Thursday, February 27, 2014


I am currently waiting on source material to arrive in the mail. Hopefully some of these copies will open up new avenues of research on various family lines. The first big package which will hopefully arrive any day now is a copy of my great-grandfather Plutarco Campuzano's alien case file. I ordered this last month from Citizenship and Immigration Services. Since I replied immediately and used the tracking number provided I am hoping it will get here this week. The USCIS website does warn that while requests usually mail out within 3-4 weeks, it can take up to 90 days.

After finding the will of Michael Braun and marriage record for Christian Brown and Eva Welch in the records of Salem Evangelical Lutheran Church via the Lebanon County Historical Society, I wrote directly to the church to see if they had other records on the Braun family in their archives. The church archivist is working on my request, so I'm interested to see the results.

The Muskingum County Chapter of the Ohio Genealogical Society is sending me pages from the Biographical History of Muskingum County on my Davis, Conner and Pollack ancestors before the moved to Guernsey County, Ohio between 1812-1820. I'm expecting the package to arrive this week as well.

I will have updates on the results, hopefully soon.

Monday, February 24, 2014

Union Flag Tapestry

Photo by Patrick Jones, taken at Hospital Club, London, UK
On Friday I was in meetings in London. The small conference room we were using had a striking tapestry of the Union Jack (or Union Flag, see this 7 October 2013 article in Civilian) taking up the visual focal point of one wall in the room. At the end of the day I learned that this was a Vivienne Westwood original. My poor photo above doesn't capture it well. If I get another opportunity for meetings in that room I'll take a better picture.

Sunday, February 23, 2014

Will of Michael Braun

As a follow-up from my earlier post, Brown Family Found in Pennsylvania, below is a copy of the will of my 5th-great-grandfather Michael Braun. The will was written on 24 October 1826, and entered into probate by Christian Brown on 11 December 1826 in Jackson Township, Lebanon County, Pennsylvania.
Transcription (with some breaks included for readability):

In the name of God amen, I Michael Braun of Jackson Township in the county of Lebanon and state of Pennsylvania, being at present sickly so weakly in body, but of sound and disposing mind memory and understanding, thanks be unto God - calling unto mind the mortality of my body and knowing that it is appointed for all men once to die, do make and order in this to be my last will and testament, that is to say, principally and first of all, I recommend my immortal soul be in the hands of Almighty God and my body to the Earth, to be buried in a Christian like and present manner and as touching such worldly estate wherewith it hath pleased God to bless me in this life, I give devise and dispose of the same in the following manner and form.

In the first place is it my will that all my just debts and funeral expenses shall be paid off and satisfied out of my estate as soon as conveniently may be after my decease. Item I give and bequeath unto my beloved wife Catherine, one of my beds and bedstead to have the choice out of my beds, as also my tin plate stove with the pipe, her chest, her spinning wheel and all my linnen, and as much of my other household and kitchen furniture as she want or shall choose to take to have and to hold the same during her natural life or as long as she will remain my widow and the remainder of my personal estate shall be sold by public venue.

Item is it my will and I do hereby order and direct that my plantation whereon I now live situate in Jackson Township Lebanon County adjoining lands of Michael Mosser, Adam Beshore, Abraham Diehl and others containing one hundred and six acres, be the same more or less, shall be sold by public sale or out-cry by my hereinafter named Executor, as soon as conveniently may be done after my decease, either in pieces or in the whole for the best price that can be gotten for the same and I authorize my Executor to execute a deed or deeds to the purchaser or purchasers and the money arising out of such sale I give and and bequeath of the first money the sum of two hundred and fifty dollars unto my said beloved wife Catherine, and the residue of the remainder I give and bequeath unto my five children to be divided among them in equal shares, that is to say one full fifth part of these unto my son Christian Braun, one full fifth part unto my son John Braun, one full fifth part unto my son Michael Braun, one full fifth part unto my daughter Maria the wife of Henry Beshore, and one full fifth part unto my daughter Catherine now the wife of John Lang. -

And lastly I do hereby nominate constitute and appoint my son Christian Braun to be the Executor of this my last will and testament hereby revoking disannulling and making void all former and other wills by me heretofore made, ratifying and confirming this and no other to be my last will and testament.

In witness whereof I the said Michael Braun have hereunto set my hand and seal this twentyfourth day of October in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and twenty six.

Michael Braun his own mark [X]

Brown Family Found in Pennsylvania

Last month I wrote about my 4th-great-grandfather Christian Brown's service record index card as a Pennsylvania Rifleman during the War of 1812. Additional research found the reference to the marriage record for Christian Brown and Eva Welch in 1813 and Christian Brown's probate of his father Michael's will in Lebanon County in 1826 (thanks go to the Lebanon County Historical Society for these finds and for sending copies).

The research also uncovered the actual spelling of the family name to be Braun. Christian later changed the spelling of the family name to Brown.

Christian and Eva were married on 21 March 1813 in Salem Evangelical Lutheran Church in Lebanon County. The marriage was witnessed by Anna Maria Braun and Christopher Loser.

Christian Brown appears in the 1826 Tax list for Jackson Township, Lebanon County, Pennsylvania. Jacob and Michael Brown are also listed.
1826 Tax List, Jackson Twp, Lebanon County, PA
I will have a separate post on the will of Michael Braun.

Christian and his family later moved from Lebanon County, Pennsylvania to Fayette County, Indiana. I wrote about the land deeds for Christian Brown in August 2013.

Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Wordless Wednesday - Inside Recoleta

Photo by Patrick Jones. Recoleta Cemetery, Buenos Aires.

Sunday, February 16, 2014

Street Art Montevideo Part 2

As a follow-up from my previous post of street art pictures from Montevideo, Uruguay, here's another set:
Photo by Patrick Jones, Montevideo, 31 Jan 2014
Photo by Patrick Jones, Montevideo, 31 Jan 2014
Photo by Patrick Jones, Montevideo, 31 Jan 2014
Photo by Patrick Jones, Montevideo, 31 Jan 2014

John Conner's Will

The proximity of Henry Davis (my fifth-great-grandfather) to the Conner family in the Ohio Tax records for Spencer Township, Guernsey County, Ohio, triggered additional research in the Ohio Probate records for Guernsey County on FamilySearch. Sure enough, I found a will for John Conner Senior, and wouldn't you know, Henry Davis was a witness on John Conner's will, signed on 3 January 1825.

According to the will, John Conner Senior lived in Westland Township, neighboring Spencer Township in Guernsey County. The second page of the will states that John's eldest son was James Conner, and his subsequent sons were John Conner Junior, Joseph, Robert and Thomas. His daughters were listed as Rebecca Bay, Catherine Thompson, Eliza Pollock, Mary S. "Polly" Conner and Jean Conner. From the Ohio Marriage records, Rebecca Conner married Thomas Bay on 2 September 1813 in Guernsey County, Catherine Conner married Robert Thompson in Guernsey County on 16 September 1819, Eliza Conner married James Pollock in Guernsey County on 22 April 1824.
Source: FamilySearch, Ohio Probate Records, Image 80 of 524
The will was proven by John Conner Junior in Guernsey County on 15 February 1825, confirming that John Conner Senior died during the month of January 1825. Of additional interest is the name of the other witness on the will, William Pollock. Henry Davis married Rachel Pollock in 1807, I believe William was Rachel's brother.
There's more work to be done on the Conner family and on the parents of Jane Conner Davis. I am hoping this helps identify the connection. If other researchers of the Conner, Pollock and Davis families find this page, and have additional information, feel free to share.

Friday, February 14, 2014

Using Ohio Tax Records

Over the past few days I've been digging into the Davis family line in Guernsey County, Ohio and Vermilion County, Illinois. An excellent source of information that I had not used previously is the Ohio Tax Records, 1800-1850 on FamilySearch. After running a search for "Davis" and "Henry Davis" in Guernsey County, and looking carefully at the records, I have a fairly good idea of where the land was located in the county.

In the 1815-1816 tax year, Henry's land is listed as in the Southwest section of Range 10, Township 9, Section 6. This matches up exactly with the land patent issued in November 1812. He had 130 acres, and was taxed $2.92.
Source: FamilySearch, Ohio Tax Records, 1816
Henry was taxed the same amount in 1817, and only $1.95 in 1818. The tax went up to $2.27 in 1818-1819.
By 1820, Henry had picked up 146 acres of adjoining land in Range 10, Township 9, Section 7. In later tax years (1822, 1823, etc), the land is listed as in Spencer Township.
From the Guernsey County Gen Web Project (see, Township 9 can be found in the southwest corner of Guernsey County, along the border with Muskingum County. This aligns with Spencer Township (organized in 1819).
Source: Guernsey County Gen Web
1827's tax records for Spencer Township contained additional information, showing the number of horses and cattle owned, and their value. Henry owned 6 horses and 11 cattle. One horse was $40, one cattle was worth $8 (at least for tax purposes). The previous year, Henry had 5 horses and 6 cattle.
The names James and John Conner jump out on this form, as Azariah Davis married Jane Conner in 1832. One of these two men is a potential father of Jane. Both were listed as in Section 34 of Township 9.

By 1830, Henry had picked up an additional 130 acres in the Northwest part of Section 6 in Spencer Township, plus 2 and a half acres in Section 5.

Azariah Davis appears for the first time in the 1832 tax year, owning 2 cattle of his own. Henry was one of the wealthiest property owners in Spencer Township.
I don't see Henry or Azariah listed in the tax records after 1833.

The Ohio tax records is an untapped resource for my other early lines that were in Ohio between 1800-1850. I will need to check these records against other families in my tree. 

Davis Family Arrives in Vance Township

The snow days in DC have provided an opportunity to look closely at previous research on my Davis ancestors' arrival in Vance Township, Vermilion County, Illinois from Ohio. I had overlooked a 1911 book titled History of Vermilion County (found via Page 166 of that book describes how Henry Davis and his sons came to Vance Township in 1835 and entered the largest tract of land that had previously been recorded at the land patent office. They returned to Ohio and came back in 1836, entering a 3000 acre tract that year.
The 1879 History of Vermilion County by H. W. Beckwith (see includes further information on the Davis family, referencing Henry & Rachel Davis, and their sons William and James. This book shows the clear connection between the Davis family and their previous residence in Guernsey County, Ohio. From page 987:
The next page, 988, mentions "E.P. Davis". This is Eli P. Davis, son of my 4th-great-grandparents Azariah Davis and Jane Conner. The book correctly lists their birth years as 1808, and states that his father (Azariah) died in 1857. This is correct. It also states his mother (Jane) died in 1837. I have this date as 15 April 1842 based on information from Vermilion County.
Henry Davis received a series of land patents on 16 September 1835, matching up with the History of Vermilion County on the family's arrival from Guernsey County:
From the land patents, it appears Azariah's brother William led the way to Vermilion County, entering his first land patent on 10 October 1833.

My next post will look back at Guernsey County, using the Ohio Tax records to show where the Davis family land was located.

Thursday, February 13, 2014

Henry Davis in the War of 1812

Back in October 2012, I wrote about my 5th-great-grandfather, Henry Davis. He received a land patent in Guernsey County, Ohio, following his service in the War of 1812. I've now found a copy of the index card for Henry's service record, showing that he was a private in Colonel Robert Bay's Third Regiment, Ohio Militia, part of Captain Absalom Martin's Company.
Source: Google Books; Roster of Ohio Soldiers in War of 1812
According to the roster of Captain Martin's Company, Henry served from 26 August to 12 November 1812. Henry submitted his land patent in Guernsey County on 19 November 1812.

Another entry from the History of Guernsey County, shows Henry as part of Captain Martin's company:
Source: History of Guernsey County, Ohio, Pages 90, 91
I am interested to see if there is more to Henry's three months of service in the War of 1812.

Marriage Record for Azariah and Jane

I found a copy of the marriage record for my 4th-great-grandparents, Azariah Davis and Jane Conner (also spelled Connor in other records). They were married on 12 January 1832 in Guernsey County, Ohio. This record comes from FamilySearch, in the Ohio County Marriages database, 1789-1994.
Source: FamilySearch, Image 231 of 280
There are probably more records in Guernsey County before Azariah and Jane moved to Vermilion County, Illinois.

Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Travel Tuesday - Musgrave Orchards

It has been a while since I posted one of my Gumpy's sketches (see 29 January 2013, The Power of Wind). Below is another sketch from his Vanishing Landmarks, titled Musgrave Orchards and Cider Mill.
Art by Keith D. Jones, 1997
The sketch was accompanied by the following text:
"Soon after we moved back to Indiana, Jeanne and I discovered this roadside apple orchard and sales room south of Martinsville, Indiana on Old State Road 37, near the little town of Hindustan. We stopped and were welcomed by Bob and Pat Musgrave. They gave us a sample of fresh cider and as we enjoyed their Hoosier Hospitality, we were taken by the sights and smells of their sales room. There were great bins of red, green and yellow apples. The air was heavy with the sweet smell of cider and apples.

'What's so unusual about this?' Try to get this same kind of service and treatment the next time you shop at Krogers. This is another 'Vanishing Landmark'. Not only did we get a taste of Indiana apples and fresh cider, we made two new friends with the Musgraves."

The Musgrave family sold the farm in 2002, but it continues on today as family-run Core Farms CSA.

Friday, February 7, 2014

Friday Photo - Visit to MALBA

While in Buenos Aires, on the last day there I had a chance to visit MALBA, the Museo de Arte Latinoamericano de Buenos Aires. This was a cool place. 3 floors of Latin American art from the 20th century to the present. Below is a sampling of a few pieces that caught my eye.
Photo by Patrick Jones, MALBA, Buenos Aires
Photo by Patrick Jones, MALBA, Buenos Aires
Photo by Patrick Jones, MALBA, Buenos Aires

Thursday, February 6, 2014

Street Art Montevideo Part 1

In my travels I tend to keep an eye out for street art, graffiti and murals. Here is a sampling from last week in Montevideo. There were some great examples that I was not able to capture due to being on a bus or taxi. At this point I probably have more than enough street art photos over the years to assemble a photo book from stops around the world.
Photo by Patrick Jones, Montevideo, 31 Jan 2014
Photo by Patrick Jones - Montevideo, 31 Jan 2014
Photo by Patrick Jones - Montevideo, 31 Jan 2014
Photo by Patrick Jones - Montevideo, 31 Jan 2014
Photo by Patrick Jones, Montevideo, 31 Jan 2014

Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Following Rootstech Remotely

Last year I was able to attend Rootstech in person (at least for 1 day). Unfortunately other commitments prevent me from joining thousands at the Salt Palace for what should be a great event. If you're like me and interested in following Rootstech remotely, the organizers have posted an online broadcast schedule for streaming sessions. There is a free mobile app on iOS and Android, and the official hashtag to follow the conference on Twitter and Flipboard is #rootstech.

The first major announcement of the week comes from host FamilySearch, on efforts to put the world's historical records online in one generation. FamilySearch uses a good infographic to show how this effort will build family trees and bring billions of records online for research.

I think the bigger message is how the effort performed through cross-community collaboration is helping to preserve the world's historical records. This enables the sharing of knowledge and experiences for future generations. It involves a huge amount of data, identifying linkages and connections between cultures and people that may have been lost. This work is preserving important digital heritage and bringing stories to light. Congrats to FamilySearch on this initiative and hopefully a range of public sector entities and governments will participate to enable these records to be shared.

Travel Tuesday - Return Visit to Recoleta

After departing the beautiful beachside of Montevideo, I had the opportunity for a return visit to Buenos Aires. This provided time for a slow walk through the photographers' dream of Recoleta Cemetery. I saw this area when I went to Buenos Aires in November (see my previous post from 23 November). The set below is a sampling, there are many more from this trip as well as a set from November to sort through.
Photo by Patrick Jones, Recoleta, Buenos Aires
Photo by Patrick Jones
Photo by Patrick Jones
Photo by Patrick Jones
Photo by Patrick Jones
Photo by Patrick Jones

Monday, February 3, 2014

Montevideo Sunset

Last week I was in meetings in Montevideo, Uruguay. On the second night there I captured this sunset shot from the Hemingway restaurant overlooking the water. This was a nice place to be and a good break from the winter temperatures in the DC area.
Photo by Patrick Jones - Montevideo, UY, January 2014