Saturday, January 31, 2015

Sale of Hampton Farm

The last land record in the set from the Sullivan County Court provides insight into the type of crops managed by my 6th-great-grandfather Samuel Hampton on his Cedar Creek farm. Without this record, I would not have known that Samuel a distillery and a mill on his lands.

On 19 December 1837, Samuel Hampton sold 172 acres on Cedar Creek neighboring James King's land to Gasper Smith. Gasper had married Samuel's daughter, Rachel Hampton. From the 1840 US Census, Hampton and Smith were neighbors.

Back in the 1830 US Census, Samuel and Michael Hampton are listed in the same household in Sullivan County, Tennessee. Michael was my 5th-great-grandfather, who would later move in a few years with his family to Montgomery County, Indiana with several of the brothers of Catherine and Mary Mahala Booher. Several doors down, James King is listed in the census record with an empty household. Another neighbor of the Hamptons was Adam Akard (spelled Ekard on the 1830 Census). He later married Samuel's youngest daughter Charlotte in 1840.

From the land records, it looks like Samuel and family had been living in Sullivan County for at least 40 years. By the time he entered into the agreement with Gasper Smith in 1837, he was likely nearing the end of his ability to manage the farm lands on Cedar Creek. My estimate is Samuel would have been about 64 year old.

In February 1838, the two men deposited a statement in Sullivan County Court granting Hampton the right to continue living on the land. The statement provides the name of Samuel's wife, which I had not seen on any other document previously.

"Know all men by these presents that I Samuel Hampton of the County of Sullivan and State of Tennessee for a valuable consideration to me in hand paid for Gasper Smith of the County and State of one said by executing a land to me bearing date the 23rd day of February during the same date as this instrument for the comfortable and decent maintenance in sickness and in health of my self and my wife Rachel during our material lives before the sealing and delivery of these presents the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged and bargained and said and confirmed and by these presents do bargain sell and consession unto the said Gasper Smith twelve head of cattle all my hogs one Mill and all implements belong to same two head of horses one wagon and all the geering and supliments thereunto belonging ploughs [unclear] with all and singular my farming utensils of every description also all my wheat on hand and wheat in the ground also all my corn on hand reserving the end of the house I now live in and kitchen and my household and kitchen furniture over every description until the decease of myself and my wife Rachel and after the death of us both Gasper Smith is to have all that belongs to us of said household and kitchen furniture not interferring with anything that belongs to my daughter Charlotte.

"To have and to hold all and singular the said goods and chattles unto the said Gasper Smith his heirs executors or administrators and assigns forever as witnessed and the said Samuel Hampton for my self my heirs executors administrators all and singular the goods and chattles unto the said Gasper Smith his heirs executors administrators and assigns against me the said Samuel Hampton my heirs executors administrators and against every and all other persons whatever shall and will warrant and forever defend in witness whereof. I have set my hand and seal this 23rd day of February 1838 in the presence of us. Samuel Hampton {seal}

George Burkhart
David Smith [his mark X]"

A second agreement was filed with the Court in November 1838, signed the same day as the earlier transaction granting Samuel and Rachel Hampton the right to continue living on their land during their lifetime.

"Know all men by these presents that I Samuel Hampton of the County of Sullivan and State of Tennessee have in consideration of the sum of One Thousand dollars to me in hand paid by Gasper Smith of the County and State aforesaid before the sealing and delivery of these presents the receipt whereof I do hereby acknowledge have bargained sold and confirmed and by these presents do bargain sell and confirm unto the said Gasper Smith to his heirs and assigns forever the following named property two head of horse beasts all the cattle on my farm one milk cow the property of my daughter Charlotte Hampton all the hogs on my farm all the grain I have on hand and all my crop of small grain now growing consisting of wheat corn oats and barley my wagon and horse gearing together with all my farming utensils consisting of plows hoes matlock and harrow my still and tools and apple mill with all the vessels belonging to my distillery my crops but same with all my household and kitchen furniture consisting of bedding one cupboard chairs and table together with same castings except such part or parts of my household and kitchen furniture as my be claimed or owned by my daughter Charlotte Hampton also my windmill and cutting knife and box.

"To have and to hold all and singular the said and chattles unto the said Gasper Smith his heirs against me the said Samuel Hampton my heirs executors administrators and against every and all other person or persons whatever shall warrant and by these presents forever defend the above named property to the said Gasper Smith his heirs and in witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my seal the 23rd day of February 1838 Samuel Hampton {seal}"

This was the last land record in Sullivan County involving Samuel Hampton. The next land record in the grantor-grantee index was from 17 February 1840, where Charlotte Hampton purchased 22 acres from James King on Cedar Creek. I do not yet have a copy of this record, but have sent a request back to the Court to see if this provides more insight into the Hampton family.

Friday, January 30, 2015

Friday Photo - A View from the Pool

Photo by Patrick Jones. Singapore, 25 Mar 2014
This is a view from the roof top pool at the Marina Bay Sands hotel in Singapore. The hotel looks like a ship perched on top of three towers (see photo below from 2011).
Photo by Patrick Jones. Singapore, 22 Jun 2011

Thursday, January 29, 2015

Cedar Creek

In January 1820, my 6th-great-grandfather Samuel Hampton continued his land purchases in Sullivan County, Tennessee, acquiring 60 and 3/4 acres from James King Jr. on Cedar Creek. According to the EPA Water Mapping page, Cedar Creek was a tributary of Beaver Creek, in a valley running south from Bristol, the border town on the Tennessee-Virginia line. Cedar Creek was also close to the lands of the Booher family (following Cedar Valley Road on the map below).
Source: EPA Water map
Samuel bought 40 acres on Cedar Creek from John Goodson of Washington County, Virginia in May 1821. Nine years later, Samuel bought another 30 acres and 80 poles from James King Jr, adjoining lands in the valley he had previously acquired. On the same day, Samuel also bought two acres and 52 poles of neighboring land from Adam Akard. Hampton, King and Akard were neighbors. Adam later married Samuel's youngest daughter Charlotte Hampton on 8 November 1840.

Samuel and James King made a land swap in June 1833, where Samuel sold 24 and 1/2 acres to King for $100 and bought 5 1/4 acres from King for $250.

The 1837 Sullivan County Tax List shows Samuel had 170 acres, at a value of $1000.

Two more land transaction in the series from the Sullivan County Court provide some important details into Samuel's family. The 1840 US Census entry for Sullivan County provides a hint, showing Samuel Hampton between 60 and 70 years old, and a woman living in the household between 30 and 40 years old.
Source: Ancestry, 1840 US Census, Image 37 of 106

Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Another First Family of Tennessee

In November 1795, my 6th-great-grandfather, Samuel Hampton, bought 90 acres of land in Sullivan County, Tennessee. This transaction is recorded in the Sullivan County Land Deeds, which provides the documentation necessary for another branch of my tree to qualify for First Families of Tennessee status. For the moment, Samuel is the earliest Hampton I have been able to track.

Land Purchase from Job Key

This Indenture made this 24th of November 1795 between Job Key of the one part and Samuel Hampton of the other part, both of the County of Sullivan and Territory South of Ohio. Witnesseth that and in consideration of the sum of fifty pounds in hand paid at the sealing and delivering of these presents the said Job Key doth hereby acknowledge he hath bargained and sold in fee simple and confirmed unto the said Samuel Hampton and to his heirs and forever a certain tract of land containing ninety acres be the same more or less lying and being in the County aforesaid and bounded as followeth.

Viz beginning at two hickory saplins thence north 17 degrees west 105 poles to a pine tree thence west 132 poles to a white oak thence south 10 poles to a white on Nicholas Rogers line thence with the same south 36 degrees east 128 poles to his corner white oak thence east 84 poles to a stake thence a straight line to the beginning together with all woods and waters and every other thing belonging to the same and I the said Job Key do and my heirs warrant and forever defend the above mentioned land and every part thereof unto the said Samuel Hampton and to his heirs forever in witness whereof I the said Job Key have here unto set my hand and seal the day and year above written.

Signed sealed and delivered, Job Key {Seal}

In the presents of us, John Anderson, John Fegan

Sullivan November Sessions 1795 the within deed was acknowledged in open Court by Job Key a party thereto. Test. Matthew Rhea C.J.C. December 15, 1795 then registered.
Samuel bought 500 acres on Beaver Creek from James King on 18 January 1813 (in two separate 250 acres transactions). King was the founder of the great Iron Works in Sullivan County. A month later, Samuel sold a tract of land on Beaver Creek to Elisha Cole. In August 1814, Samuel sold 40 acres to Benjamin Phillips and 23 acres to William King.

In August 1815, Samuel sold 200 acres on Beaver Creek to William King. This property was along a wagon road neighboring Benjamin Phillips' land and William Rhea.

I will cover a few more land transactions by Samuel Hampton in the next post.

Tuesday, January 27, 2015

A Web Between Families

In order to research the family of my 4th-great-grandmother Selina Hampton Vail, I have to start two-generations earlier with the family of her grandfather, my 6th-great-grandfather, Jacob Booher. According to Elizabeth Booher Parragin, "Jacob lived in Tennessee until 1833 when he moved to Indiana and located near Darlington. His children were: William M., Mike, Elizabeth, Gurdianus (Curtis), Samuel, John M., Ambrose, Jonathan M., Jacob Jr., Mahala, Benjamin, Lucinda, Catherine, and Leander." This description is helpful, until one factors in that these fourteen children were born by two different, but related, spouses. Untangling this family is important to understand the relationship between the Hampton and Booher families.

I have noticed some errors in the Betty McCay book. This is my best current understanding of the genealogy for the family of Jacob Booher. He had a huge family with many descendants, so I am hoping this information will be useful to others related to this family.

Jacob Booher first married Catherine Barnett about 1798 in Tennessee. They had six children:
1. William Martin Booher (8 April 1799 to 28 June 1883 in Johnson County, Indiana)
2. Michael "Mike" Booher (suspected birth approximately 1800)
3. Mary Mahala Booher (1801 to 20 September 1831 in Sullivan County, Tennessee)
4. Elizabeth Booher (About 1803 to 18 January 1838 in Montgomery County, Indiana)
5. Guardianas Curtis Booher (10 May 1805 to 7 August 1877 in Montgomery County, Indiana)
6. John M. Booher (5 February 1808 to 27 October 1866 in Montgomery County, Indiana)

Catherine died about 1809 in Sullivan County, Tennessee. Jacob married his second wife, Elizabeth Barnett around 1809. I am not quite clear on the relationship of Catherine and Elizabeth, this will be explored in the future. Jacob and Elizabeth had the following children:
1. Catherine Booher (born in May 1810, died 27 August 1890 in Montgomery County, Indiana)
2. Samuel M. Booher (born 16 October 1811, died 3 December 1877 in Montgomery County, Indiana)
3. Jonathan M. Booher (born 12 July 1812, died 7 December 1876)
4. Jacob Booher Jr. (born 6 March 1814, died 1 February 1872 in Story County, Iowa)
5. Ambrose Booher (born in 1816, died in 1885 in Indiana)
6. Lucinda R. Booher (born 13 December 1818 in Sullivan County, Tennessee, died 2 November 1889 in Sumner County, Kansas)
7. Benjamin F. Booher (born 5 September 1821 in Sullivan County, Tennessee, died 28 December 1910 in Lebanon, Boone County, Indiana)
8. Leander Booher (born 22 December 1823, died 29 January 1895 in Monona County, Iowa)

Several of Jacob's children married children of Samuel Hampton, my 6th-great-grandfather, a landowner on nearby Beaver Creek. William Martin Booher married Rhoda Hampton on 5 February 1824 in Sullivan County. A year later, Guardianas married Rhoda's sister, Mary Mahala Hampton on 26 June 1825 in Sullivan County. 

My 5th-great-grandfather, Michael Hampton (older brother of Rhoda and Mary Mahala Hampton), first married Mary Mahala Booher (daughter of Jacob Booher and Catherine Barnett) around 1820 in Sullivan County. They had the following children:
1. Sarah Ann Hampton (born 3 January 1822, died 4 November 1836 in Montgomery County, Indiana)
2. Selina Hampton (born 1 August 1824, died 9 October 1886 in Thorntown, Boone County, Indiana). Selina was my 4th-great-grandmother.
3. Margaret Jane Hampton (born 20 December 1825, died 8 November 1916). She married Jacob Booher, son of John Booher Jr and Margaret Zimmerlie.
4. Samuel Hampton (born 20 February 1828, died 12 April 1907 in Montgomery County, Indiana).
5. William Hampton (born 1838, died 1833 in Montgomery County, Indiana).

Mary Mahala Booher Hampton died on 20 September 1831 in Sullivan County, Tennessee. With five young children to care for, Michael Hampton found support from Mary Mahala's step-sister, Catherine Booher (oldest daughter of Jacob Booher and Elizabeth Barnett). I am not sure when Michael and Catherine were married, but I suspect it was in 1832 or 1833. They had at least the following children:
1. James Hampton (born 27 November 1833 in Sullivan County, Tennessee, died 13 April 1875 in Berrien County, Michigan)
2. Martin Hampton (born 17 February 1836 in Montgomery County, Indiana, died 23 December 1904 in Montgomery County, Indiana).
3. Elizabeth Hampton (born 20 February 1838, died 25 January 1905 in Montgomery County, Indiana)
4. John Hampton (born 15 June 1842)
5. Morgan Hampton (born 10 November 1844, died 29 May 1917 in Montgomery County, Indiana).
6. Martha E. Hampton (born 29 January 1850, died 13 March 1923 in Montgomery County, Indiana).

The Booher and Hampton families remained close in Indiana. The photo below is from a reunion in Montgomery County (source
Source:, Booher-Hampton family reunion
Back row: Sylvanus Booher, son of John Booher Jr & Margaret Zimmerlie Booher; John M. Booher, son of Guardianus Booher & Mahala Hampton; Samuel Hampton, son of Michael Hampton and Mary Mahala Booher; Benjamin, son of Jacob Booher and Elizabeth Barnett; Jonathan, John Jacob & Elkanah Booher, sons of John Booher Jr & Margaret Zimmerlie. Front row: Margaret J. Hampton Booher; twins Mary & Catherine Booher, daughters of Guardianas Booher and Mahala Hampton; sisters Elzira Booher Hiatt and Elizabeth "Aunt Bet" Booher, daughters of William M. Booher.

Monday, January 26, 2015

Building a Flatiron Skiff

My Dad has a release date on his book, How To Build A Flatiron Skiff. The book will be out on 28 May 2015 from Schiffer Publishing/Cornell Maritime Press.
Dad's book, due in May from Schiffer Publishing
The book has been in the works for the past few years, growing out from Dad's boat building classes at the Indiana State Museum and his many years of boat building.

From Schiffer Publishing's description: "For the economical do-it-yourselfer who wants to build his or her own skiff, this instruction manual relies on simple techniques and hand-powered tools and shows how to make a boat in a minimum amount of time. Start your flatiron skiff in the spring and be on the water by summer. Boat-building instructor K.D. Jones explains his 'Thoreau Approach,' which involves learning to trust your instincts like craftsmen of centuries past as you use your eyes and hands to build simple, elegant, functional boats. The book includes lists of recommended tools and accessories, design variations, instructional photographs and drawings, and a little history about this underappreciated type of boat, named for its resemblance in shape to an antique cast-iron press. The use of these traditional methods and of local materials not only reduces construction costs but also prevents exposure to toxic adhesives and solvents."

Dad is currently planning a book tour in the Northeast US and boat building this summer in Northern Virginia.

The Family of John Booher Sr

Earlier in the month I traced the land holdings of John Booher Sr. in Sullivan County, Tennessee. From John's will in neighboring Washington County, Virginia, I reached out to the county court there to see if there were land records available for the Boohers. The Washington County Court has located land records for John Booher Sr and is sending copies. While I await the file, I thought it would be useful to recap the family of John Booher Sr., before following the trail further back.

John Booher Sr was born about 1750 in Lancaster County, Pennsylvania. He married Barbara Barnett on 30 January 1770 in Lancaster County. I am working back along the paper trail to Lancaster County.

As recounted in the Parragin Story, John and Barbara had the following children:
1. Jacob Booher (3 March 1777 to 29 July 1845), my 6th-great-grandfather
2. Mary (Polly) Booher (born about 1780)
3. Benjamin Wesley Booher (24 November 1781 to 14 July 1860)
4. William Booher (1784 to 1850)
5. John Booher Jr (25 June 1788 to 19 February 1873)
6. Frederick Booher (1790 to October 1847)
7. Jehu Booher (died in infancy)
8. Isaac Booher (1794 to 6 April 1863)
9. Henry Booher, twin of Isaac (1794 to 1823)
10. Elizabeth Booher (11 January 1797 to 13 April 1902)

Additional sources on the Booher family can be found in SearchTrees and Betty McCay's book A History and Genealogy of the Booher Family, 1747-1964.

Sunday, January 25, 2015

Gardens by the Bay

The threat of an incoming winter storm has me looking at photos from Singapore taken last March 2014. Eight days from now I will be heading back there.
Photo by Patrick Jones. 27 Mar 2014. Singapore.
Gardens by the Bay is an amazing spot, located next to the Marina Bay Sands hotel complex. The futuristic towers in the garden are called Supertrees. You can climb to the top and follow a walking path among the Supertrees for a spectacular view of the gardens and Singapore.
Photo by Patrick Jones. View from the Supertrees.
Photo by Patrick Jones. Supertrees & Marina Bay Sands in background.

Widow's Pension of Catherine Booher

This post picks up from Thursday's review of the widow's pension application of Catherine Miller Booher, wife of Isaac Booher. Isaac was a brother of my 6th-great-grandfather Jacob Booher, who inherited the lands of Isaac & Jacob's father John Booher Sr. in Washington County, Virginia upon John's death in 1820. Isaac served in Captain Landen's company in the 4th Regiment Tennessee Volunteers, and after returning from the defense of Mobile, Alabama during the winter of 1814-1815, Isaac married Catherine Miller in July 1815.

Just like the widow's pension application of Margaret Zimmerlie Booher, Catherine was asked to provide proof of marriage. The Clerk of the Sullivan County, Tennessee Court provided a statement in 1879 that "all the marriage records & papers pertaining thereto belonging to said County & in the Clerk's Office in the Court House of said County were consumed by fire...on the 22nd day of September 1863...and there is now in said office no evidence of record of the marriage of Isaac Booher and Catherine Booher or any other marriage that occurred prior to the said 22nd of September 1863."

In November 1879, Catherine wrote from Washington County, Virginia, providing her own statement along with affidavits from two neighbors who knew the Boohers since they moved from Sullivan County. Catherine stated that she was married to Isaac Booher by George Burkhart, a magistrate (and a large land owner in Sullivan County connected to the Booher family). The testimony must have been accepted because Catherine received the widow's pension.

Isaac died on 6 April 1863 in Washington County. Catherine died on 12 June 1880 in Washington County, living in the home of her daughter.

Friday, January 23, 2015

Indiana History at Risk

This note echoes others that have been posted from Judy Russell (see Speak Out for Indiana) and the Indiana Genealogical Society Blog urging people to write to Indiana State Representatives on the proposed elimination of genealogy resources at the Indiana State Library. I graduated from college and law school in Indiana. I had ancestors in Indiana before the territory became a state. Although I no longer live in the state, I regularly use and continue to seek historical documents on my ancestors in Indiana. These records, and the historical knowledge of Indiana, are at risk if the genealogy resources at the Indiana State Library are defunded.

I have been a member of the Indiana Genealogical Society for the past two years. Earlier this year I worked with a researcher based in Indianapolis to find historic records at the Indiana State Library. I fear that with the proposed budget, Indiana history will be lost.

If you have a connection to the State of Indiana, please write a State Representative and ask that they come up with an alternative in the budget proposal.

Thursday, January 22, 2015

Soldier of the 4th Regiment

Like his older brother John Booher, Jr, Isaac Booher served in Captain James Landen's Company, 4th Regiment Tennessee Volunteers during the War of 1812. While John Jr only served about a month (or 14 days according to the Pension Office), Isaac was in the Company from November 1814 to May 1815. While I have not yet pulled his service record file at the US National Archives, Isaac's War of 1812 pension application states that Captain Landen's Company was part of Colonel Bayless' regiment. This regiment marched from Tennessee, through Mississippi to Mobile, Alabama, where they protected the region from possible Indian raids and British invasion until the end of the war.

From reading other accounts of men who served in Captain Landen's Company, disease was rampant during the winter of 1814 in and around the forts protecting Mobile. The men provided a key line of defense in the last months of the war, between the signing of the Treaty of Ghent and the arrival of news of the end of the war in Louisiana and Alabama. I am interested to learn more about the service record for the company and their time defending Mobile.

Isaac was born around 1794, so he was approximately 20 years old when he entered Captain Landen's company in 1814. According to the pension file, Isaac's "hair was dark, his eyes were blue, complexion fair and about six feet high."

After the war, Isaac returned to Sullivan County, Tennessee, where he married Catherine Miller on 9 July 1815. The couple lived in Sullivan County for a few years before moving to Washington County, Virginia to take over the lands of Isaac's father, John Booher Sr., and to serve as guardian to Isaac's twin brother Henry Booher.

The next post in this series will look at the widow's pension of Catherine Booher.

Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Pension File Gold

As I read through the War of 1812 pension files on I run across many examples of why it is so important that these records be digitized and preserved. In the widow's pension file of Margaret Zimmerlie Booher, wife of John Booher Jr., is a statement made by their son, Jonathan A. Booher in support of Margaret's claim.

In August 1878, the pension office asked for proof of Margaret's marriage. Valid proof was considered to be a certified copy of a church or public record, an affidavit of the officiating clergyman or magistrate, a copy of a family record, sworn by the custodian, certified by magistrate to be correct, and that the original appears to be genuine. Jonathan's statement provided the proof of marriage.

The family record was not the only gold in the pension file. Jonathan Booher signed a form which described John Booher's height, eye color and complexion.

The next file covers Isaac Booher, brother of John Booher Jr., which I'll begin tomorrow.

Tuesday, January 20, 2015

John Booher Jr in the War of 1812

Over the weekend, my review of the Booher family records included a dive through the extensive legacy of my 7th-great-grandfather, John Booher Sr. From his will and the story of his youngest daughter, Elizabeth Booher Parragin, we learned the names of his children and their own large families. Since John had eight sons, I was hopeful that I might learn more about them and the Booher family in military records. At least two of the sons served in the War of 1812 - John Jr. and Isaac. These are unique records and once again I am thankful of the effort to digitize the War of 1812 pension files.

John Booher Jr was a brother of my 6th-great-grandfather Jacob Booher. He ended up in Darlington, Montgomery County, Indiana, not far from my undergraduate institution, Wabash College. Booher's pension application, along with his wife Margaret's widow's pension application, were sent from Montgomery County. Seeing this connection to the place where I spent four years provides some extra incentive to look a little closer at the file.

John served in Captain James Landen's Company, 4th Regiment of the East Tennessee Militia. The auditor recorded his name in the file as John Booker, and several of the documents continue this misspelling. He was drafted in Blountsville, Tennessee on 6 November 1814, and served until he was honorably discharged at Kingston, Tennessee on 21 December 1814 for disability. The service record showed that he was paid from 13-27 November. Even though he only served 14 days, Booher applied for bounty land.
Source:, War of 1812 pension file
Source:, War of 1812 pension file

According to the file, John Booher Jr married Margaret Zimmerlie on 29 June 1813 in Washington County, Virginia. Margaret was the daughter of Jacob Zimmerlie (also spelled Zimmerle and Zimmerly), who helped put up the bond for John Booher Sr's estate in 1820. When John Jr was drafted in November 1814, he had one infant son at home (Benjamin, born in April 1814). Perhaps he did not want to be gone from home long, but his time in the 4th Regiment was short. Upon his return from service, Margaret became pregnant with their second son, Jacob Booher, who was born in September 1815. As noted in Elizabeth Parragin's story, John Jr and Margaret had 13 children, and they eventually moved to Indiana following John's brother Jacob to the fertile lands of Montgomery County.

John Booher Junior died on 19 February 1873 in Montgomery County. The file continues with the widow's pension of Margaret Booher, and contains a detailed family history in an affidavit from her son, Jonathan A. Booher. I will describe that history in the next post.

Monday, January 19, 2015

The Parragin Story

As part of my on-going look into the Booher family line, I have reviewed land and will records in Indiana, Tennessee and Virginia. This has been useful in placing the Booher family in Sullivan County before Tennessee became a state. The will records have also provided context to the Sullivan County land referenced in my 7th-great-grandfather John Booher's will probated in Washington County, Virginia in 1820. But to better understand how the family came to this corner of the country, we need to return to Betty McCay's A History and Genealogy of the Booher Family, 1747-1964. The book contains a transcription of an interview with John Booher's youngest daughter, Elizabeth Booher Parragin. She lived to be 105 years old. Elizabeth's story was collected in October 1901 and read at the Booher Reunion in Montgomery County, Indiana on 3 September 1902.

Source: Library of Congress, Abingdon, Virginia
Source: McCay, pg 9.
The Parragin story has been published in other forms online (see New River Notes but be aware that there are typos with this transcription).  I have extracted out sections of interest, and the full story can be read in McCay's book. It begins at the Booher family reunion in 1900, when the family learned of a relative living in Clinton County, Kentucky who was 104 years old. Eva Booher recounts how she was designated to travel from Indiana to visit Elizabeth Parragin in Kentucky, since she was the only person in Montgomery County who recalled seeing her Aunt before the family moved from Sullivan County to Indiana. Eva wrote that she last saw Elizabeth on 25 August 1833, before her father moved to Indiana, and that she hadn't heard from her in 15 years, and thought she was dead.

Eva traveled with her cousin and her son-in-law to Cincinnati, where they picked up the Cincinnati Southern Railroad to Burnside in south-central Kentucky. From there they took a stage coach 25 miles to Monticello. They spent the night in Monticello and then hired a man who took them over a mountain 25 miles to Albany, Kentucky. "The road was one of the roughest it had ever been my experience to travel and in many places found it much more agreeable to walk than ride. I would call much of the country Godforsaken except for the consideration I have for the dear folks I found at the end of the journey and who must pass this way for 50 miles to get to the railroad which will take them to God's country in Indiana."

Elizabeth Parragin appears in the 1900 US Census in the household of her son, Judge Cyrus Parragin. In the story, the Boohers went to Cyrus' home and interviewed Elizabeth on her family history. "Her voice was clear and her hearing was not seriously impaired."

Elizabeth's Story

"My name is Elizabeth Parrigin and I am the youngest daughter of John Booher. I was born in Sullivan County, Tennessee January 11, 1797, and if I live till my next birthday I will be 105 years old. We moved within 4 miles of Bristol, Tennessee when I was 19 years old from Washington County, Virginia, Abingdon being the county seat. We moved to Clinton County, Kentucky one mile from where we now lived, October 17, 1858. I was married to Henry Parrigin August 18, 1821 at the age of 24 in Washington County, Virginia. We had seven children, 3 daughters and 4 sons: Amelia Ann, John Franklin, Martha Jane, Sabrina, Emery, Cyrus, and William Henry."

"My father, John Booher was of German parentage. My grandfather came from Germany to Pennsylvania but my father and mother were born in this country. My grandparents died when I was a child and my father went back to Pennsylvania when I was about 10 years old to get his legacy. Martin was my father's brother. My father had 10 children, 8 sons and 2 daughters. Their names were: Jacob, Mary (Polly), William, Benjamin, Jehu (died in infancy), John, Frederick, Isaac and Henry (twins), and Elizabeth.

Jacob lived in Tennessee until 1833 when he moved to Indiana and located near Darlington. His children were: William M., Mike, Elizabeth, Gurdianus (Curtis), Samuel, John M., Ambrose, Jonathan M., Jacob Jr., Mahala, Benjamin, Lucinda, Catherine, and Leander.

Mary (Polly) lived in Tennessee and had 13 children, her husband was John Booher and her cousin. The names of the children were: Frankie, Daniel, Rebecca, Peter, Samuel, John, Elias, Jacob and Mary (twins), Barbara, Eli, Elizabeth, and Lydia.

William had 9 children; 3 sons and 6 daughters. He lived and died within 4 miles of Kingsport, Tennessee. The names of the children were: Lucinda, Nancy, John, Adelaine, and Mary (Dolly). One boy died in infancy and the names of the younger girls I can not remember.

Benjamin had 9 children; 4 sons and 5 daughters. He lived and died in Sullivan County, Tennessee. The names of the children were: John, Martin, Katherine, Sarah, James, Nancy, Esther, Leah, and Abraham; at last count only James and Esther were living.

John had 13 children: Benjamin, Jacob, William, Nathaniel, Samuel (died in infancy), Mary, Nathan, Margaret, Isaac, Elkanah, Catherine, Johnathan A., and Sylvanus. He migrated to Indiana.

Frederick lived and died in Virginia; he was the father of seventeen children, nine sons and eight daughters. One son died in infancy but the other children grew to manhood and womanhood. Their names were: Frederich, Samuel, James, John, William, Curtis, Jacob, Benjamin, Eliza Ann, Frankie, Elizabeth, Mary, Rachel, Melinda, Margaret, and Catherine. Joseph died in infancy of whooping cough.

Isaac had 10 children, 6 sons and 4 daughters. He lived and died in Virginia after raising 6 children. Their names were: Macgee, Lydia, Lossin, Susan Catherine, Isaac (died in infancy), three children were born dead.

Henry, when a child just able to walk, fell and bit his tongue in two and never talked plain. He never married but lived to be about 30 years old, and died in Virginia.

Jehu died in infancy.

Elizabeth, that is my name and I have told you about myself.

In conclusion, let me ask how many of us could give array of facts and that without hesitation? Aunt Elizabeth showed us some interesting relics among which was a pair of pothooks made in Tennessee by William Booher, a son of Jacob, and father of Elizabeth Booher (Aunt Bet) who is here today and now has the pothooks, the same being sent to her by Aunt Elizabeth. She also showed us a German Bible 127 years old and a bowl 125 years old which she had received from her mother.

But the saddest of my story is yet to be told, for since our visit to Grandmammy she was summoned to another world and today is no more among the living on earth. She died April 13, 1902 at four o'clock in the afternoon and was buried the next afternoon at three o'clock at the Springs Cemetery near her last home.

Her exact age at time of her death was one hundred five years, three months, and two days.
Back in the Census records, Elizabeth Booher Parragin and her family appear in the 1850 US Census in Washington County, Virginia.

Though the story is short, it provides an invaluable recollection of family history. From the interview with Elizabeth, it appears my 6th-great-grandfather Jacob moved in the summer of 1833 to Indiana. We know from the land records that Jacob sold the last of his land in Sullivan County in August 1834. From the story, Jacob was also the oldest son of John Booher Sr. Elizabeth's description of Henry Booher, twin of Isaac Booher, helps understand why John Sr asked Isaac to serve as guardian for his brother in the will, and to maintain the land in Washington County for Henry.

There is more to follow before turning to the Hampton family. John Booher Jr and Isaac Booher served in the War of 1812, and there are pension files for both on Fold3.

Sunday, January 18, 2015

The Will of John Booher

In looking at the Sullivan County, Tennessee land records (see yesterday's post), the deeds show my 7th-great-grandfather John Booher was a large land owner on Sinking Creek. John's will, written 26 November 1820 and proven on 10 December 1820 in neighboring Washington County, Virginia, describes his land in Tennessee. The will also includes two other familiar names as witnesses - George Burkhart and Wallace Willoughby. Both men were regularly involved in land transactions with John's son Jacob Booher.

This is a transcription from the will:

In the name of God Amen, I John Booher of Washington County, State of Virginia, being weak and sick in body, but of sound and disposing mind, memory and understanding, considering the certainty of death, and the uncertainty of the time thereof, and being desirous to settle my worldly affairs, do therefore make and publish this my last will and testament and form following that is to say:

First and principally, I commit my spirit unto the hands of the Almighty God, and my body to the earth. After my just debts and funeral charges are paid, I devise and bequeath the following:

Item First: I give and bequeath unto my beloved wife Barbara Booher during her natural life the tract of land whereon I now live with the appurtenances thereunto belonging, and at my wife's decease it is my desire that my son Isaac Booher shall have the above tract of land with all appurtenances thereunto belonging to him or his heirs, it is my further desire that my son Isaac Booher shall maintain my son Henry Booher during his natural life, and further desire that said tract of land shall not be sold during my son Henry's life.

Item: I give and bequeath unto my beloved wife, Barbara Booher, my negro woman Polly, also her child Celia and her infant child during her natural life. It is also my desire that my wife shall have choice of two horses also two cows and one heifer also choice of four sheep and one breeding sow - it is further my desire for my wife to keep all my household and kitchen furniture.

It is my further desire for my wife to keep all my grain now on hand either growing or gathered, and at her decease, it is my desire that all the moveable property and also the three aforesaid negroes with their increase shall be sold at public sale on a credit of twelve months and the profits arising from said sale to be equally divided amongst all my children.

Item: I give and bequeath unto my son Henry Booher my negro boy Jefferson, and it is my desire that my son Isaac shall act as guardian for my son Henry and apply the proceeds of said negro boy for the benefit of my son Henry.

Item: I give and bequeath unto my son Isaac Booher him and his heirs the aforesaid tract of land at my wife's decease with the appurtenances thereunto belonging.

Item: I give and bequeath unto my daughter Elizabeth Booher, my negro girl Teressa. Also my bay mare called Phillis provided she marries consentably to her mother.

Item: It is further my desire that all lands in Sullivan County, State of Tennessee, shall be sold twelve months after my decease, to the best advantage by my Executors hereafter mentioned and the money arising therefrom to be equally divided between Jacob Booher, Polly Booher, wife of John Booher, William Booher, Benjamin Booher, John Booher and Frederick Booher, them and their heirs.

And lastly I do hereby constitute and appoint my son Jacob Booher and my son Benjamin Booher to be the sole Executors of this my last will and testament. In testimony whereof I have hereunto set my hand and affix my seal this 26th day of November 1820. John Booher {seal}

Signed, sealed, published and declared by John Booher Sr. the above named testator as and for his last will and testament in the presence of each other have subscribed our names as witnesses thereunto. Joseph Gray, Henry Mumpower (X his mark), George Burkhart, Wallace Willoughby

The last will and testament of John Booher, deceased was exhibited in Court and proved by the oath of Joseph Gray and Henry Mumpower two of the witnesses thereto and ordered be recorded. And on the motion of Jacob Booher and Benjamin Booher the executors therein named who took the oath of an executor prescribed by law, and entered into and acknowledged their bond in the sum of five thousand dollars with Joseph Gray, Jacob Zimmerlie and Henry Mumpower their securities conditioned as the law directs a certificate is therefore granted them for the probate of the said will in due form.
According to the Grantor-Grantee Index for Sullivan County, the Executors of John Booher sold 10 acres on Sinking Creek to Jacob Miller on 2 April 1824. Wallace Willoughby transferred a tract on Sinking Creek to the estate of John Booher on 22 February 1825. Much of the estate was transferred to the other Booher heirs in 1825. John Booher Jr acquired 425 acres on Sinking Creek. In 1827 John Thomas acquired 80 acres on Sinking Creek from the estate.

While I look into land and probate records for Washington County, Virginia, there is a bit more in the story for John Booher's children. I will pick this up next before we turn to the Hampton family in Sullivan County, Tennessee.

Sinking Creek

The Booher family settled in the northeastern corner of Tennessee, straddling the line between Washington County, Virginia and Sullivan County, Tennessee. I thought it would be helpful in understanding the Booher journey to take a look at some maps for the region before following the record trail into Virginia.
Source: Google Maps, Sullivan County, Tennessee
Sinking Creek appears on the map east of Bristol, Tennessee, running north to south toward the South Fork of the Holston River. The creek begins in Washington County, Tennessee.

In 1836, Sinking Creek ran through the town of Paperville, which can be seen in the map below from the David Rumsey Map Collection.
Source:, 1836 Henry Tanner map of Tennessee
Jacob Booher bought Lot 34 in Paperville from Wallace Willoughby on 18 August 1817. He sold the lot to Nathan Willet on 16 November 1823.

The Booher contribution to place names remains today. There is a Booher Creek in Sullivan County that appears in a Waterbody Quality report from the EPA. This is very likely named after land owned by brothers of John Booher (1750-1820).
Source: EPA, Waterbody Quality Report

Saturday, January 17, 2015

Sullivan County Land

Earlier in the month I started looking at my files on the Booher and Hampton families (see 4 January 2015's post). I covered the estate of Jacob Booher, and then went off to California for meetings. It has been a busy couple of weeks and now I am able to look closer at the package from the Sullivan County Clerk's Office for the land records of the Booher family.

Jacob's father, my 7th-great-grandfather, John Booher acquired 200 acres of land on Sinking Creek in Sullivan County, Tennessee on 28 March 1791. This qualifies the Boohers for First Families of Tennessee status. John purchased another 600 acres on Sinking Creek in three separate 200 acre transactions on 30 November 1801. John later moved from Sullivan County to Washington County, Virginia on 17 March 1818, where he died on 20 December 1820. John's will was recorded in Washington County and I will have more on that in an upcoming post.

Jacob had his own land records in Sullivan County, first purchasing one acre from Wallace Willoughby on 21 November 1803. He next bought 51 acres on Reedy Creek for $400 on 22 November 1804 from Frederick Whiteman. Jacob bought another property from Willoughby on 21 May 1805, Lot 37 in a place called Greenfield in Sullivan County. Booher purchased another acre from Willoughby on 14 February 1807, in the same town of Greenfield. The land records show this was also on Sinking Creek.

Jacob next acquired 31 acres on the east side of Sinking Creek from George Burkhart. This purchase was made on 21 November 1808. Jacob followed this with a 39 acre purchase on 19 August 1807 for $196 from Henry Sharetts. Jacob then sold his 51 acres on Reedy Creek to William Priestly on 17 August 1812. Jacob and George Burkhart bought 51 acres on Sinking Creek from Henry Sharetts on 16 November 1813. The two men acquired another 10 acres on Sinking Creek from the State of Tennessee on 5 November 1814.

The next big purchase occurred on 20 May 1816, when Jacob bought 134 acres on Sinking Creek from Thomas White for $800. Jacob bought another 20 acres on Sinking Creek from the State of Tennessee on 1 September 1815.

Three years later Jacob bought 330 acres on Conrad Sherolts for $3390, an amazing sum for 1818. Prior to this purchase, Jacob had sold 134 acres to George Burkhart on Sinking Creek for $900, so perhaps that sale helped finance the transaction with Sherolts.

On 14 August 1834, Jacob sold 370 acres to Valentine Devault for $2000. It looks like this was the last of Jacob's land in Sullivan County, and after this sale his family moved to Montgomery County, Indiana.

Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Wordless Wednesday - Dakar Sunset

Photo by Patrick Jones. Dakar, Senegal. 24 Oct 2011.

Sunday, January 11, 2015

Testing Evernote Scannable

I've started testing the new Evernote Scannable app for saving documents (see the review from TheNextWeb here). It looks like it will be a very handy tool for scanning and saving documents in my burgeoning family history files. I downloaded the version for iOS and conducted a test by scanning three pages from my Grandfather's Pilot's Log. The images below were saved in the Scannable app and pushed to email as a pdf.
Original Pilot's Log of Leo M. Reid.

I was able to rotate and crop images within the app. I plan to test this with some other files but so far Evernote Scannable looks to be very useful.

Section 12 Township 19

Last week before departing for meetings in LA I started a review of information on my 6th-great-grandfather, Jacob Booher (see Settling the estate of Jacob Booher). When the Booher family arrived in Montgomery County, Indiana, they settled on an 80 acre plot of land in Section 12, Township 19 acquired from the General Land Office in Crawfordsville. The original land patent is below.
Source: US Dept. of Interior BLM General Land Office Records

The land patent was recorded on 18 March 1837 in the name of "Jacob Booker". There is a stamp showing the patent record to be imperfect and a corrected patent was issued to Jacob Booher on 9 December 1965. I do not know what would have caused an updated patent to be issued 128 years later, unless as a result of the land being sold in 1965 and the title to the land had to be cleared.
Corrected land patent from 1965.

Wednesday, January 7, 2015

Wordless Wednesday - Palms in LA

Photo by Patrick Jones. Los Angeles, 7 Jan 2015

Monday, January 5, 2015

Settling the estate of Jacob Booher

This is a transcription of the probate file of Jacob Booher. The copy was provided by the Crawfordsville District Public Library in January 2006. Jacob died without a will on 29 July 1845 in Montgomery County, Indiana. His son Guardianias Booher served as administrator of the estate.

August Term 1847

A Complete Record of the proceedings and final settlement of the estate herein after named in the Probate Court of Montgomery County, in the State of Indiana, before his honor Robert Taylor, Judge of said Court. To wit:

Jacob Booher's Estate. Guardianias Booher, Administrator,

Be it remembered, that on the fourteenth day of August, in the year Eighteen hundred and forty five, it being the fourth judicial day of the August Term of the Probate Court in and for said Montgomery County in the State of Indiana aforesaid, said Guardianias Booher, came into said court in proper person, and filed the following affidavit to wit "State of Indiana, Montgomery County

Personally appeared in the Probate Court of Montgomery County Guardianias Booher of lawful age who being duly sworn upon his oath saith that Jacob Booher departed this life in the County of Montgomery aforesaid without leaving a will as he is informed and believes to be true, on the 29th day of July 1845. That said Jacob Booher left personal estate to be administered to the value as he is informed and believes of about one thousand dollars and further saith not.  Signed, Guardianias Booher.

In witness of which I hereunto set my hand at Crawfordsville, this 14th day of August 1845. Jas. W. Lynn, Clerk.

And therefore said Guardianias Booher makes application to said court for Letters of Administration on the estate of Jacob Booher deceased, and the said applicant in open court executes his bond in a penalty of double the ascertained value of the personal estate of the said decedent, with security therein who is an inhabitant of this state, and approved by the court, which bond is in these words and figures to wit: "Know all these men by these presents, that we Guardianias Booher and William Booher of the County of Montgomery and the state of Indiana, are held and firmly bound unto the state of Indiana in the sum of one thousand dollars to the payment whereof well and jointly, severally and firmly by these presents, signed and sealed by us, and dated this fourteenth day of August in the year 1845. Whereas the Probate Court of Montgomery County, has this day granted letters of administration to Guardianias Booher on the goods, chattles, rights, credits, moneys and effects which were of Jacob Booher deceased, late of the County aforesaid. Now therefore the condition of the above obligations is this, that of the above bound Guardianias Booher, shall diligently and faithfully executes the duties and trusts committed to him as such administrator as prescribed and required by law and will obey all orders and decrees of such Probate court made pursuant not to law touching the administration of this estate so entrusted to him, that then and in that case, the above obligation to be void and of no effect, otherwise to be and now in of full force and virtue in law.

Signed, sealed and acknowledged by the said obligoro in the said Probate Court and which is by said Court approved the day and year above written. Attest: } Guardianias Booher, William Booher

Inventory of the Estate of Jacob Booher

On 18-19 August 1845, Levi Middleton and Samuel Deck ("two reputable freeholders of the neighborhood") conducted an appraisal of the estate for Jacob Booher. The entire estate covered 5 pages. Rather than transcribe the contents, I will highlight some of the more interesting contents, which included a wide variety of farm tools, horses, cattle, sheep, food and personal effects. A bay horse was valued at $60, while a wagon and rigging was valued at $65. He had 24 head of sheep, valued at $24 and lot of hogs valued at $50. The estate included 1 German Bible, a family Bible (acquired by Leander Booher in the estate sale), 2 volumes of Rollin's Ancient History (now available at the Internet Archive), and 9 other unnamed books.

The estate was put up for public sale on 12 September 1845. Much of the estate was acquired by his children and neighbors. Purchasers included:
Carrol Young
Isaac Larrance
Leander Booher
Benjamin Booher
Samuel M. Booher
David D. Greene
Wesley Vanarsdal
Mahala Booher
Jonathan Booher
Samuel Deck
Levi Middleton
Jacob Booher Jr
John Snavely
Michael Hampton
James Vail
William Coons
Martin Bowers Jr
Cornelius Wilson
Nathan Booher
Samuel Hampton
James Bowers
George Price
Elisha Doss
John Lowry
James McDowell
William Reese
Samuel Bickel
Lewis Dunbar
John Test
John Tribbet
Jesse Bailey
Howard Ellis
Isaac Sands
William Ready
John M. Booher
Gabriel Hamilton
Tarlton Adams
Soloman Barnhart
Jesse S. Benson
Nathan Caldwell
William Jones
George Pierman
William Booher
James Craig
Cason Buckhalter
Silas Kenworthy
Christian Bowman
Abram Robins
Henry Smith
H. McArthur
Samuel Gilliland
Silas Peterson
John J. Booher
S. Williams
A. W. Rowan
Jane Hampton
William Lankford
Philip Smith
John Smith
Silas Hiatt
James Emmitt
William Bowman
John A. Doss
James B. Doss

My 5th-great-grandfather Michael Hampton served as a security on several of the purchases. He also bought a bucket and glass pot, 5 sheep, Irish potatoes and a ream of corn (totaling $8.43). My 4th-great-grandfather James Vail bought bacon, a side saddle, 5 sheep, a tub, a bucket, a sausage funnel and tin cups (totaling $7.80).

An accounting of the estate was provided to the Probate Court. The cause was continued over several terms of the court. In August 1847, Guardianias provided an accounting showing a total of $774.68 had been collected. From this amount, fees were paid to the court and after paying open accounts, the following was distributed to the heirs of Jacob Booher (in order from the probate file):
1. John M. Booher
2. Leander Booher
3. Samuel M. Booher
4. Jacob Booher Jr.
5. Benjamin Booher
6. Jonathan Booher
7. John Snavely (husband of Lucinda Booher)
8. William Booher
9. Ambrose Booher
10. Margaret J. Hampton
11. James Vail (husband of Selina Hampton)
12. Samuel Hampton
13. Guardianias Booher

I hope this is useful to other descendants of Jacob Booher or any of the named purchasers from Montgomery County in 1845-1847.