1857-1921
- John Andrew Freyling, 1860-1915
- John Jacob (Johann Jacob) Freyling, 1862-1892
- Maria Margretha Freyling, 1866-1884
- Catherine Elizabeth Freyling, 1869-1960
- Louisa Caroline Freyling, 1871-1902
- Rosa K. Freyling, 1874-1953

Stephen registered for the Civil War draft in June 1863. I have not been able to find a service record to see if he actually served in the Civil War.

Anna Freyling married Christian Frederick Schlag at Salem UCC in Evansville, Indiana on 19 October 1879. John Andrew Freyling married Karolina (Carrie) Wilhelmina Rech on 3 September 1890. John's sister Catherine Elizabeth Freyling married Carrie Rech's brother William Jacob Rech. Youngest sister Rosa K. Freyling married James Simpson on 27 June 1907.

Katharina Wagner Freyling died on 11 June 1891 in Warrick County, Indiana. Stephen Freyling died on 28 June 1893 in Campbell Township, Warrick County. After Stephen's death, son John inherited the family land. He appears in the 1900 and 1910 US Census with wife Carrie and children.
1900 US Census, Campbell, Warrick County, Indiana.
1910 US Census, Campbell, Warrick County, Indiana.
After John's death in 1915, Carrie sold the farm and moved to Pigeon Township, Evansville, Vanderburgh County. She appears in the 1920 US Census with her daughters.
1920 US Census, Pigeon Township, Vanderburgh County, Indiana.
John Andrew and Carrie Freyling had the following children:
- Alfred Stephen Freyling, 1892-1975
- Ruth Ann Freyling, 1894-1947
- Minnie Louise Freyling, 1896-1972
- Marie Elizabeth Freyling, 1899-1985
- Kathryn Susan Freyling, 1901-1985
- Emma Carolyn Freyling, 1904-1975

Carrie lived a long life and died in Los Angeles, California on 12 August 1960. I will have much more on her time in California in upcoming posts.

Going backwards once again, Stephen Freyling had at least two siblings who joined him in the Warrick and Vanderburgh County area of Indiana. His sister Elizabeth Freyling married Johann Frederick Wahl on 2 October 1856. They were living in Center Township, Vanderburgh County in the 1860 US Census. Older brother Jacob Freyling was also in the area. More to follow.

Saturday, July 16, 2016

Will of John Andrew Freyling

Shifting gears away from the Arizona and Mexico branches of my family tree, I now return to a side of my wife's family, the Freyling family of Warrick County, Indiana. Back in August 2012 in the first year of this blog I wrote about the will of Stephen Freyling, my wife's 3rd-great-grandfather. The will of his son, John Andrew Freyling, is found in the Indiana Wills and Probates records on Ancestry. There is not much to this document. John Andrew left all his property to his wife, Carrie Freyling, the former Karolina Wilhelmina Rech.
Indiana Wills and Probates, Image 670 of 784.

John Andrew completed his will a week before he died on 10 October 1915. A short news item appeared the following day in the Evansville Press:
Evansville Press, 11 October 1915.
He is buried in Zoar Cemetery in Elberfeld, Indiana.
Photo source: Findagrave
I will take a closer look at the family of John Andrew and Carrie Rech Freyling over the next few posts.