Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Beautify Lincoln Part 1

This is a collection of shots from a walk last Friday along Lincoln Boulevard in Santa Monica. The walls in these photos were created in 2013 as part of the Beautify Lincoln project (read more about it here and here). I missed a quite a few walls so I'll have to do a Part 2 in a future trip to LA.
Photo by Patrick Jones. Lincoln Blvd in Santa Monica.
Photo by Patrick Jones. 25 Jul 2014.
Photo by Patrick Jones. Lincoln Blvd, Santa Monica.
Photo by Patrick Jones. 25 Jul 2014.
Photo by Patrick Jones. Santa Monica, CA.
Photo by Patrick Jones. 25 Jul 2014.

Sunday, July 27, 2014

Pension File of Patrick Cain

Last week I had the chance to view the Civil War pension file of Patrick Cain (introduced last Saturday in the post The Irish Soldier). Unfortunately the file did not provide any connection between him and my second-great-grandmother Mary Alice Cain or her brother Harl Cain.
Photo by Patrick Jones. US National Archives, Washington DC.
Patrick Cain's disability was reported in October 1863, which clears up why he was absent from service in November and December 1863 as he was being treated for an eye infection. Soreness in his left eye became a chronic case of sore eyes, eventual blindness in his right eye and partial blindness in the left.

After the Civil War, Cain received treatment from a hospital in Louisville, and later worked on the railroad in Marion County, Kentucky. Before the war, Cain resided for five years in Glasgow, Barren County, working as a common laborer on farms and in gardens. Perhaps this fact will lead to information on Cain's arrival in the US, and other relatives.

The file confirms the marriage of Patrick Cain to Julia (maiden name mispelled as Downing in the file, it was Downey) on 16 June 1891 in Marion County, Kentucky. The ceremony was performed in a public church by Rev. William Buchanan. It also says Cain was not previously married and had no living children.

The 1910 US Census states that Patrick Cain arrived in the US in 1849. There is a Pat Cain who arrived at the Port of Baltimore in May 1849 from Liverpool at the age of 17, with Catherine Cain and Alice Cain (ages 15 and 23). More research to look into!

Saturday, July 26, 2014

Marco Polo Mural

Photo by Patrick Jones. Marco Polo mural, Santa Monica, CA.
The painting above was created in 2009 by muralist Keith Blum, on the exterior of Marco Polo Imports in Santa Monica, California. The mural can be seen at the corner of Colorado and Lincoln Avenues.

I've returned from a short few days of meetings in LA. On this trip I took a walk yesterday along Lincoln Avenue, which isn't known to be the most scenic part of town but is full of walls that were painted in 2013 and early 2014. I'll feature some of the findings in an upcoming post, and hope to catch some walls that I missed in a future trip to LA.

Thursday, July 24, 2014

Portrait of Harley Cain

In continuing to search for the identity of parents for my second-great-grandmother Mary Alice Cain and her brother, Harl P. Cain, I have found some new information that may help clear up this brick wall. It appears that Harl (also known as Harley Cain), married Leeta V. Gordon (maiden name Cralley) in Washoe County, Nevada, about 1950. I ran a search for Harley Cain, and found a reference to him in the Oregon Marriage index for 14 September 1912 in Lane County, Oregon. This led me to check the Lane County Historical Society website, and a photo of Harley Cain dated either May 1934 or 1944 (I am guessing 1934).
Source: Lane County Historical Society
There's more to this lead, so hopefully this will shed some light on the Cain family origins.

Update - As I look into this Harley Cain further, it looks like unfortunately it isn't the same person I am tracking. The photo above is Harley Orville Cain, a logger from Lane County, Oregon, not Harl P. Cain from Barren County, Kentucky. So I'm not connected to Mr. Cain above, but there may be others who are. There are more photos related to his Cain family with the Lane County Historical Society museum website.

Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Wordless Wednesday - Torpedo Factory Mural

Photo by Patrick Jones. Alexandria Torpedo Factory, Waterfront Entrance.

Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Historical data, takedowns and fears of identity theft

Last Friday, the Irish Data Protection Commissioner  requested removal of historical data published on Irishgenealogy.ie, an initiative of the Department of Arts, Heritage and the Gaeltacht, the part of the Irish government that "oversees the conservation, preservation, protection and presentation of Ireland's heritage and cultural assets". The database was part of the Civil Records search, which began as way to make information available from the 1901 and 1911 censuses. According to articles in the Irish Times and the Guardian, the Data Commissioner intervened over concerns that the Civil Records search contained information on living persons.

There is no proven data showing a link between the availability of historical and genealogy information on government websites and identity theft. The comments of Data Commissioner Hawkes calling the data a "treasure trove for people of evil intent" and a "very shocking" example of a public service failure are alarmist and misleading.

On the AHG website, it characterized the census digitization project as "an extremely valuable part of Irish heritage, and a resource for genealogists, local historians and scholars." Given the large population of persons of Irish ancestry around the world, the data and other sets like it held by the National Archives of Ireland are also of interest to persons not living in Ireland. Genealogy data and research often leads to historical tourism, so there is a connection to the Irish economy from the availability of this information. 

Irish citizens should ask that their government representatives have a reasonable dialogue on the issues and separate rhetoric from the facts. There are practical controls that can be put into place, on the persons who are able to access the information, to the ranges of available data in the Civil Records search.

In May 2014, the Federation of Genealogical Societies Records Preservation and Access Committee launched a Genealogists Declaration of Rights. The issues raised in Ireland touch on similar concerns for a balancing of access to information and privacy. While the Declaration of Rights is aimed at the US, the statements could easily apply to other locations.

Disclaimer - these views are my own. I have Irish ancestors on at least two branches of my family tree, one left Ireland around 1805 and the other arrived in the US by at least 1860. I have not made use of the information and resources of Irishgenealogy.ie, and until this story appeared in my newsfeed on Monday, I was not familiar with them. But I might want to make use of their services in the future, especially if AHG makes earlier historical data available. I am also not a specialist in Irish data protection law.

Saturday, July 19, 2014

The Irish Soldier

In May 1863, a young Irishman joined the 37th Infantry, Union Army in Glasgow, Barren County, Kentucky. On his muster roll card he's listed as 26 years old, the same age he was listed as in the 1860 US Census in Barren County. Patrick Cain mustered into service on 17 September 1863 in Company A of the 37th Infantry.
Source: Fold3.com
Source: Ancestry.com, 1860 US Census, Barren County, Kentucky
Cain was absent from service in November and December 1863, but was listed as present in January and February 1864. He remained in service until he was discharged on 29 December 1864.
A card from the Civil War and Later Veterans Index shows that Cain filed a pension application in June 1880, and that he died on 15 November 1913.

I put the death date into Findagrave and found a photo for his headstone, along with the name of his wife, Julia Cain, in Marion County, Kentucky. It looks like I will have to make another visit to the National Archives in DC to see Cain's pension file. This may be a stretch, but I wonder if this Cain is connected to my second-great-grandmother Mary Alice Cain Read and her brother Harl P. Cain.

Back to the 1860 US Census, Cain (age 26) is living in the household of Edmond and Honora Halloran, both of Ireland, and their children Ann and ten-month old Patrick. My guess is that Honora is the sister of Patrick, but I don't know if this is correct.

From looking in the Kentucky Marriage records, 1851-1900, Patrick Cain married Julia Lynch in Washington County, Kentucky on 16 June 1891. She had previously married Augustus Lynch in Marion County, Kentucky on 14 June 1874, her maiden name was Downey. Patrick and Julia appear in the 1900 and 1910 US Census in Lebanon, Marion County, Kentucky.

The couple are buried in Saint Augustine Church Cemetery in Lebanon, Marion County, Kentucky.
Source: Findagrave
I do not yet have other information on Patrick Cain and his potential connection to my Cain ancestors. I am hoping this possible lead helps break through the brick wall for Mary Alice and Harl.

Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Travel Tuesday - Chico Hot Springs

At the end of our Montana vacation, we stopped for a swim at the historic Chico Hot Springs Resort. The hotel and original pool opened in 1900, although spring-fed pools in Chico date back to the 1890s. We bought day passes and it was well worth it to kick back in the hot pools for a few hours before continuing back to Bozeman for our next flight to Seattle.
Photo by A.R. Jones. Chico Hot Springs, Montana. 1 July 2014.
The often cited first reference to the hot springs is from the diary of miner John S. Hackney, who wrote on 16 January 1865 that he "went out to the hot springs and washed my dirty duds."The Chico Warm Springs Hotel operated from 1900 and became known as a health spa due to the theraputic mineral waters from the geothermal activity in the area.
The main pool is kept at about 96 degrees, while the smaller hot pool runs closer to 104. There is also a restaurant next to the pool featuring local brews, burgers and ice cream.

Saturday, July 12, 2014

Blanche's Beauty Salon

After graduating from Broad Ripple High School, my grandmother Blanche O'Brien later opened her own beauty shop. I suspect this was a rare achievement for a woman in 1930s Indianapolis. Advertisements for the shop appear in the Riparian yearbook in 1937, 1939 and 1940.
Via IMCPL Digital Collection
1939 Riparian yearbook, IMCPL Digital Collection
1940 Broad Ripple Riparian, page 51
Back in July 2012, I wrote about Blanche in the 1940 US Census. Her shop was located at 801 East 63rd Street in Broad Ripple, right next to her residence in 1940 at 811 1/2 63rd Street.

Friday, July 11, 2014

Friday Photo - A Bear and Buffalo

Photo by A.R. Jones. Brutus the Bear, Montana Grizzly Encounter.
Photo by A.R. Jones. Buffalo in Yellowstone. 30 Jun 2014.

Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Wordless Wednesday - Argentina

Photo by Patrick Jones. Recoleta, Buenos Aires. 1 Feb 2014

Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Riparian 1932

After finding my Gumpy in the Arsenal Tech High School yearbooks from 1936-1938, I ran a search for my grandmother Blanche O'Brien to see if she was in the Broad Ripple High School Riparian in the 1930s. It looks like she was in the class of 1932, but this issue of the Broad Ripple Riparian is not available online. I did find her in the 1930 and 1931 issues though.

In 1930, Blanche appears in the Art Club photo, second in the second row.
Source: IMCPL Digital Collection. Broad Ripple Riparian 1930.
Blanche O'Brien
In 1931, Blanche appears in the photo for English VI and Special English (page 30), at the end of the fourth row, and also in the Art Club (third row, second from end).
Source: IMCPL Digital Library. Broad Ripple Riparian June 1931.
If there is a researcher out there who finds the 1932 Broad Ripple Riparian yearbook, I would be interested in receiving scans.

Monday, July 7, 2014

Number 18

While browsing the Indianapolis Marion County Public Library's Digital Collection, I ran across a great find in the January 1938 Arsenal Cannon yearbook. My Gumpy, Keith D. Jones, appears in the middle row on page 35 for the 1937 Arsenal Tech football team. He wore number 18, the same number quarterback Peyton Manning wears today. I've heard stories of my Gumpy's days when he played football, but until now had never seen a picture of him in uniform. I understand he played backup quarterback and receiver.
Source: IMCPL Digital Library; 1938 Arsenal Cannon. Keith D. Jones.
1937 Arsenal Tech Football Team
From the January 1937 Arsenal Cannon yearbook, it looks like Gumpy played as a lineman, he wore number 61.
Source: Archive.org, 1937 Arsenal Cannon. #61, Keith D. Jones.
Jan 1937 Arsenal Cannon, on the 1936 football team
Gumpy appears in the January 1936 Arsenal Cannon (1935 football), he's the last player in the picture on the third row, barely in a practice squad uniform. To go from last on the team two years earlier to key player in his senior year is an achievement, as well as playing in front of 10,000 fans at the Butler Bowl in the school's rivalry game against Shortridge. It's great to see this now, knowing the years of hard work I put in as a multi-sport athlete in high school and later college swimmer. I think our kids will enjoy seeing this too.

Minuteman Sketch

Source: Tennessee State Library and Archives
This sketch of a Revolutionary War minuteman is from the Tennessee State Library and Archives Digital Collection, and was used in the creation of a mural from 1941 now in the lobby of the Sevier State Office Building in Nashville, Tennessee. I meant to post this last week, catching up from the long Independence Day weekend.

Sunday, July 6, 2014

Petition Against Dividing Culpeper into Three Counties

This petition from 12 November 1791 was signed by over 1800 inhabitants of Culpeper County, requesting the Virginia General Assembly to not divide Culpeper into three counties. Among the signatories on this petition were Samuel Read and his father (my 6th-great-grandfather) John Read and brother Griffin Read. The handwriting on this document is very clear. From the Legislative Petitions to the General Assembly, Culpeper County, Accession Number 36121, Box 58, Folder 39, PID 536055.

Petition to pay taxes in tobacco or hemp instead of cash

The Library of Virginia digital collection has proven to be a big source of documents on my different family lines. In 1783, a group of inhabitants of Culpeper County, Virginia petitioned to pay taxes in tobacco and hemp instead of cash due to the scarcity of available funds following the end of the Revolutionary War. The petition is signed by my 6th-great-grandfather John Read, my 5th-great-grandfather Samuel Read, and my 6th-great-grandfather John Freeman (father of Juliann Freeman Read), among others (*I have not included all of the signatories on this document, for the full document see the Library of Virginia, Inhabitants Petition, Culpeper County, 3 October 1783).

Saturday, July 5, 2014

Street Art London

On my most recent trip to London, I was not able to find a Banksy, but I did spot a simple mosaic by Invader and a flea by Roa. In this set I'm also including a picture of a large blue rooster in Trafalgar Square.
Photo by Patrick Jones. Invader, London, 18 June 2014
Photo by Patrick Jones. Blue Rooster, Trafalgar Square
Photo by Patrick Jones. Roa and others, 25 Jun 2014
The rooster currently occupying the Fourth Plinth in Trafalgar Square is the 2013 selection in the Mayor of London's Fourth Plinth art contest. Hahn/Cock by artist Katharina Fritsch is soon to be replaced by a new sculpture. Additional photos of Roa's flea can be found at http://shadowsteve.blogspot.com/2014/06/roas-flea.html.

Distributing the Estate of Samuel Read

In a post from February 2012, I wrote about my 5th-great-grandfather Samuel Read of Culpeper, Virginia. His wife, my 5th-great-grandmother, Juliann (also spelled Julanor or Julaner) Freeman Read, died around 1815. When she passed, the estate of Samuel Read was distributed among their five children: John Read, Elizabeth Read Ball, Samuel Read Jr, William Freeman Read, and Harris Read. Juliann's brother Harris Freeman served as the guardian for William and Harris Read, as they were minors when their mother died. William Freeman Read was my 4th-great-grandfather.

The Library of Virginia has a copy of a petition to the General Assembly authorizing the sale of the dower for Juliann Freeman Read, containing the mansion house of Samuel Read, 41 acres, and other property. This document is dated 12 January 1816.
Source: Library of Virginia
Source: Library of Virginia, Legislative Petitions, Culpeper County, Accession Number 36121, Box 59, Folder 23.