Thursday, October 31, 2013

Testimony on behalf of John Thornhill

I have been writing about the case involving Captain John Thornhill for quite a while (see earlier posts the Indictment of Colonel Parsons and More on the case against Colonel Parsons). The writing below was published in the Knoxville Whig on 15 September 1865 (source: Library of Congress), written by an anonymous relative of John Thornhill providing a description of the events that led to his killing.

Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Wordless Wednesday - Bali Sunrise

Photo by Patrick Jones - Bali, Indonesia, Oct 2013

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Travel Tuesday - More from Amsterdam

Here are a few more photos from the Amsterdam layover last week. Only a few hours, but lasting impressions from a beautiful place. I have been through Amsterdam a few times, so I knew what I wanted to see. This was so much better than staying inside the airport.
Photo by Patrick Jones - Canal Ticket Shop, Amsterdam
Photo by Patrick Jones - Asian Pavillion, Rijksmuseum
Photo by Patrick Jones - Library, Rijksmuseum
Photo by Patrick Jones, Amsterdam canal

Monday, October 28, 2013

Amsterdam Layover

The photos below were from my long layover last week in Amsterdam. I lucked into nice weather, the Amsterdam Marathon, and a canal-side pub with a view of the route. A bonus was the entertainment - a mix of old ska and reggae blasting for the runners. It made for a great vibe and nice way to relax before another 15 hour flight.
Photo by Patrick Jones - Amsterdam, Oct 2013
I arrived just in time to take a bus from Schiphol to the recently renovated Rijksmuseum, the Dutch national art and history museum. Great collection of works, cool venue. Definitely worth seeing if you're planning a trip to Amsterdam. Tickets can be purchased at Schiphol & one can take the 197 bus from the airport to Leidseplein for 4 Euros. From there, the museum is a short walk.
Photo by Patrick Jones, Rijksmuseum, Oct 2013

Saturday, October 19, 2013

More on the case against Colonel Parsons

The extract below is from the 3 November 1865 issue of The Union Flag of Jonesborough, Tennessee (via the Library of Congress' Chronicling America database of historic newspapers). After finding the article in the Knoxville Whig (see the Indictment of Colonel Parsons), I ran search in the LOC's historic newspaper database. There is a lot on the case, from copies of depositions to court decisions, and it will take a while to go through it all.

Friday, October 18, 2013

Friday Photo - Sri Mariamman Temple

The photos below are from the Sri Mariamman Temple in Singapore. I'm hoping to stop by here again in March.
Photo by Patrick Jones - Singapore, 24 Jun 2011
Photo by Patrick Jones - Singapore, 24 Jun 2011

Thursday, October 17, 2013

Updated AncestryDNA Results

After teasing the new & improved AncestryDNA for the last few weeks, Ancestry finally opened up the Ethnicity Estimate 2.0 for everyone. And like everyone who received the email from Ancestry this afternoon, I immediately tried to see the results. Their website must have been flooded with traffic, as the DNA page was serving up errors for a while. But a few hours later, I was able to access the page to see the new results.

A Comparison with Version 1.0
Last July, my results showed me as 79% British Isles, 14% Eastern European, and 7% Uncertain. Then my Mom took the test, and her results revealed some fascinating differences - 77% British Isles, 7% Middle Eastern, 6% Native North American, and 10% Uncertain. With the Ethnicity Estimate 2.0, my results were a bit of a surprise:
Source: AncestryDNA
For Europe, I'm 89% - 43% Great Britain, 17% Iberian Peninsula, 12% Europe West, 8% Ireland, 9% European Trace Regions. I'm also 4% Native American, which Ancestry shows as North and South America. The surprising findings were 4% Near East, 2% Asia South (centered on the subcontinent region of India, Pakistan, Bangladesh and Sri Lanka), and <1% for Africa (South-Central Africa).

My Mom's new results also had some surprises compared to mine. She had 84% Europe - 35% Great Britain, 13% Italy/Greece, 12% Ireland, 11% Iberian Peninsula, 9% Europe West, 4% European Trace Regions. As in Version 1.0, her percentage of Native American is higher than mine - now 11%. But interestingly, her Near East percentage is lower, only 2%. Her South Asia percentage was lower at <1%, but she had a <1% Polynesia percentage. Her <1% Africa percentage was centered in North Africa (Morocco, Algeria, Tunisia and Lybia). This location isn't surprising given our Hispanic heritage.

More Detail
Looking closer at the trace regions, my European traces divide into European Jewish 3%, Italy/Greece 3%, Scandinavia 1%, Europe East <1%, and Finnish/Northern Russia <1%. For my Mom, she had Scandinavia 2%, European Jewish 1%, Europe East <1%.

This is just the start of diving into the new results. The latest findings make me interested to ask some others in the family if they would be open to taking an AncestryDNA test.

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Indictment of Colonel Parsons

The news clipping below comes from the 29 August 1866 edition of the Knoxville Whig (via The article describes the continuing legal saga following the murder of Captain John Thornhill (previously covered in my post titled From the Desk of the President, 1866, in Military Monday - Captain John Thornhill and the Civil War Pension File of Joseph Jones, Pt 2).
After the decision in Jefferson County Court, the case was appealed, and eventually made its way to the US Supreme Court in 1870 (see Rankin v State, 78 US 380). I am not certain if a copy of Judge Swan's opinion referenced in the article still exists, but I am hoping it may be in Supreme Court files on the case.

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

A Grand Ball

Last year I wrote about the Liga Protectora Latina and my great-great-grandfather's connection to this organization in the Tempe area between 1915-1917. The 4 May 1917 edition of the Arizona Republican describes a grand ball hosted by the Liga in Phoenix. I'm posting this for Hispanic Heritage Month.
Source: Arizona Republican

Monday, October 14, 2013

Travel Tuesday - Teddy Roosevelt Island Memorial

One of the hidden gems in the DC area is Theodore Roosevelt Island (I would link to the official National Park Service page, but due to the Federal government shutdown, the website has been taken down). In September we made a weekend visit to the tromp around the island, watch birds & see some nature. A few photos are below. Unfortunately the island park is closed to the public for now, but it is worth a visit when parks are opened again.
Photo by Patrick Jones - Theodore Roosevelt Island
Photo by Patrick Jones - Teddy Roosevelt Memorial
Photo by Patrick Jones - Teddy Roosevelt Memorial

Sunday, October 13, 2013

Warren County records on the Lambert family, Part 4

Here's two more transcriptions of land transfers involving my 5th-great-grandfather, Josiah Lambert in Warren County, Ohio. The first record was a transfer between Nathaniel and Nancy Moss and Josiah Lambert in 1821. The second was a transfer from Josiah and Lucy Lambert to one of their sons, Aaron Lambert in 1831. Both transfers involved the same 63 acre plot of land.

5 March 1821

This indenture made and concluded on this fifth day of March one thousand eight hundred and twenty one by and between Nathaniel Moss and Nancy his wife of the County of Warren and State of Ohio of the one part and Josiah Lambert of the county and State aforesaid of the other part -

Witnesseth that the said Nathaniel Moss and Nancy his wife for and in consideration of the sum of five hundred dollars to him in hand well and truly paid by the said Josiah Lambert before the ensealing and delivery of these presents the receipt and payment whereof is hereby acknowledged and the said Josiah Lambert his heirs and assigns forever all and singular that certain tract or parcel of land as follows viz.

Beginning at the south corner of the survey two walnuts and a popular and running thence with the south west boundary line N 35 degrees 54' W one hundred and forty two poles to a stone in said line a sugar tree dogwood and beech thence parallel with the south east boundary line N 55 1/2 E seventy one ninety six hundredths paces to a stone a white oak 30 inches in diameter bearing S 38 1/2 degrees W 14 links with another white oak 24 inches N 21 degrees E 27 1/2 links thence parallel with the south west boundary line S 35 degrees 54' E one hundred and forty two poles to a stone in the south east boundary line a beech 24 inches diameter bearing S 55 degrees W 3 1/2 links a walnut 16 inches diameter N 34 1/2 degrees E 26 links thence with said line S 55 1/2 degrees W seventy one and ninety six hundredths poles to the beginning containing 63 acres be the same more or less being part of a tract of land N 1211 in the Virginia Military reservation surveyed for Stephen T. Mason -- Together with all improvements water courses profits and appurtenances to the said premises belonging or in any wise appertaining. To have and to hold the lands hereby conveyed with all and singular the premises with every part and parcel thereof with every of the appurtenances unto said Josiah Lambert his heirs executors administrators and assigns forever and the said Nathaniel Moss his heirs executors administrators and assigns doth hereby covenant to and with the said Josiah Lambert that the premises aforesaid are free of all incumberances whatsoever in any manner obtained by him the said Nathaniel Moss and Nancy his wife and further that they and their heirs unto the said Josiah Lambert and to his heirs and assigns will warrant and by these presents against all claims whatsoever defend. In witness whereof the said Nathaniel Moss and Nancy his wife who hereby relinquish her right of dower in said land and premises have hereunto set their hands and seals the day and year first above written--

Signed sealed and delivered in presence of us

Samuel Nut [his mark X]
Elizabeth Roach

Nathaniel Moss {Seal}
Nancy Moss {Seal}

received and recorded 28th March 1821

29 March 1831

This indenture made this 29th day of March in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and thirty one between Josias Lambert of the County of Warren and State of Ohio of the first part and Aaron Lambert of the County and State aforesaid of the second part - Witnesseth that the said Josias Lambert in consideration of the sum of four hundred and fifty dollars to him in hand paid by the said Aaron Lambert the receipt whereof the said Josias Lambert doth hereby acknowledged and thereof and therefrom doth clearly acquit exonerate and discharge the said Aaron Lambert his heirs executors and adminstrators have and do hereby grant bargain sell alien enfeoss release convey and confirm unto the said Aaron Lambert his heirs and assigns forever all and singular that certain tract or parcel of land as follows viz.

Beginning at the south corner of the survey two walnuts and a poplar and running thence with the south west boundary line N 35 degrees 54' W one hundred and forty two poles to a stone in said line a sugar tree dogwood and beech thence parallel with the south east boundary line N 55 1/2 E seventy one ninety six hundredths paces to a stone a white oak 30 inches in diameter bearing S 38 1/2 degrees W 14 links with another white oak 24 inches N 21 degrees E 27 1/2 links thence parallel with the south west boundary line S 35 degrees 54' E one hundred and forty two poles to a stone in the south east boundary line a beech 24 inches diameter bearing S 55 degrees W 3 1/2 links a walnut 16 inches diameter N 34 1/2 degrees E 26 links thence with said line S 55 1/2 degrees W seventy one and ninety six hundredths poles to the beginning containing 63 acres be the same more or less being part of a tract of land N 1211 in the Virginia Military reservation surveyed for Stephen T. Mason -- Together with all improvements water courses profits and appurtenances to the said premises belonging or in any wise appertaining. To have and to hold the lands hereby conveyed with all and singular the premises with every part and parcel thereof with every of the appurtenances unto said Aaron Lambert his heirs and assigns forever and the said Aaron Lambert occasioned by him the said Josias Lambert and further he and his heirs unto the said Aaron Lambert and to his heirs and assigns will warrant and by these presents against all claims whatsoever defend. In witness whereof the said Josias Lambert and Lucy his wife who hereby relinquishes her right of dower in said land and premises have hereunto set their hands and seals the day and year first above written.

Signed sealed and delivered in the presence of us

George Carter

Josias Lambert {Seal}
Lucy Lambert {Seal}

More Vintage Travel Posters - Bali via Amsterdam

As a follow-up to my post from April, this is another set of images from the Boston Public Library's collection of vintage travel posters. Next week I'll be at the Internet Governance Forum, so these are somewhat related to the locations I'll be traveling through to get there.
Source: Boston Public Library
Source: Boston Public Library
Source: Boston Public Library
Source: PictureThis

Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Warren County records on the Lambert family, Part 3

Continuing with the series of transcriptions from records provided by the Warren County Genealogical Society (see Part 1, Part 2):

Land Record, 4 November 1816

This indenture made the fourth day of November in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and sixteen between James Miranda of the County of Warren and State of Ohio of the first part and Josias Lambert of the County of Warren and the State of Ohio of the second part -

Witnesseth that the said James Miranda for and in consideration of the sum of one hundred dollars to him in hand by the said Josias Lambert the receipt whereof the said James Miranda doth hereby acknowledge and thereof and therefore doth clearly acquit exonerate and discharge the said Josias Lambert his heirs executors and administrators hath given granted bargained sold aliened enfeassed released conveyed and confirmed and by these presents doth give grant bargain sell alien enfeass release convey and confirm unto the said Josias Lambert his heirs and assigns forever all that tract or parcel of land situate lying and being in the township of Union being part of fractional section number one in the fifth township and the third or Military Range. Beginning at a stone on the [canch or land] of the Little Miami a hackberry tree 12 inches in diameter bearing N 23 1/2 W 11 links a sycamore 42 inches N 62 E 23 1/2 links and running thence up the River with it meanders N 82 E 10 poles N 51 E 10 5/10 poles N 32 E 14 poles to the lower corner of a part of said fraction conveyed to Josias Lambert by Benjamin Stites thence with his west boundary line N 50 W 188 5/10 poles to the north boundary line of the whole fraction. Thence with said line S 89 10 degrees W 30 8/10 poles to a stone a sugar tree 4 inches diameter bearing N 87 1/2 W 13 1/2 links beech 10 inches N 59 E 19 1/2 links thence S 50 E 2/3 poles to the beginning containing 40 acres the same more or less - together with the said Josias Lambert his heirs and assigns forever to the only proper use benefit and behoof of the said Josias Lambert his heirs and assigns that he the said James Miranda is lawfully seized of the same  and that he hath good right and full power to sell and convey the same in manner aforesaid, and the said James Miranda his heirs and assigns that the said tract of land unto the said Josias Lambert his heirs and assigns against all lawful claims and demands whatsoever will and truly warrant and forever defend by these presents. In witness whereof the said James Miranda together with Phebe his wife who hereby relinquishes her right of dower hereunto set their hands and affixed their seals the day and year above written.

Signed in the presence of George Miranda , Samuel Hicks

James Miranda {seal}
Phebe Miranda {seal}

Received 10 December 1816, recorded 21 January 1817

Land Record, 26 October 1818

This indenture made and concluded this 26th day of October one thousand eight hundred and eighteen by and between Benjamin Dye of the County of Miami and State of Ohio of the one part and Josiah Lambert of the County of Warren and State of Ohio of the other part -

Witnesseth that the said Benjamin Dye for and in consideration of the sum of four hundred dollars to him in hand well and truly paid by the said Josiah Lambert before the ensealing and delivery of these presents the receipt and payment whereof is hereby acknowledged and the said Josiah Lambert his heirs and assigns thereof and therefrom released and forever discharged by these presents. Have and do hereby grant bargain sell alien enfeass release convey and confirm unto the said Josiah Lambert his heirs and assigns forever. All and singular that certain tract or parcel of land as follows. Viz. Beginning on the north boundary line of fraction no. 1 township 5 third or military range 37 poles from the north east corner of said fraction running north 53 west until striking Andrew Gutterys land. Thence south until striking the above mentioned boundary line thence east to the place of beginning it being a corner of a small tract of land which said Josiah Lambert deeded to said Benjamin Dye being in Judge Symmes purchase agreeably to his surveys. To have and to hold said premises with all and singular the appurtenances thereunto in any wise belonging to the only proper use benefit and behoof of him the said Josiah Lambert his heirs and assigns forever. And the said Benjamin Dye for himself his executors and administrators do covenant to and with the said Josiah Lambert his heirs and assigns, that he the said Benjamin Dye now is lawfully and rightly seized of the said premises and every part and parcel thereof by purchase from Levi Jennings as will more fully appear by the Records of Warren County, and also that him the said Benjamin Dye now hath good right full power and lawful authority in his own name to grant bargain sell and convey all and singular the said premises, and the said Benjamin Dye for himself and his heirs executors and administrators do further covenant and grant to and with the said Josiah Lambert his heirs executors and administrators and assigns that all and singular the appurtenances and premises aforesaid and every part and parcel thereof or in any wise appertaining thereunto to the said Josiah Lambert his heirs and assigns to the only proper use benefit and behoof of the said Josiah Lambert his heirs and assigns against him the said Benjamin Dye his heirs executors and administrators and against all and every other person or persons whatsoever shall and will warrant and forever defend by these presents. In witness whereof the said Benjamin Dye together with his wife who relinquishes her right of dower of in and to the said premises and every part and parcel thereof have hereunto set their hands and seals this day and year first above written.

Signed sealed and delivered in presence of us
James Sayers
Thomas Sayers

Benjamin Dye {seal}
Priscilla Dye {seal}

The State of Ohio Miami County

Received 19th May 1819 & recorded 20th May 1819

Monday, October 7, 2013

Mappy Monday - A Corner of Ohio

As I take a close look at the land records for the Lambert and Lee families in Hamilton & Warren County, Ohio, I thought it would be useful to put this corner of the state in context with a map. This part of Ohio is also relevant to my Oyler family research. The map images are courtesy of the David Rumsey Map Collection.
Source: David Rumsey Map Collection, 1872 Atlas of Ohio
Hamilton County
Butler and Warren Counties

Sunday, October 6, 2013

Warren County records on the Lambert family, Part 2

Continuing with the series from last week on Josiah (also spelled Josias) Lambert, my 5th-great-grandfather, below is another land record from Warren County, Ohio.

Transfer for a meeting house for the Regular Baptist Society
5 November 1810

This indenture made this fifth day of November in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and ten between Benjamin Rue of the County of Warren and State of Ohio of the one part, and Josias Lambert and John Lee, trustees appointed by the Regular Baptist Society for the purpose of building a meeting house, of the County and State aforesaid of the other part. Witnesseth, that the said Benjamin Rue as well for and in consideration of the natural love affection and regard which the said Benjamin Rue hath and beareth unto the Regular Baptist Society and for other good causes hath given granted aliened enfeassed and confirmed, and by these presents doth give grant alien enfeass and confirm unto the said Lambert and Lee and their assigns forever, all that tract or parcel of land, for the purpose of building a meeting house on, and no other purpose, situate lying and being in the said county of Warren in the third entire range of townships and fifth township and fractional section number four, beginning on the north side of the State Road opposite the corner of the said Rues field on Henry Lee's line and running north thirteen poles, thence east twelve and an half poles, thence south thirteen poles thence west to the place of beginning containing one acre two and an half poles.

To have and to hold the said tract or parcel of land and every part and parcel thereof with all and singular the appurtenances thereunto belonging or in any way appurtaining to the only proper use benefit and [unclear] of the said Lambert and Lee trustees of the said Society or their successors forever and the said Benjamin Rue doth for himself his heirs and assigns covenant and agree to and with the said Lambert and Lee and their successors that the said Benjamin Rue will warrant and by these presents forever defend the said tract or parcel of land from the claim or claims of himself his heirs executors administrators or assigns to the said Lambert and Lee and their successors forever. In testimony whereof the said Benjamin Rue together with Mary his wife who hereby relinquishes her right of dower to the premises aforesaid have and hereunto severally set their hands and affixed their seals the day and year above written.

Signed sealed & delivered in the presence of James Witherson and Henry Lee

Benjamin Rue {Seal}
Mary Rue {Seal}

Notes: Henry Lee, the witness on the land transfer above, was also my 5th-great-grandfather. He was the father of Rhoda Lee, wife of Clayton Lambert. Henry Lee lived next to the land that was donated by Rue for the meeting house. John Lee, the other trustee in the transfer, was Henry's brother.

Friday, October 4, 2013

Friday Photo - Mr. Bones Pumpkin Patch

The photo below is from 10 October 2009, at the Mr. Bones celebrity pumpkin patch in West Hollywood, California. We took the kids there many times during our years in LA, and never failed to see some interesting people.
Photo by Patrick Jones - West Hollywood, 2009

Thursday, October 3, 2013

Warren County records on the Lambert family, Part 1

In August I wrote about Clayton Lambert, my 4th-great-grandfather, and a land transfer in Fayette County, Indiana from his parents, Josiah and Lucy Lambert. That document, and the entry in the History of Fayette County, pointed to Clayton's beginnings in Warren County, Ohio. I sent a request to the Warren County Genealogical Society and recently received a stack of land & probate records related to the Lambert and Lee families. This wasn't free, but I'm happy to share the transcriptions here on the blog for other researchers of these lines. This post is the first in a series.

Land Patent, 6 February 1817
James Madison, President of the United States of America

To all to whom these presents shall come greeting, know ye, that Josias Lambert of Warren County having deposited in the General Land office a certificate of the Register of the Land office at Cincinnati whereby it appears that full payment has been made for the North East quarter of Section Seventeen of Township Seventeen in Range thirteen East of the second principal Meridian of the lands directed to be sold at Cincinnati by the act of Congress "Entitled an act providing for the sale of the lands of the United States in the Territory Northwest of the Ohio and above the mouth of Kentucky River" and of the acts amendatory of the same. There is granted by the United States unto the said Josias Lambert the quarter lot on Section of land with the appurtenances unto the said Josias Lambert his heirs and assigns forever.

In testimony whereof I have caused these letters to be made patent and the seal of the General Land office to be hereunto affixed. Given under my hand at the City of Washington the sixth day of February in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and seventeen and of the Independence of the United States of America the forty first.

By the President, James Madison

Josiah Meigs, Commissioner of the General Land Office
(Received the 5th of June 1817, recorded 3 July 1817)

The land patent above relates to the land in Fayette County, Indiana later assigned to Clayton Lambert in 1826.

Land Record No. 1, Warren County, 29 September 1800

Josiah (also spelled Josias) Lambert arrived in the territory of Warren County when it was part of Hamilton County, Ohio. He appears on the 1806 early census index for Warren County. Even earlier, he appears in Land Record No.1 for Warren County:

This indenture made the twenty ninth day of September in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred between Benjamin Stites of the County of Hamilton Territory of the United States Northwest of the River Ohio of the first part and Josias Lambert of the County and Territory aforesaid of the second part. Witnesseth that the said Benjamin Stites for and in consideration of the sum of two hundred dollars to him in hand paid by the said Josias Lambert the receipt whereof the said Benjamin Stites doth hereby acknowledge and thereof and therefrom doth clearly acquit exonerate and discharge the said Josias Lambert his heirs executors and administrators hath given granted bargained sold aliened enfeased released conveyed and confirmed and by these presents doth give grant bargain sell alien and enfeass release convey and confirm unto the said Josias Lambert his heirs and assigns forever all that tract or parcel of land situate lying and being in the Township of Deerfield.

Being a part of a fractional Section number one in the fifth township and the third or Military Range, beginning at the north east corner of the said fractional section thence west one hundred and eighty poles thence south one hundred and twenty two poles to the upper part of an Island thence up the Miamee [Miami River] seventy two east twenty poles N. Sixty two east thirty eight poles N. Seventy two east eight poles north seventy six East Twenty poles north eighty east thirty six poles north fifty east thirty four poles north twenty four east twenty poles north fifteen east twenty eighty poles north fourteen east twenty four east twenty poles north fifteen east twenty eighty poles north fourteen east twenty poles to the beginning containing one hundred acres strict measure.

Together with all and singular the privileges and appurtenances thereunto belonging to have and to hold the said tract of land with the privileges thereunto belong unto the said Josias Lambert his heirs and assigns forever to the only for himself his heirs executors and administrators covenant and agree to and with the said Josias Lambert his heirs and assigns that he the said Benjamin Stites is lawfully seized of the same by purchase of the Honorable Jonathan Dayton and that he hath Good Right and full power to sell and convey the same in manner aforesaid and the said Benjamin Stites doth further to the said Josias Lambert his heirs and assigns that the said tract of land unto the said Josias Lambert his heirs and assigns against all lawful claims and demands whatsoever will well and truly warrant and forever by these presents defend in witness whereof of the said Benjamin Stites together with Hannah his wife who hereby relinquishes her right of dower have hereunto set their hands and affixed their seals the day and year first above written.

Sealed and delivered in presence of
Jacob Frazee
John Armstrong

Benjamin Stites {Seal}
Hannah Stites {Seal}

N.B. The word (the) in the eighteenth line from the top underlined before signing.

Received the above deed for record on the 4th day of February 1804 No. 37. Was recorded on the 18th day of said month year aforesaid certified by me.
M.H. Johnson, R. W. County